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simple, easy-to-use, and declarative input validator; supports Node.js, TypeScript, and Deno
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import adjuster from "index";
{ describe("default", testDefault); describe("acceptNull", testAcceptNull); describe("acceptEmptyString", testAcceptEmptyString); describe("trim", testTrim); describe("pattern", testPattern);}
/** * default value * @return {void} */function testDefault(){ it("should be adjusted", () => { expect(adjuster.ipv4().default("") .adjust(undefined)).toEqual(""); }); it("should cause error(s)", () => { expect(() => { adjuster.ipv4() .adjust(undefined); }).toThrow(adjuster.CAUSE.REQUIRED); });}
/** * null * @return {void} */function testAcceptNull(){ it("should be OK", () => { expect(adjuster.ipv4().acceptNull("") .adjust(null)).toEqual(""); }); it("should cause error(s)", () => { expect(() => { adjuster.ipv4() .adjust(null); }).toThrow(adjuster.CAUSE.NULL); });}
/** * empty string * @return {void} */function testAcceptEmptyString(){ it("should be OK", () => { expect(adjuster.ipv4().acceptEmptyString("") .adjust("")).toEqual(""); }); it("should cause error(s)", () => { expect(() => { adjuster.ipv4() .adjust(""); }).toThrow(adjuster.CAUSE.EMPTY); });}
/** * remove whitespace from both ends * @return {void} */function testTrim(){ it("should be adjusted", () => { expect(adjuster.ipv4().trim() .adjust("\r\n \t ")).toEqual(""); }); it("should cause error(s)", () => { expect(() => { adjuster.ipv4().trim() .adjust(" \t\r\n "); }).toThrow(adjuster.CAUSE.EMPTY); });}
/** * IPv4 pattern * @return {void} */function testPattern(){ it("should be OK", () => { const values = [ "", "", "", ]; for(const value of values) { expect(adjuster.ipv4() .adjust(value)).toEqual(value); } }); it("should cause error(s)", () => { const values = [ "0.0.0.", "", "", "999.255.255.255", ]; for(const value of values) { expect(() => { adjuster.ipv4() .adjust(value); }).toThrow(adjuster.CAUSE.PATTERN); } });}