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simple, easy-to-use, and declarative input validator; supports Node.js, TypeScript, and Deno
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import adjuster from "index";
{ describe("type", testType); describe("default", testDefault); describe("acceptNull", testAcceptNull); describe("acceptEmptyString", testAcceptEmptyString); describe("trim", testTrim); describe("only", testOnly); describe("minLength", testMinLength); describe("maxLength", testMaxLength); describe("pattern", testPattern);}
/** * type * @return {void} */function testType(){ it("should be OK", () => { expect(adjuster.string() .adjust(0)).toEqual("0");
expect(adjuster.string() .adjust(-1)).toEqual("-1"); });}
/** * default value * @return {void} */function testDefault(){ it("should be adjusted", () => { expect(adjuster.string().default("xyz") .adjust(undefined)).toEqual("xyz"); }); it("should cause error(s)", () => { expect(() => { adjuster.string() .adjust(undefined); }).toThrow(adjuster.CAUSE.REQUIRED); });}
/** * null * @return {void} */function testAcceptNull(){ it("should be adjusted", () => { expect(adjuster.string().acceptNull("abc") .adjust(null)).toEqual("abc"); }); it("should cause error(s)", () => { expect(() => { adjuster.string() .adjust(null); }).toThrow(adjuster.CAUSE.NULL); });}
/** * empty string * @return {void} */function testAcceptEmptyString(){ it("should be OK", () => { expect(adjuster.string().acceptEmptyString("qwerty") .adjust("")).toEqual("qwerty"); }); it("should cause error(s)", () => { expect(() => { adjuster.string() .adjust(""); }).toThrow(adjuster.CAUSE.EMPTY); });}
/** * remove whitespace from both ends * @return {void} */function testTrim(){ it("should be adjusted", () => { expect(adjuster.string().trim() .adjust("\r\n hell, word \t ")).toEqual("hell, word"); }); it("should cause error(s)", () => { expect(() => { adjuster.string().trim() .adjust(" \t\r\n "); }).toThrow(adjuster.CAUSE.EMPTY); });}
/** * set * @return {void} */function testOnly(){ it("should be OK", () => { expect(adjuster.string().only("", "eat", "sleep", "play") .adjust("")).toEqual("");
expect(adjuster.string().only("", "eat", "sleep", "play") .adjust("eat")).toEqual("eat");
expect(adjuster.string().only("", "eat", "sleep", "play") .adjust("sleep")).toEqual("sleep");
expect(adjuster.string().only("", "eat", "sleep", "play") .adjust("play")).toEqual("play"); }); it("should cause error(s)", () => { expect(() => { adjuster.string().only("", "eat", "sleep", "play") .adjust("study"); }).toThrow(adjuster.CAUSE.ONLY); });}
/** * minimum length of string * @return {void} */function testMinLength(){ it("should be OK", () => { expect(adjuster.string().minLength(4) .adjust("1234")).toEqual("1234"); }); it("should cause error(s)", () => { expect(() => { adjuster.string().minLength(4) .adjust("abc"); }).toThrow(adjuster.CAUSE.MIN_LENGTH); });}
/** * maximum length of string * @return {void} */function testMaxLength(){ it("should be OK", () => { expect(adjuster.string().maxLength(8) .adjust("12345678")).toEqual("12345678"); }); it("should be adjusted", () => { expect(adjuster.string().maxLength(8, true) .adjust("123456789")).toEqual("12345678"); }); it("should cause error(s)", () => { expect(() => { adjuster.string().maxLength(8) .adjust("123456789"); }).toThrow(adjuster.CAUSE.MAX_LENGTH); });}
/** * pattern * @return {void} */function testPattern(){ it("should be OK", () => { expect(adjuster.string().pattern(/^Go+gle$/) .adjust("Gogle")).toEqual("Gogle");
expect(adjuster.string().pattern(/^Go+gle$/) .adjust("Google")).toEqual("Google");
expect(adjuster.string().pattern(/^Go+gle$/) .adjust("Gooogle")).toEqual("Gooogle"); }); it("should cause error(s)", () => { expect(() => { adjuster.string().pattern(/^Go+gle$/) .adjust("Ggle"); }).toThrow(adjuster.CAUSE.PATTERN);
expect(() => { adjuster.string().pattern(/^Go+gle$/) .adjust("google"); }).toThrow(adjuster.CAUSE.PATTERN); });}