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simple, easy-to-use, and declarative input validator; supports Node.js, TypeScript, and Deno
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Migration Guide

This document describes breaking changes due to version up.

v3 to v4

behavior of {ifUndefined: undefined}

In v3, {ifUndefined: undefined} is equivalent to {}. Both versions cause error if input value is undefined.

In v4, the former accepts undefined (and keeps it as-is), the latter doesn’t.

import vs from "value-schema";

const input = {};

// The below code throws error in v3, outputs `{foo: undefined}` in v4.
    const output = vs.applySchemaObject({
        foo: vs.number({
            ifUndefined: undefined,
    }, input);

// The below code throws error in both versions.
    const output = vs.applySchemaObject({
        foo: vs.number({}),
    }, input);

for migration

Replace {ifUndefined: undefined} with {}.

rename ValueSchemaError.prototype.cause to ValueSchemaError.prototype.rule

Error.prototype.cause has come in ES2022. It conflicts ValueSchemaError.prototype.cause, therefore ValueSchemaError.prototype.cause has been renamed to ValueSchemaError.prototype.rule, that means “the rule that input value didn’t satisfy”.

In addition, has been renamed to

// v3
import vs from "value-schema";

try {
    const input = {};
    const output = vs.applySchemaObject({
        foo: vs.number(),
    }, input);
catch (err) { // ValueSchemaError
    if (err.cause === vs.CAUSE.UNDEFINED) {
// v4
import vs from "value-schema";

try {
    const input = {};
    const output = vs.applySchemaObject({
        foo: vs.number(),
    }, input);
catch (err) { // ValueSchemaError
    if (err.rule === vs.RULE.UNDEFINED) { // cause -> rule

for migration

  • Replace err.cause with err.rule.
  • Replace vs.CAUSE with vs.RULE.