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simple, easy-to-use, and declarative input validator; supports Node.js, TypeScript, Deno, and Bun
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basic usage

applySchemaObject(schemaObject, input[, onError[, onFinishWithError]])

apply schemaObject to data.


An object to be applied schema; e.g., req.query, req.body (in Express)

data will NOT be overwritten.


Schema object.

  • key: property name of data
  • value: schema instance; see below examples


Callback function for each errors. If no errors, this function will not be called.

If this parameter is omitted, applySchemaObject() throws ValueSchemaError on first error and remaining adjusting process will be cancelled.

  • err
    • an instance of ValueSchemaError
    • err.keyStack indicates path to key name that caused error: (string | number)[]
  • returns
    • an adjuted value
  • throws
    • an exception that will thrown from applySchemaObject()
    • remaining processes will be cancelled


Will be called after finish with error. Will NOT called if no errors.



For more information, see below references about number(), string(), and so on.

const schemaObject = { // schema for input
    id: vs.number({ // number, >=1
        minValue: 1,
    name: vs.string({ // string, max 16 characters (trims if over)
        maxLength: {
            length: 16,
            trims: true,
    age: vs.number({ // number, integer (rounds down toward zero), >=0
        integer: vs.NUMBER.INTEGER.FLOOR_RZ,
        minValue: 0,
    email:, // email
    state: vs.string({ // string, accepts only "active" and "inactive"
        only: ["active", "inactive"],
    classes: vs.array({ // array of number, separated by ",", ignores errors
        separatedBy: ",",
        each: {
            schema: vs.number(),
            ignoresErrors: true,
    skills: vs.array({ // array of string, separated by ",", ignores errors
        separatedBy: ",",
        each: {
            schema: vs.string(),
            ignoresErrors: true,
    creditCard: vs.numericString({ // numeric string, separated by "-", checks by Luhn algorithm
        separatedBy: "-",
    remoteAddr: vs.string({ // IPv4
        pattern: vs.STRING.PATTERN.IPV4,
    remoteAddrIpv6: vs.string({ // IPv6
        pattern: vs.STRING.PATTERN.IPV6,
    limit: vs.number({ // number, integer, omittable (sets 10 if omitted), >=1 (sets 1 if less), <=100 (sets 100 if greater)
        ifUndefined: 10,
        integer: true,
        minValue: {
            value: 1,
            adjusts: true,
        maxValue: {
            value: 100,
            adjusts: true,
    offset: vs.number({ // number, integer, omittable (sets 0 if omitted), >=0 (sets 0 if less)
        ifUndefined: 0,
        integer: true,
        minValue: {
            value: 0,
            adjusts: true,
const input = { // input values
    id: "1",
    name: "Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Ciprin Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso",
    age: 20.5,
    email: "",
    state: "active",
    classes: "1,3,abc,4",
    skills: "c,c++,javascript,python,,swift,kotlin",
    creditCard: "4111-1111-1111-1111",
    remoteAddr: "",
    remoteAddrIpv6: "::1",
    limit: "0",
const expected = { // should be transformed to this
    id: 1,
    name: "Pablo Diego José",
    age: 20,
    email: "",
    state: "active",
    classes: [1, 3, 4],
    skills: ["c", "c++", "javascript", "python", "swift", "kotlin"],
    creditCard: "4111111111111111",
    remoteAddr: "",
    remoteAddrIpv6: "::1",
    limit: 1,
    offset: 0,

// Let's apply!
const actual = vs.applySchemaObject(schemaObject, input);

// verification
assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);

In TypeScript, type inference and auto-completion work perfectly!

error handling 1

fix errors

import vs from "value-schema";
import assert from "assert";

const schemaObject = {
    id: vs.number({
        minValue: 1,
    name: vs.string({
        maxLength: {
            length: 16,
            trims: true,
const input = {
    id: 0, // error! (>= 1)
    name: "", // error! (empty string is not allowed)
    email: "", // OK
const expected = {
    id: 100,
    name: "John Doe",
    email: "",

const actual = vs.applySchemaObject(schemaObject, input, (err) => {
    const key = err.keyStack.shift();
    switch(key) {
    case "id":
        return 100;
    case "name":
        return "John Doe";
        return null;
assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);

error handling 2

throw exception after finished with error

import vs from "value-schema";
import assert from "assert";

const schemaObject = {
    id: vs.number({
        minValue: 1,
    name: vs.string({
        maxLength: {
            length: 16,
            trims: true,
const input = {
    id: 0, // error! (>= 1)
    name: "", // error! (empty string is not allowed)
    email: "", // OK

assert.throws(() => {
    const messages = [];
    vs.applySchemaObject(schemaObject, input, (err) => {
        // append key name
        const key = err.keyStack.shift();
        if(key !== undefined) {
    }, () => {
        // finish with error; join key name as message
        throw Error(messages.sort().join(","));
}, {
    name: "Error",
    message: "id,name",

error handling 3

catch a first error by omitting error handler

import vs from "value-schema";
import assert from "assert";

const schemaObject = {
    id: vs.number({
        minValue: 1,
    name: vs.string({
        maxLength: {
            length: 16,
            trims: true,
const input = {
    id: 0, // error! (>= 1)
    name: "", // error! (empty string is not allowed)
    email: "", // OK

assert.throws(() => {
    // throws first error
    vs.applySchemaObject(schemaObject, input);
}, {
    name: "ValueSchemaError",
    rule: vs.RULE.MIN_VALUE,
    value: 0,
    keyStack: ["id"],

error handling 4

when input value is not an object

NOTE: schemaObject won’t be checked because it’s predictable; generated by programmer, not an external input

import vs from "value-schema";
import assert from "assert";

const schemaObject = {};
const input = 123;

assert.throws(() => {
    // `input` must be an object
    vs.applySchemaObject(schemaObject, input);
}, {
    name: "ValueSchemaError",
    rule: vs.RULE.TYPE,
    value: 123,
    keyStack: [],