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simple, easy-to-use, and declarative input validator; supports Node.js, TypeScript, Deno, and Bun
import * as ifEmptyString from "../appliers/ifEmptyString";import * as ifNull from "../appliers/ifNull";import * as ifUndefined from "../appliers/ifUndefined";import * as transform from "../appliers/transform";
import * as iso8601 from "../appliers/date/iso8601";import * as maxValue from "../appliers/date/maxValue";import * as minValue from "../appliers/date/minValue";import * as type from "../appliers/date/type";import * as unixtime from "../appliers/date/unixtime";
import {BaseSchema} from "./BaseSchema";
export const DATE = { UNIXTIME: unixtime.UNIXTIME,} as const;
export type RulesForDate = transform.Rules<Date> & ifUndefined.Rules<Date> & ifEmptyString.Rules<Date> & ifNull.Rules<Date> & iso8601.Rules & maxValue.Rules & minValue.Rules & unixtime.Rules;
export class DateSchema<Tx = never> extends BaseSchema<Date | Tx>{ constructor(rules: RulesForDate) { super(rules, [ ifUndefined.applyTo, ifNull.applyTo, ifEmptyString.applyTo, unixtime.applyTo, iso8601.applyTo, maxValue.applyTo, minValue.applyTo, type.applyTo, transform.applyTo, ]); }}