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A concise grammar of interactive graphics, built on Vega.
module.exports = function (type) { const helpText = `${type === 'vega' ? 'Compile' : 'Render'} a Vega-Lite specification to ${ type === 'vega' ? 'Vega' : type.toUpperCase() }.Usage: vl2${type} [vega_json_spec_file] [output_${type}_file] If no arguments are provided, reads from stdin. If output_${type}_file is not provided, writes to stdout. For errors and log messages, writes to stderr.To load data, you may need to set a base directory: For web retrieval, use '-b http://host/data/'. For files, use '-b file:///dir/data/' (absolute) or '-b data/' (relative).`;
const args = require('yargs').usage(helpText).demand(0);
args .string('b') .alias('b', 'base') .describe('b', 'Base directory for data loading. Defaults to the directory of the input spec.');
args .string('l') .alias('l', 'loglevel') .describe('l', 'Level of log messages written to stderr. One of "error", "warn" (default), "info", or "debug".');
args .string('c') .alias('c', 'config') .describe('c', 'Vega config object. Either a JSON file or a .js file that exports the config object.');
args .string('f') .alias('f', 'format') .describe('f', 'Number format locale descriptor. Either a JSON file or a .js file that exports the locale object.');
args .string('t') .alias('t', 'timeFormat') .describe( 't', 'Date/time format locale descriptor. Either a JSON file or a .js file that exports the locale object.' );
if (type === 'svg') { args.boolean('h').alias('h', 'header').describe('h', 'Include XML header and SVG doctype.'); }
args.number('s').alias('s', 'scale').default('s', 1).describe('s', 'Output resolution scale factor.');
args.number('seed').describe('seed', 'Seed for random number generation.');
if (type === 'vega') { args.boolean('p').alias('p', 'pretty').describe('p', 'Output human readable/pretty spec.'); }