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The npm-style script runner for Deno
import * as velociraptor from "";


Get log level numeric values through enum constants


Set text color to blue.

Make the text bold.

Ensures that the directory exists. If the directory structure does not exist, it is created. Like mkdir -p. Requires the --allow-read and --allow-write flag.

Test whether or not the given path exists by checking with the file system

Set text color to gray.

kill process Requires --allow-run flag

Get latest release version from supported registries

Log with critical level, using default logger.

Log with debug level, using default logger.

Log with error level, using default logger.

Get a logger instance. If not specified name, get the default logger.

Log with info level, using default logger.

Setup logger config.

Log with warning level, using default logger.

Moves a file or directory synchronously

Parse an URL from supported registries

Parses content as single YAML document.

Determines the common path from a set of paths, using an optional separator, which defaults to the OS default separator.

Convert a glob string to a regular expression.

Test whether the given string is a glob

Like join(), but doesn't collapse "**/.." when globstar is true.

Like normalize(), but doesn't collapse "**/.." when globstar is true.

Set text color to red.

Coerces a string to semver if possible

Return true if version is greater than all the versions possible in the range.

Return the version incremented by the release type (major, minor, patch, or prerelease), or null if it's not valid.

Return true if any of the ranges comparators intersect

Return true if version is less than all the versions possible in the range.

Return the major version number.

Return the minor version number.

Return true if the version is outside the bounds of the range in either the high or low direction. The hilo argument must be either the string '>' or '<'. (This is the function called by gtr and ltr.)

Return the patch version number.

Set text color to yellow.


A parsed path object generated by path.parse() or consumed by path.format().