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🌬 A template engine for Deno & Node
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import tokenize, { Token } from "./tokenizer.ts";
import type { Loader } from "./loader.ts";import { transformTemplateCode } from "./transformer.ts";
export interface TemplateResult { content: string; [key: string]: unknown;}
export interface Template { (data?: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<TemplateResult>; source: string; code: string; file?: string;}
export interface TemplateSync { (data?: Record<string, unknown>): TemplateResult; source: string; code: string; file?: string;}
export type TokenPreprocessor = ( env: Environment, tokens: Token[], path?: string,) => Token[] | void;
export type Tag = ( env: Environment, code: string, output: string, tokens: Token[],) => string | undefined;
export type FilterThis = { data: Record<string, unknown>; env: Environment;};
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type Filter = (this: FilterThis, ...args: any[]) => any;
export type Plugin = (env: Environment) => void;
export interface Options { loader: Loader; dataVarname: string; autoescape: boolean; useWith: boolean;}
export class Environment { cache = new Map<string, Template>(); options: Options; tags: Tag[] = []; tokenPreprocessors: TokenPreprocessor[] = []; filters: Record<string, Filter> = {}; utils: Record<string, unknown> = {};
constructor(options: Options) { this.options = options; }
use(plugin: Plugin) { plugin(this); }
async run( file: string, data: Record<string, unknown>, from?: string, ): Promise<TemplateResult> { const template = await this.load(file, from); return await template(data); }
async runString( source: string, data?: Record<string, unknown>, file?: string, ): Promise<TemplateResult> { if (file) { const cached = this.cache.get(file);
if (cached) { return await cached(data); }
const template = this.compile(source, file); this.cache.set(file, template);
return await template(data); }
const template = this.compile(source, file); return await template(data); }
runStringSync( source: string, data?: Record<string, unknown>, ): TemplateResult { const template = this.compile(source, "", {}, true); return template(data); }
compile( source: string, path?: string, defaults?: Record<string, unknown>, sync?: false, ): Template; compile( source: string, path?: string, defaults?: Record<string, unknown>, sync?: true, ): TemplateSync; compile( source: string, path?: string, defaults?: Record<string, unknown>, sync = false, ): Template | TemplateSync { const tokens = this.tokenize(source, path); let code = this.compileTokens(tokens).join("\n");
const { dataVarname, useWith } = this.options;
if (useWith) { code = transformTemplateCode(code, dataVarname); }
const constructor = new Function( "__file", "__env", "__defaults", `return${sync ? "" : " async"} function (${dataVarname}) { let __pos = 0; try { ${dataVarname} = Object.assign({}, __defaults, ${dataVarname}); const __exports = { content: "" }; ${code} return __exports; } catch (cause) { const template = __env.cache.get(__file); throw __env.createError(__file, template?.source || "", __pos, cause); } } `, );
const template: Template = constructor(path, this, defaults); template.file = path; template.code = code; template.source = source; return template; }
tokenize(source: string, path?: string): Token[] { const result = tokenize(source); let { tokens } = result; const { position, error } = result;
if (error) { throw this.createError(path || "unknown", source, position, error); }
for (const tokenPreprocessor of this.tokenPreprocessors) { const result = tokenPreprocessor(this, tokens, path);
if (result !== undefined) { tokens = result; } }
return tokens; }
async load(file: string, from?: string): Promise<Template> { const path = from ? this.options.loader.resolve(from, file) : file;
if (!this.cache.has(path)) { // Remove query and hash params from path before loading const cleanPath = path .split("?")[0] .split("#")[0];
const { source, data } = await this.options.loader.load(cleanPath); const template = this.compile(source, path, data);
this.cache.set(path, template); }
return this.cache.get(path)!; }
compileTokens( tokens: Token[], outputVar = "__exports.content", stopAt?: string[], ): string[] { const compiled: string[] = [];
tokens: while (tokens.length > 0) { if (stopAt && tokens[0][0] === "tag" && stopAt.includes(tokens[0][1])) { break; }
const [type, code, pos] = tokens.shift()!;
if (type === "comment") { continue; }
if (type === "string") { compiled.push(`${outputVar} += ${JSON.stringify(code)};`); continue; }
if (type === "tag") { compiled.push(`__pos = ${pos};`); for (const tag of this.tags) { const compiledTag = tag(this, code, outputVar, tokens);
if (typeof compiledTag === "string") { compiled.push(compiledTag); continue tokens; } }
// Unknown tag, just print it const expression = this.compileFilters( tokens, code, this.options.autoescape, ); compiled.push(`${outputVar} += (${expression}) ?? "";`); continue; }
throw new Error(`Unknown token type "${type}"`); }
return compiled; }
compileFilters(tokens: Token[], output: string, autoescape = false): string { let unescaped = false;
while (tokens.length > 0 && tokens[0][0] === "filter") { const [, code] = tokens.shift()!;
const match = code.match(/^(await\s+)?([\w.]+)(?:\((.*)\))?$/);
if (!match) { throw new Error(`Invalid filter: ${code}`); }
const [_, isAsync, name, args] = match;
if (!this.filters[name]) { if (name === "safe") { unescaped = true; } else if (isGlobal(name)) { // If a global function output = `${isAsync ? "await " : ""}${name}(${output}${ args ? `, ${args}` : "" })`; } else { // It's a prototype's method (e.g. `String.toUpperCase()`) output = `${isAsync ? "await " : ""}(${output})?.${name}?.(${ args ? args : "" })`; } } else { // It's a filter (e.g. filters.upper()) const { dataVarname } = this.options; output = `${ (isAsync || checkAsync(this.filters[name])) ? "await " : "" }__env.filters.${name}.call({data:${dataVarname},env:__env}, ${output}${ args ? `, ${args}` : "" })`; } }
// Escape by default if (autoescape && !unescaped) { output = `__env.filters.escape(${output})`; }
return output; }
createError( path: string, source: string, position: number, cause: Error, ): Error { if (!source) { return cause; }
const [line, column, code] = errorLine(source, position);
return new Error( `Error in the template ${path}:${line}:${column}\n\n${code.trim()}\n\n> ${cause.message}\n`, { cause }, ); }}
function isGlobal(name: string) { // @ts-ignore TS doesn't know about globalThis if (globalThis[name]) { return true; }
if (name.includes(".")) { const [obj, prop] = name.split("."); // @ts-ignore TS doesn't know about globalThis return typeof globalThis[obj]?.[prop] === "function"; }}
/** Returns the number and code of the errored line */export function errorLine( source: string, pos: number,): [number, number, string] { let line = 1; let column = 1;
for (let index = 0; index < pos; index++) { if ( source[index] === "\n" || (source[index] === "\r" && source[index + 1] === "\n") ) { line++; column = 1;
if (source[index] === "\r") { index++; } } else { column++; } }
return [line, column, source.split("\n")[line - 1]];}
function checkAsync(fn: () => unknown): boolean { return fn.constructor?.name === "AsyncFunction";}