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a build tool for compiling and bundling Vue single-file components
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import { Fctry } from "../dts/factory.d.ts";import { configReader } from "../lib/config_reader.ts";import { vueLogger } from "../lib/vue_logger.ts";import { writeBundle } from "../lib/bundle.ts";import { fs, path, v4 } from "../lib/deps.ts";import Component from "./Component.ts";import Storage from "./Storage.ts";import Queue from "./Queue.ts";import { checkVueVersion, isStorageReady, isValidOptions,} from "../utils/type_gaurds.ts";
export default class Factory { public storage: Storage; public queue: Queue; public variable: string; private _config: Fctry.Config | null; private _port: number; private _title: string; private _hostname: string; private _server: string | null; private static instance: Factory; private constructor(options?: Fctry.Config) { if (options) { if (!isValidOptions(options)) { throw new TypeError("received invalid options"); } } // if no options check for vno.config.json this.variable = v4.generate(); = new Storage(); this.queue = new Queue(); this._config = options ?? null; this._port = 3000; this._hostname = ""; this._title = "Your Project"; this._server = null; }
public static create(options?: Fctry.Config): Factory { if (!Factory.instance) { Factory.instance = new Factory(options); }
return Factory.instance; }
get config() { return this._config; }
get port() { if (this._port) return this._port; return 3000; }
get hostname() { if (this._hostname) return this._hostname; return ""; }
get title() { if (this._title) return this._title; return "Your Project"; }
get server() { if (this._server) return this._server; return null; }
public async init(): Promise<void> { const config = await configReader(); if (config) { this._config = config; if (config?.options?.port) { this._port = config.options.port; } if (config?.options?.hostname) { this._hostname = config.options.hostname; } if (config?.server) { this._server = config.server; } } }
private async createStorage(): Promise<void> { if (this.config == null) await this.init();
for await ( const file of fs.walk(`${this.config?.entry}`, { exts: ["vue"] }) ) { const label = path.parse(file.path).name; const component = new Component(label, file.path);, component);
if (label === this.config?.root) { = component; } } }
private async parseApplication(): Promise<void> { if (!isStorageReady( { throw new Error("failure to ready build"); }
const version = checkVueVersion(this._config) ? this._config?.vue as Fctry.Version : 2; = vueLogger(version,, this.variable);
while (!this.queue.isEmpty()) { const current = this.queue.dequeue() as Component; await current.parseComponent(, this.queue, this.variable); } }
public async build(): Promise<Storage> { await this.createStorage(); await this.parseApplication();
return as Storage; }}