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Monorepo for Javascript WebAssembly packages by Wasmer
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/* tslint:disable *//* eslint-disable *//***/export class JSVirtualFile { free(): void;/*** @returns {BigInt}*/ lastAccessed(): BigInt;/*** @returns {BigInt}*/ lastModified(): BigInt;/*** @returns {BigInt}*/ createdTime(): BigInt;/*** @returns {BigInt}*/ size(): BigInt;/*** @param {BigInt} new_size*/ setLength(new_size: BigInt): void;/*** @returns {Uint8Array}*/ read(): Uint8Array;/*** @returns {string}*/ readString(): string;/*** @param {Uint8Array} buf* @returns {number}*/ write(buf: Uint8Array): number;/*** @param {string} buf* @returns {number}*/ writeString(buf: string): number;/***/ flush(): void;/*** @param {number} position* @returns {number}*/ seek(position: number): number;}/***/export class MemFS { free(): void;/***/ constructor();/*** @param {string} path* @returns {Array<any>}*/ readDir(path: string): Array<any>;/*** @param {string} path*/ createDir(path: string): void;/*** @param {string} path*/ removeDir(path: string): void;/*** @param {string} path*/ removeFile(path: string): void;/*** @param {string} path* @param {string} to*/ rename(path: string, to: string): void;/*** @param {string} path* @returns {object}*/ metadata(path: string): object;/*** @param {string} path* @param {any} options* @returns {JSVirtualFile}*/ open(path: string, options: any): JSVirtualFile;}/***/export class WASI { free(): void;/*** @param {any} config*/ constructor(config: any);/*** @param {any} module* @param {object} imports* @returns {WebAssembly.Instance}*/ instantiate(module: any, imports: object): WebAssembly.Instance;/*** Start the WASI Instance, it returns the status code when calling the start* function* @returns {number}*/ start(): number;/*** Get the stdout buffer* Note: this method flushes the stdout* @returns {Uint8Array}*/ getStdoutBuffer(): Uint8Array;/*** Get the stdout data as a string* Note: this method flushes the stdout* @returns {string}*/ getStdoutString(): string;/*** Get the stderr buffer* Note: this method flushes the stderr* @returns {Uint8Array}*/ getStderrBuffer(): Uint8Array;/*** Get the stderr data as a string* Note: this method flushes the stderr* @returns {string}*/ getStderrString(): string;/*** Set the stdin buffer* @param {Uint8Array} buf*/ setStdinBuffer(buf: Uint8Array): void;/*** Set the stdin data as a string* @param {string} input*/ setStdinString(input: string): void;/*** @returns {MemFS}*/ readonly fs: MemFS;}/*** A struct representing an aborted instruction execution, with a message* indicating the cause.*/export class WasmerRuntimeError { free(): void;}
export type InitInput = RequestInfo | URL | Response | BufferSource | WebAssembly.Module;
export interface InitOutput { readonly memory: WebAssembly.Memory; readonly __wbg_memfs_free: (a: number) => void; readonly memfs_new: () => number; readonly memfs_readDir: (a: number, b: number, c: number) => number; readonly memfs_createDir: (a: number, b: number, c: number) => void; readonly memfs_removeDir: (a: number, b: number, c: number) => void; readonly memfs_removeFile: (a: number, b: number, c: number) => void; readonly memfs_rename: (a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, e: number) => void; readonly memfs_metadata: (a: number, b: number, c: number) => number; readonly memfs_open: (a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number) => number; readonly __wbg_jsvirtualfile_free: (a: number) => void; readonly jsvirtualfile_lastAccessed: (a: number, b: number) => void; readonly jsvirtualfile_lastModified: (a: number, b: number) => void; readonly jsvirtualfile_createdTime: (a: number, b: number) => void; readonly jsvirtualfile_size: (a: number, b: number) => void; readonly jsvirtualfile_setLength: (a: number, b: number, c: number) => void; readonly jsvirtualfile_read: (a: number, b: number) => void; readonly jsvirtualfile_readString: (a: number, b: number) => void; readonly jsvirtualfile_write: (a: number, b: number, c: number) => number; readonly jsvirtualfile_writeString: (a: number, b: number, c: number) => number; readonly jsvirtualfile_flush: (a: number) => void; readonly jsvirtualfile_seek: (a: number, b: number) => number; readonly __wbg_wasi_free: (a: number) => void; readonly wasi_new: (a: number) => number; readonly wasi_fs: (a: number) => number; readonly wasi_instantiate: (a: number, b: number, c: number) => number; readonly wasi_start: (a: number) => number; readonly wasi_getStdoutBuffer: (a: number, b: number) => void; readonly wasi_getStdoutString: (a: number, b: number) => void; readonly wasi_getStderrBuffer: (a: number, b: number) => void; readonly wasi_getStderrString: (a: number, b: number) => void; readonly wasi_setStdinBuffer: (a: number, b: number, c: number) => void; readonly wasi_setStdinString: (a: number, b: number, c: number) => void; readonly __wbg_wasmerruntimeerror_free: (a: number) => void; readonly __wbindgen_malloc: (a: number) => number; readonly __wbindgen_realloc: (a: number, b: number, c: number) => number; readonly __wbindgen_export_2: WebAssembly.Table; readonly __wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer: (a: number) => number; readonly __wbindgen_free: (a: number, b: number) => void; readonly __wbindgen_exn_store: (a: number) => void;}
/*** If `module_or_path` is {RequestInfo} or {URL}, makes a request and* for everything else, calls `WebAssembly.instantiate` directly.** @param {InitInput | Promise<InitInput>} module_or_path** @returns {Promise<InitOutput>}*/export default function init (module_or_path?: InitInput | Promise<InitInput>): Promise<InitOutput>;