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Monorepo for Javascript WebAssembly packages by Wasmer
use futures::{channel::oneshot::Receiver, Stream, StreamExt, TryFutureExt};use js_sys::Uint8Array;use wasm_bindgen::{closure::Closure, prelude::wasm_bindgen, JsCast, JsValue};use wasmer_wasix::WasiRuntimeError;
use crate::utils::Error;
/// A handle connected to a running WASIX program.#[derive(Debug)]#[wasm_bindgen]pub struct Instance { /// The standard input stream, if one wasn't provided when starting the /// instance. #[wasm_bindgen(getter_with_clone, readonly)] pub stdin: Option<web_sys::WritableStream>, /// The WASI program's standard output. #[wasm_bindgen(getter_with_clone, readonly)] pub stdout: web_sys::ReadableStream, /// The WASI program's standard error. #[wasm_bindgen(getter_with_clone, readonly)] pub stderr: web_sys::ReadableStream, pub(crate) exit: Receiver<ExitCondition>,}
#[wasm_bindgen]impl Instance { /// Wait for the process to exit. #[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "wait")] pub async fn js_wait(self) -> Result<JsOutput, Error> { let output = self.wait().await?; Ok(output.into()) }}
impl Instance { #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] async fn wait(self) -> Result<Output, Error> { let Instance { stdin, stdout, stderr, exit, } = self;
if let Some(stdin) = stdin { if stdin.locked() { // The caller has already acquired a writer so it's their // responsibility to close the stream. } else { match wasm_bindgen_futures::JsFuture::from(stdin.close()).await { Ok(_) => { tracing::debug!("Closed stdin"); }
Err(e) if e.has_type::<js_sys::TypeError>() => { tracing::debug!("Stdin was already closed by the user"); } Err(e) => { return Err(Error::js(e)); } } } }
let mut stdout_buffer = Vec::new(); let stdout_done = copy_to_buffer(crate::streams::read_to_end(stdout), &mut stdout_buffer); let mut stderr_buffer = Vec::new(); let stderr_done = copy_to_buffer(crate::streams::read_to_end(stderr), &mut stderr_buffer);
// Note: this relies on the underlying instance closing stdout and // stderr when it exits. Failing to do this will block forever. let (_, _, ExitCondition(code)) = futures::try_join!(stdout_done, stderr_done, exit.map_err(Error::from))?;
let output = Output { code, ok: code == 0, stdout: stdout_buffer, stderr: stderr_buffer, };
Ok(output) }}
async fn copy_to_buffer( stream: impl Stream<Item = Result<Vec<u8>, Error>>, buffer: &mut Vec<u8>,) -> Result<(), Error> { futures::pin_mut!(stream); while let Some(chunk) = { buffer.extend(chunk?); }
#[derive(Debug)]pub(crate) struct ExitCondition(i32);
impl ExitCondition { pub(crate) fn from_result(result: Result<(), anyhow::Error>) -> Self { let err = match result { Ok(_) => return ExitCondition(0), Err(e) => e, };
// looks like some sort of error occurred. let error_code = err .chain() .find_map(|e| e.downcast_ref::<WasiRuntimeError>()) .and_then(|runtime_error| runtime_error.as_exit_code());
match error_code { Some(code) => ExitCondition(code.raw()), None => { tracing::debug!(error = &*err, "Process exited unexpectedly"); ExitCondition(1) } } }}
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]struct Output { code: i32, ok: bool, stdout: Vec<u8>, stderr: Vec<u8>,}
#[wasm_bindgen]extern "C" { #[wasm_bindgen(typescript_type = "Output")] pub type JsOutput;}
impl From<Output> for JsOutput { fn from(value: Output) -> Self { let Output { code, ok, stdout, stderr, } = value;
let output = js_sys::Object::new(); let _ = js_sys::Reflect::set(&output, &JsValue::from_str("code"), &JsValue::from(code)); let _ = js_sys::Reflect::set(&output, &JsValue::from_str("ok"), &JsValue::from(ok)); let _ = js_sys::Reflect::set( &output, &JsValue::from_str("stdoutBytes"), &Uint8Array::from(stdout.as_slice()), ); js_sys::Object::define_property( &output, &JsValue::from_str("stdout"), &lazily_decoded_string_property(stdout), ); let _ = js_sys::Reflect::set( &output, &JsValue::from_str("stderrBytes"), &Uint8Array::from(stderr.as_slice()), ); js_sys::Object::define_property( &output, &JsValue::from_str("stderr"), &lazily_decoded_string_property(stderr), );
output.unchecked_into() }}
fn lazily_decoded_string_property(binary: Vec<u8>) -> js_sys::Object { let contents: once_cell::unsync::Lazy<js_sys::JsString, _> = once_cell::unsync::Lazy::new(move || { let utf8 = String::from_utf8_lossy(&binary); js_sys::JsString::from(utf8.as_ref()) });
let property = js_sys::Object::new(); let getter: Closure<dyn Fn() -> js_sys::JsString> = Closure::new(move || js_sys::JsString::clone(&contents)); js_sys::Reflect::set(&property, &JsValue::from("get"), &getter.into_js_value()).unwrap(); js_sys::Reflect::set(&property, &JsValue::from("enumerable"), &JsValue::TRUE).unwrap();
#[wasm_bindgen(typescript_custom_section)]const OUTPUT_TYPE_DEFINITION: &'static str = r#"export type Output = { /* The program's exit code. */ code: number; /* Did the program exit successfully? */ ok: boolean; /* The contents of the program's stdout stream. */ stdoutBytes: Uint8Array; /* The program's stdout stream, decoded as UTF-8. */ readonly stdout: string; /* The contents of the program's stderr stream. */ stderrBytes: Uint8Array; /* The program's stderr stream, decoded as UTF-8. */ readonly stderr: string;}"#;
#[cfg(test)]mod tests { use futures::channel::oneshot; use virtual_fs::AsyncReadExt; use virtual_fs::AsyncWriteExt; use wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test;
use super::*;
#[wasm_bindgen_test] async fn read_stdout_and_stderr_when_waiting_for_completion() { let (mut stdin, stdin_stream) = crate::streams::input_pipe(); let (mut stdout, stdout_stream) = crate::streams::output_pipe(); let (mut stderr, stderr_stream) = crate::streams::output_pipe(); let (sender, exit) = oneshot::channel(); let instance = Instance { stdin: Some(stdin_stream), stdout: stdout_stream, stderr: stderr_stream, exit, }; dbg!(&instance);
// First, let's pretend to be a WASIX process doing stuff in the background stdout.write_all(b"stdout").await.unwrap(); stdout.flush().await.unwrap(); stderr.write_all(b"stderr").await.unwrap(); stderr.flush().await.unwrap();
// Now, we pretend the WASIX process exited stdout.close(); stderr.close(); sender.send(ExitCondition(42)).unwrap();
// and wait for the result let output = instance.wait().await.unwrap();
assert_eq!( output, Output { code: 42, ok: false, stdout: b"stdout".to_vec(), stderr: b"stderr".to_vec() } ); // Reading from stdin should now result in an EOF because it's closed let mut buffer = Vec::new(); let bytes_read = stdin.read_to_end(&mut buffer).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(bytes_read, 0); }}