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Monorepo for Javascript WebAssembly packages by Wasmer
use std::{ collections::BTreeMap, fmt::{Debug, Display}, num::NonZeroUsize,};
use js_sys::{JsString, Promise, Uint8Array};
use wasm_bindgen::{prelude::wasm_bindgen, JsCast, JsValue};use web_sys::{Window, WorkerGlobalScope};
/// Try to extract the most appropriate error message from a [`JsValue`],/// falling back to a generic error fn js_error(value: JsValue) -> anyhow::Error { if let Some(e) = value.dyn_ref::<js_sys::Error>() { anyhow::Error::msg(String::from(e.message())) } else if let Some(obj) = value.dyn_ref::<js_sys::Object>() { return anyhow::Error::msg(String::from(obj.to_string())); } else if let Some(s) = value.dyn_ref::<js_sys::JsString>() { return anyhow::Error::msg(String::from(s)); } else { anyhow::anyhow!("An unknown error occurred: {value:?}") }}
/// A strongly-typed wrapper around `globalThis`.#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]pub(crate) enum GlobalScope { Window(Window), Worker(WorkerGlobalScope), Other(js_sys::Object),}
impl GlobalScope { pub fn current() -> Self { let global_scope = js_sys::global();
match global_scope.dyn_into() { Ok(window) => GlobalScope::Window(window), Err(global_scope) => match global_scope.dyn_into() { Ok(worker_global_scope) => GlobalScope::Worker(worker_global_scope), Err(other) => GlobalScope::Other(other), }, } }
pub fn sleep(&self, milliseconds: i32) -> Promise { Promise::new(&mut |resolve, reject| match self { GlobalScope::Window(window) => { window .set_timeout_with_callback_and_timeout_and_arguments_0(&resolve, milliseconds) .unwrap(); } GlobalScope::Worker(worker_global_scope) => { worker_global_scope .set_timeout_with_callback_and_timeout_and_arguments_0(&resolve, milliseconds) .unwrap(); } GlobalScope::Other(_) => { let error = js_sys::Error::new("Unable to call setTimeout()"); reject.call1(&reject, &error).unwrap(); } }) }
pub fn user_agent(&self) -> Option<String> { match self { GlobalScope::Window(scope) => scope.navigator().user_agent().ok(), GlobalScope::Worker(scope) => scope.navigator().user_agent().ok(), GlobalScope::Other(_) => None, } }
/// The amount of concurrency available on this system. /// /// Returns `None` if unable to determine the available concurrency. pub fn hardware_concurrency(&self) -> Option<NonZeroUsize> { let concurrency = match self { GlobalScope::Window(scope) => scope.navigator().hardware_concurrency(), GlobalScope::Worker(scope) => scope.navigator().hardware_concurrency(), GlobalScope::Other(_) => return None, };
let concurrency = concurrency.round() as usize; NonZeroUsize::new(concurrency) }
pub fn is_mobile(&self) -> bool { match self.user_agent() { Some(user_agent) => wasmer_wasix::os::common::is_mobile(&user_agent), None => false, } }
pub fn cross_origin_isolated(&self) -> Option<bool> { let obj = self.as_object(); js_sys::Reflect::get(obj, &JsValue::from_str("crossOriginIsolated")) .ok() .and_then(|obj| obj.as_bool()) }
fn as_object(&self) -> &js_sys::Object { match self { GlobalScope::Window(w) => w, GlobalScope::Worker(w) => w, GlobalScope::Other(obj) => obj, } }}
/// A wrapper around [`anyhow::Error`] that can be returned to JS to raise/// an exception.#[derive(Debug)]pub enum Error { Rust(anyhow::Error), JavaScript(JsValue),}
impl Error { pub(crate) fn js(error: impl Into<JsValue>) -> Self { Error::JavaScript(error.into()) }
pub(crate) fn into_anyhow(self) -> anyhow::Error { match self { Error::Rust(e) => e, Error::JavaScript(js) => js_error(js), } }}
impl<E: Into<anyhow::Error>> From<E> for Error { fn from(value: E) -> Self { Error::Rust(value.into()) }}
impl From<Error> for JsValue { fn from(error: Error) -> Self { match error { Error::JavaScript(e) => e, Error::Rust(error) => { let message = error.to_string(); let js_error = js_sys::Error::new(&message);
let _ = js_sys::Reflect::set( &js_error, &JsString::from("message"), &JsString::from(error.to_string()), );
let _ = js_sys::Reflect::set( &js_error, &JsString::from("detailedMessage"), &JsString::from(format!("{error:?}")), );
let causes: js_sys::Array = std::iter::successors(error.source(), |e| e.source()) .map(|e| JsString::from(e.to_string())) .collect(); let _ = js_sys::Reflect::set(&js_error, &JsString::from("causes"), &causes);
js_error.into() } } }}
impl Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { Error::Rust(e) => Display::fmt(e, f), Error::JavaScript(js) => { if let Some(e) = js.dyn_ref::<js_sys::Error>() { write!(f, "{}", String::from(e.message())) } else if let Some(obj) = js.dyn_ref::<js_sys::Object>() { write!(f, "{}", String::from(obj.to_string())) } else if let Some(s) = js.dyn_ref::<js_sys::JsString>() { write!(f, "{}", String::from(s)) } else { write!(f, "A JavaScript error occurred") } } } }}
pub(crate) fn object_entries(obj: &js_sys::Object) -> Result<BTreeMap<JsString, JsValue>, Error> { let mut entries = BTreeMap::new();
for key in js_sys::Object::keys(obj) { let key: JsString = key .dyn_into() .map_err(|_| Error::js(js_sys::TypeError::new("Object keys should be strings")))?; let value = js_sys::Reflect::get(obj, &key).map_err(Error::js)?; entries.insert(key, value); }
/// A dummy value that can be used in a [`Debug`] impl instead of showing the/// original struct Hidden;
impl Debug for Hidden { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { hidden(self, f) }}
pub(crate) fn hidden<T>(_value: T, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.write_str("_")}
/// Get a reference to the currently running fn current_module() -> js_sys::WebAssembly::Module { // FIXME: Switch this to something stable and portable // // We use an undocumented API to get a reference to the // WebAssembly module that is being executed right now so start // a new thread by transferring the WebAssembly linear memory and // module to a worker and beginning execution. // // This can only be used in the browser. Trying to build // wasmer-wasix for NodeJS will probably result in the following: // // Error: executing `wasm-bindgen` over the wasm file // Caused by: // 0: failed to generate bindings for import of `__wbindgen_placeholder__::__wbindgen_module` // 1: `wasm_bindgen::module` is currently only supported with `--target no-modules` and `--tar get web` wasm_bindgen::module().dyn_into().unwrap()}
pub(crate) fn js_string_array(array: js_sys::Array) -> Result<Vec<String>, Error> { let mut parsed = Vec::new();
for arg in array { match arg.dyn_into::<JsString>() { Ok(arg) => parsed.push(String::from(arg)), Err(_) => { return Err(Error::js(js_sys::TypeError::new( "Expected an array of strings", ))); } } }
pub(crate) fn js_record_of_strings(obj: &js_sys::Object) -> Result<Vec<(String, String)>, Error> { let mut parsed = Vec::new();
for (key, value) in crate::utils::object_entries(obj)? { let key: String = key.into(); let value: String = value .dyn_into::<JsString>() .map_err(|_| { Error::js(js_sys::TypeError::new( "Expected an object mapping strings to strings", )) })? .into(); parsed.push((key, value)); }
#[wasm_bindgen]extern "C" { #[wasm_bindgen(typescript_type = "string | Uint8Array")] pub type StringOrBytes;}
impl StringOrBytes { pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> { if let Some(s) = self.dyn_ref::<JsString>() { String::from(s).into() } else if let Some(buffer) = self.dyn_ref::<Uint8Array>() { buffer.to_vec() } else { unreachable!() } }}