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Monorepo for Javascript WebAssembly packages by Wasmer
use std::sync::Arc;
use bytes::BytesMut;use futures::{channel::oneshot, TryStreamExt};use js_sys::{JsString, Reflect, Uint8Array};use tracing::Instrument;use virtual_fs::{AsyncReadExt, Pipe};use wasm_bindgen::{prelude::wasm_bindgen, JsValue, UnwrapThrowExt};use wasmer_wasix::{ bin_factory::BinaryPackage, os::{Tty, TtyOptions}, runners::{wasi::WasiRunner, Runner}, runtime::resolver::PackageSpecifier, Runtime as _,};use web_sys::{ReadableStream, WritableStream};
use crate::{ instance::ExitCondition, runtime::Runtime, utils::{Error, GlobalScope}, Instance, JsRuntime, SpawnOptions,};
/// A package from the Wasmer registry.////// @example/// ```ts/// import { Wasmer } from "@wasmer/sdk";////// const pkg = await Wasmer.fromRegistry("wasmer/python");/// const instance = await pkg.entrypoint!.run({ args: ["--version"]});/// const { ok, code, stdout, stderr } = await instance.wait();////// if (ok) {/// console.log(`Version:`, stdout);/// } else {/// throw new Error(`Python exited with ${code}: ${stderr}`);/// }/// ```#[derive(Debug, Clone)]#[wasm_bindgen]pub struct Wasmer { /// The package's entrypoint. #[wasm_bindgen(getter_with_clone)] pub entrypoint: Option<Command>, /// A map containing all commands available to the package (including /// dependencies). #[wasm_bindgen(getter_with_clone)] pub commands: Commands,}
#[wasm_bindgen]impl Wasmer { /// Load a package from the Wasmer registry. #[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "fromRegistry")] pub async fn js_from_registry( specifier: &str, runtime: Option<OptionalRuntime>, ) -> Result<Wasmer, Error> { Wasmer::from_registry(specifier, runtime).await }
/// Load a package from a package file. #[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "fromFile")] pub async fn js_from_file( binary: Uint8Array, runtime: Option<OptionalRuntime>, ) -> Result<Wasmer, Error> { Wasmer::from_file(binary.to_vec(), runtime).await }}
/// The actual impl - with `#[tracing::instrument]` macros.impl Wasmer { #[tracing::instrument(skip(runtime))] async fn from_registry( specifier: &str, runtime: Option<OptionalRuntime>, ) -> Result<Self, Error> { let specifier = PackageSpecifier::parse(specifier)?; let runtime = runtime.unwrap_or_default().resolve()?.into_inner(); let pkg = BinaryPackage::from_registry(&specifier, &*runtime).await?;
Wasmer::from_package(pkg, runtime) }
#[tracing::instrument(skip(runtime))] async fn from_file(binary: Vec<u8>, runtime: Option<OptionalRuntime>) -> Result<Self, Error> { let runtime = runtime.unwrap_or_default().resolve()?.into_inner(); let container = webc::Container::from_bytes(binary)?; let pkg = BinaryPackage::from_webc(&container, &*runtime).await?;
Wasmer::from_package(pkg, runtime) }
fn from_package(pkg: BinaryPackage, runtime: Arc<Runtime>) -> Result<Self, Error> { let pkg = Arc::new(pkg); let commands = Commands::default();
for cmd in &pkg.commands { let name = JsString::from(; let value = JsValue::from(Command { name: name.clone(), runtime: Arc::clone(&runtime), pkg: Arc::clone(&pkg), }); Reflect::set(&commands, &name, &value).map_err(Error::js)?; }
let entrypoint = pkg.entrypoint_cmd.as_deref().map(|name| Command { name: name.into(), pkg: Arc::clone(&pkg), runtime, });
Ok(Wasmer { entrypoint, commands, }) }}
/// A runnable WASIX command.#[derive(Debug, Clone)]#[wasm_bindgen]pub struct Command { #[wasm_bindgen(getter_with_clone)] pub name: JsString, pkg: Arc<BinaryPackage>, runtime: Arc<Runtime>,}
#[wasm_bindgen]impl Command { pub async fn run(&self, options: Option<SpawnOptions>) -> Result<Instance, Error> { let runtime = Arc::clone(&self.runtime); let pkg = Arc::clone(&self.pkg); let tasks = Arc::clone(runtime.task_manager());
let options = options.unwrap_or_default();
let mut runner = WasiRunner::new(); let (stdin, stdout, stderr) = configure_runner(&options, &mut runner, &runtime).await?; let command_name = String::from(&;
tracing::debug!(%command_name, "Starting the WASI runner");
let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
// Note: The WasiRunner::run_command() method blocks, so we need to run // it on the thread pool. tasks.task_dedicated(Box::new(move || { let result = runner.run_command(&command_name, &pkg, runtime); let _ = sender.send(ExitCondition::from_result(result)); }))?;
Ok(Instance { stdin, stdout, stderr, exit: receiver, }) }
/// Read the binary that will be pub fn binary(&self) -> Uint8Array { let name = String::from(&; let cmd = self.pkg.get_command(&name).unwrap_throw(); Uint8Array::from(cmd.atom()) }}
#[wasm_bindgen]extern "C" { #[wasm_bindgen(typescript_type = "Record<string, Command>", extends = js_sys::Object)] #[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)] pub type Commands;
/// A helper to allow functions to take a `runtime?: Runtime` parameter. #[wasm_bindgen(typescript_type = "Runtime")] pub type OptionalRuntime;}
impl OptionalRuntime { fn resolve(&self) -> Result<JsRuntime, Error> { let js_value: &JsValue = self.as_ref();
if js_value.is_undefined() { Runtime::lazily_initialized().map(JsRuntime::from) } else { let rt = JsRuntime::try_from(js_value).expect_throw("Expected a runtime"); Ok(rt) } }}
impl Default for OptionalRuntime { fn default() -> Self { Self { obj: JsValue::UNDEFINED, } }}
pub(crate) async fn configure_runner( options: &SpawnOptions, runner: &mut WasiRunner, runtime: &Runtime,) -> Result< ( Option<web_sys::WritableStream>, web_sys::ReadableStream, web_sys::ReadableStream, ), Error,> { let args = options.parse_args()?; runner.set_args(args);
let env = options.parse_env()?; runner.set_envs(env);
for (dest, dir) in options.mounted_directories()? { runner.mount(dest, Arc::new(dir)); }
if let Some(uses) = options.uses() { let uses = crate::utils::js_string_array(uses)?; let packages = load_injected_packages(uses, runtime).await?; runner.add_injected_packages(packages); }
let (stderr_pipe, stderr_stream) = crate::streams::output_pipe(); runner.set_stderr(Box::new(stderr_pipe));
let tty_options = runtime.tty_options().clone(); match setup_tty(options, tty_options) { TerminalMode::Interactive { stdin_pipe, stdout_pipe, stdout_stream, stdin_stream, } => { tracing::debug!("Setting up interactive TTY"); runner.set_stdin(Box::new(stdin_pipe)); runner.set_stdout(Box::new(stdout_pipe)); runtime.set_connected_to_tty(true); Ok((Some(stdin_stream), stdout_stream, stderr_stream)) } TerminalMode::NonInteractive { stdin } => { tracing::debug!("Setting up non-interactive TTY"); let (stdout_pipe, stdout_stream) = crate::streams::output_pipe(); runner.set_stdin(Box::new(stdin)); runner.set_stdout(Box::new(stdout_pipe));
// HACK: Make sure we don't report stdin as interactive. This // doesn't belong here because now it'll affect every other // instance sharing the same runtime... In theory, every // instance should get its own TTY state, but that's an issue // for wasmer-wasix to work out. runtime.set_connected_to_tty(false);
Ok((None, stdout_stream, stderr_stream)) } }}
fn setup_tty(options: &SpawnOptions, tty_options: TtyOptions) -> TerminalMode { // Handle the simple (non-interactive) case first. if let Some(stdin) = options.read_stdin() { return TerminalMode::NonInteractive { stdin: virtual_fs::StaticFile::new(stdin), }; }
let (stdout_pipe, stdout_stream) = crate::streams::output_pipe();
// Note: Because this is an interactive session, we want to intercept // stdin and let the TTY modify it. // // To do that, we manually copy data from the user's pipe into the TTY, // then the TTY modifies those bytes and writes them to the pipe we gave // to the runtime. // // To avoid confusing the pipes and how stdin data gets moved around, // here's a diagram: // // --------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- // | stdin_stream (user) u_stdin_rx | --copy--> | (tty) u_stdin_tx | --pipe-> | stdin_pipe (runtime) ... | // --------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- let (u_stdin_rx, stdin_stream) = crate::streams::input_pipe(); let (u_stdin_tx, stdin_pipe) = Pipe::channel();
let tty = Tty::new( Box::new(u_stdin_tx), Box::new(stdout_pipe.clone()), GlobalScope::current().is_mobile(), tty_options, );
// Because the TTY is manually copying between pipes, we need to make // sure the stdin pipe passed to the runtime is closed when the user // closes their end. let cleanup = { let stdin_pipe = stdin_pipe.clone(); move || { tracing::debug!("Closing stdin"); stdin_pipe.close(); } };
// Use the JS event loop to drive our manual user->tty copy wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local( copy_stdin_to_tty(u_stdin_rx, tty, cleanup) .in_current_span() .instrument(tracing::debug_span!("tty")), );
TerminalMode::Interactive { stdin_pipe, stdout_pipe, stdout_stream, stdin_stream, }}
fn copy_stdin_to_tty( mut u_stdin_rx: Pipe, mut tty: Tty, cleanup: impl FnOnce(),) -> impl std::future::Future<Output = ()> { /// A RAII guard used to make sure the cleanup function always gets called. struct CleanupGuard<F: FnOnce()>(Option<F>);
impl<F: FnOnce()> Drop for CleanupGuard<F> { fn drop(&mut self) { let cb = self.0.take().unwrap(); cb(); } }
async move { let _guard = CleanupGuard(Some(cleanup)); let mut buffer = BytesMut::new();
loop { match u_stdin_rx.read_buf(&mut buffer).await { Ok(0) => { break; } Ok(_) => { // PERF: It'd be nice if we didn't need to do a copy here. let data = buffer.to_vec(); tty = tty.on_event(wasmer_wasix::os::InputEvent::Raw(data)).await; buffer.clear(); } Err(e) => { tracing::warn!( error = &e as &dyn std::error::Error, "Error reading stdin and copying it to the tty" ); break; } } } }}
#[derive(Debug)]enum TerminalMode { Interactive { /// The [`Pipe`] used as the WASIX instance's stdin. stdin_pipe: Pipe, /// The [`Pipe`] used as the WASIX instance's stdout. stdout_pipe: Pipe, /// The [`ReadableStream`] our JavaScript caller will read stdout from. stdout_stream: ReadableStream, /// The [`WritableStream`] our JavaScript caller will write stdin to. stdin_stream: WritableStream, }, NonInteractive { /// The file to use as the WASIX instance's stdin. stdin: virtual_fs::StaticFile, },}
#[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip_all)]async fn load_injected_packages( packages: Vec<String>, runtime: &Runtime,) -> Result<Vec<BinaryPackage>, Error> { let futures: futures::stream::FuturesOrdered<_> = packages .into_iter() .map(|pkg| async move { load_package(&pkg, runtime).await }) .collect();
let packages = futures.try_collect().await?;
#[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(runtime))]async fn load_package(pkg: &str, runtime: &Runtime) -> Result<BinaryPackage, Error> { let specifier: PackageSpecifier = pkg.parse()?; let pkg = BinaryPackage::from_registry(&specifier, runtime).await?;