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Build tool to use Rust code in Deno and the browser.
import { instantiate } from "./wasmbuild.generated.js";import { path } from "./deps.ts";
export interface BindgenOutput { js: string; snippets: Map<string, string[]>; localModules: Map<string, string>; wasmBytes: number[];}
export async function generateBindgen(libName: string, filePath: string) { // if wasmbuild is building itself, then we need to use the wasm-bindgen-cli const hasEnvPerm = await Deno.permissions.query({ name: "env" }); if (hasEnvPerm && Deno.env.get("WASMBUILD_BINDGEN_UPGRADE") === "1") { return generateForSelfBuild(filePath); }
const originalWasmBytes = await Deno.readFile(filePath); const { generate_bindgen } = await instantiate(); return await generate_bindgen( libName, originalWasmBytes, ) as BindgenOutput;}
async function generateForSelfBuild(filePath: string): Promise<BindgenOutput> { // When upgrading wasm-bindgen within wasmbuild, we can't rely on // using the .wasm file because it will be out of date and not build, // so we revert to using the globally installed wasm-bindgen cli. // See for more details const tempPath = await Deno.makeTempDir(); try { // note: ensure you have run `cargo install -f wasm-bindgen-cli` to upgrade // to the latest version const p = new Deno.Command("wasm-bindgen", { args: [ "--target", "deno", "--out-dir", tempPath, filePath, ], }).spawn(); const output = await p.status; if (!output.success) { throw new Error("Failed."); } const wasmBytes = await Deno.readFile( path.join(tempPath, "wasmbuild_bg.wasm"), ); return { js: await Deno.readTextFile(path.join(tempPath, "wasmbuild.js")), localModules: new Map(), snippets: new Map(), wasmBytes: Array.from(wasmBytes), }; } finally { await Deno.remove(tempPath, { recursive: true, }); }}