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Build tool to use Rust code in Deno and the browser.
// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { fetchWithRetries } from "../loader/fetch.ts";import { Buffer, cacheDir, colors, copy, ensureDir, gunzip, path, Untar,} from "./deps.ts";
const wasmOptFileName = === "windows" ? "wasm-opt.exe" : "wasm-opt";const tag = "version_109";
export async function runWasmOpt(filePath: string) { const binPath = await getWasmOptBinaryPath(); const p = new Deno.Command(binPath, { args: ["-Oz", filePath, "-o", filePath], stderr: "inherit", stdout: "inherit", }).spawn(); const output = await p.status;
if (!output.success) { throw new Error(`error executing wasmopt`); }}
async function getWasmOptBinaryPath() { const cacheDirPath = cacheDir(); if (!cacheDirPath) { throw new Error("Could not find cache directory."); } const tempDirPath = path.join(cacheDirPath, "wasmbuild", tag); const wasmOptExePath = path.join( tempDirPath, `binaryen-${tag}/bin`, wasmOptFileName, );
if (!(await fileExists(wasmOptExePath))) { await downloadBinaryen(tempDirPath); if (!(await fileExists(wasmOptExePath))) { throw new Error( `For some reason the wasm-opt executable did not exist after downloading at ${wasmOptExePath}.`, ); } }
return wasmOptExePath;}
async function fileExists(path: string) { try { await Deno.stat(path); return true; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return false; } else { throw err; } }}
async function downloadBinaryen(tempPath: string) { console.log( `${colors.bold("Downloading"))} wasm-opt binary...`, );
const response = await fetchWithRetries(binaryenUrl()); const buf = new Uint8Array(await response.arrayBuffer()); const decompressed = gunzip(buf); const untar = new Untar(new Buffer(decompressed));
for await (const entry of untar) { if ( entry.fileName.endsWith(wasmOptFileName) || entry.fileName.endsWith(".dylib") ) { const fileName = path.join(tempPath, entry.fileName); await ensureDir(path.dirname(fileName)); const file = await, { create: true, write: true, mode: 0o755, }); try { await copy(entry, file); } finally { file.close(); } } }}
function binaryenUrl() { function getOs() { switch ( { case "linux": return "linux"; case "darwin": return "macos"; case "windows": return "windows"; default: throw new Error("Unsupported OS"); } }
const os = getOs(); const arch = { "x86_64": "x86_64", "aarch64": "arm64", }[]; return new URL( `${tag}/binaryen-${tag}-${arch}-${os}.tar.gz`, );}