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Build tool to use Rust code in Deno and the browser.
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { expandGlob, path, Sha1 } from "./deps.ts";
export interface CargoMetadata { packages: CargoPackageMetadata[]; /** Identifiers in the `packages` array of the workspace members. */ "workspace_members": string[]; /** The absolute workspace root directory path. */ "workspace_root": string; /** Path to the target directory. */ "target_directory": string; resolve: { nodes: { id: string; dependencies: string[]; }[]; };}
export interface CargoPackageMetadata { id: string; name: string; version: string; dependencies: CargoDependencyMetadata[]; targets?: CargoPackageTarget[]; /** Path to Cargo.toml */ "manifest_path": string;}
export interface CargoDependencyMetadata { name: string; /** Version requrement (ex. ^0.1.0) */ req: string;}
export interface CargoPackageTarget { kind: string[]; name: string; crate_types?: string[];}
export async function getCargoWorkspace( directory: string, cargoFlags: string[],) { const p ={ cwd: directory, cmd: ["cargo", "metadata", "--format-version", "1", ...cargoFlags], stdout: "piped", }); const [status, output] = await Promise.all([p.status(), p.output()]); if (!status.success) { throw new Error("Error retrieving cargo metadata."); } const result = new TextDecoder().decode(output); return new CargoWorkspace(JSON.parse(result!) as CargoMetadata);}
export class CargoWorkspace { constructor(public readonly metadata: CargoMetadata) { }
getWasmCrate(filterName?: string | undefined) { const wasmCrates = this.getWasmCrates(); if (filterName) { const wasmCrate = wasmCrates.find((c) => === filterName); if (wasmCrate == null) { const pkg = this.metadata.packages.find((p) => === filterName); if (pkg == null) { throw new Error(`Could not find crate with name '${filterName}'.`); } else { throw new Error(`Crate ${filterName} was not a cdylib crate.`); } } return wasmCrate; } if (wasmCrates.length === 0) { throw new Error("Could not find a cdylib crate in the workspace."); } else if (wasmCrates.length > 1) { throw new Error( "There were multiple cdylib crates in the repo. " + "Please select one by providing the '-p <crate-name>' cli flag.\n\n" + => ` * ${}`).join("\n"), ); } else { return wasmCrates[0]; } }
getWasmCrates() { const crates: WasmCrate[] = []; for (const pkg of this.getWorkspacePackages()) { const wasmLibName = getWasmLibName(pkg); if (wasmLibName != null) { crates.push( new WasmCrate({ metadata: this.metadata, pkg, libName: wasmLibName, }), ); } } return crates; }
getWorkspacePackages() { const pkgs: CargoPackageMetadata[] = []; for (const memberId of this.metadata.workspace_members) { const pkg = this.metadata.packages.find((pkg) => === memberId); if (!pkg) { throw new Error(`Could not find package with id ${memberId}`); } pkgs.push(pkg); } return pkgs; }}
export class WasmCrate { #metadata: CargoMetadata; #pkg: CargoPackageMetadata;
libName: string;
constructor(opts: { metadata: CargoMetadata; pkg: CargoPackageMetadata; libName: string; }) { this.#pkg = opts.pkg; this.#metadata = opts.metadata; this.libName = opts.libName; }
get name() { return; }
getDependencyVersion(name: string) { const node = this.#metadata.resolve.nodes .find((n) => ===; for (const depId of node?.dependencies ?? []) { const pkg = this.#metadata.packages.find((pkg) => === depId); if (pkg?.name === name) { return pkg.version; } } return undefined; }
get rootFolder() { return path.dirname(this.#pkg.manifest_path); }
async getSourcesHash() { // simple for now... const paths = await this.#getSourcePaths(); paths.sort(); const hasher = new Sha1(); for (const path of paths) { const fileText = await Deno.readTextFile(path); // standardize file paths so this is not subject to // however git is configured to checkout files hasher.update(fileText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\n")); } return hasher.hex(); }
async #getSourcePaths() { const paths = []; for await ( const entry of expandGlob("**/{*.rs,Cargo.toml}", { root: this.rootFolder, exclude: ["./target"], }) ) { if (entry.isFile) { paths.push(entry.path); } } return paths; }}
function getWasmLibName(pkg: CargoPackageMetadata) { // [lib] // name = "deno_wasm" // crate-type = ["cdylib"] const wasmlib = pkg.targets?.find((p) => p.kind.includes("cdylib") && p.crate_types?.includes("cdylib") ); // Hyphens are not allowed in crate names return wasmlib?.name?.replaceAll("-", "_");}