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Build tool to use Rust code in Deno and the browser.
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { BuildCommand, CheckCommand } from "./args.ts";import { base64, colors, path, Sha1, writeAll } from "./deps.ts";import { getCargoWorkspace, WasmCrate } from "./manifest.ts";import { verifyVersions } from "./versions.ts";import { instantiate } from "./wasmbuild.generated.js";
export interface PreBuildOutput { bindgen: BindgenOutput; bindingJsText: string; bindingJsPath: string; sourceHash: string; wasmFileName: string | undefined;}
export interface BindgenOutput { js: string; snippets: { [name: string]: string[] }; localModules: { [name: string]: string }; wasmBytes: number[];}
export async function runPreBuild( args: CheckCommand | BuildCommand,): Promise<PreBuildOutput> { const home = Deno.env.get("HOME"); const root = Deno.cwd(); const workspace = await getCargoWorkspace(root, args.cargoFlags); const crate = workspace.getWasmCrate(args.project);
console.log( `${ colors.bold("Ensuring")) } wasm32-unknown-unknown target installed...`, );
const rustupAddWasm ={ cmd: ["rustup", "target", "add", "wasm32-unknown-unknown"], }).status(); if (!(await rustupAddWasm).success) { console.error(`adding wasm32-unknown-unknown target failed`); Deno.exit(1); }
console.log( `${colors.bold("Building"))} ${} WebAssembly...`, );
const cargoBuildCmd = [ "cargo", "build", "--lib", "-p",, "--target", "wasm32-unknown-unknown", ...args.cargoFlags, ];
if (args.profile === "release") { cargoBuildCmd.push("--release"); }
const RUSTFLAGS = Deno.env.get("RUSTFLAGS") || "" + `--remap-path-prefix=${root}=. --remap-path-prefix=${home}=~`; console.log(` ${colors.bold(colors.gray(cargoBuildCmd.join(" ")))}`); const cargoBuildReleaseCmdStatus ={ cmd: cargoBuildCmd, env: { "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH": "1600000000", "TZ": "UTC", "LC_ALL": "C", RUSTFLAGS, }, }).status(); if (!(await cargoBuildReleaseCmdStatus).success) { console.error(`cargo build failed`); Deno.exit(1); }
console.log(` ${colors.bold(colors.gray("Running wasm-bindgen..."))}`); const originalWasmBytes = await Deno.readFile( path.join( workspace.metadata.target_directory, `wasm32-unknown-unknown/${args.profile}/${crate.libName}.wasm`, ), ); const { generate_bindgen } = await instantiate(); const bindgenOutput = await generate_bindgen( crate.libName, originalWasmBytes, ) as BindgenOutput;
console.log( `${colors.bold("Generating"))} lib JS bindings...`, );
const { bindingJsText, sourceHash } = await getBindingJsOutput( args, crate, bindgenOutput, ); const bindingJsFileName = `${crate.libName}.generated.${args.bindingJsFileExt}`;
return { bindgen: bindgenOutput, bindingJsText, bindingJsPath: path.join(args.outDir, bindingJsFileName), sourceHash, wasmFileName: args.isSync ? undefined : getWasmFileNameFromCrate(crate), };}
async function getBindingJsOutput( args: CheckCommand | BuildCommand, crate: WasmCrate, bindgenOutput: BindgenOutput,) { const sourceHash = await getHash(); const header = `// @generated file from wasmbuild -- do not edit// deno-lint-ignore-file// deno-fmt-ignore-file`; const genText = bindgenOutput.js.replace( /\bconst\swasm_url\s.+/ms, getLoaderText(args, crate, bindgenOutput), ); const bodyText = await getFormattedText(`// source-hash: ${sourceHash}let wasm;${genText.includes("let cachedInt32Memory0;") ? "" : "let cachedInt32Memory0;"}${genText.includes("let cachedUint8Memory0;") ? "" : "let cachedUint8Memory0;"}${genText}`);
return { bindingJsText: `${header}\n${bodyText}`, sourceHash, };
async function getFormattedText(inputText: string) { const denoFmtCmdArgs = [ Deno.execPath(), "fmt", "--quiet", "--ext", "js", "-", ]; console.log(` ${colors.bold(colors.gray(denoFmtCmdArgs.join(" ")))}`); const denoFmtCmd ={ cmd: denoFmtCmdArgs, stdin: "piped", stdout: "piped", }); await writeAll(denoFmtCmd.stdin, new TextEncoder().encode(inputText)); denoFmtCmd.stdin.close(); const [output, status] = await Promise.all([ denoFmtCmd.output(), denoFmtCmd.status(), ]); if (!status.success) { console.error("deno fmt command failed"); Deno.exit(1); } return new TextDecoder().decode(output); }
async function getHash() { // Create a hash of all the sources, snippets, and local modules // in order to tell when the output has changed. const hasher = new Sha1(); const sourceHash = await crate.getSourcesHash(); hasher.update(sourceHash); for (const [identifier, list] of Object.entries(bindgenOutput.snippets)) { hasher.update(identifier); for (const text of list) { hasher.update(text.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\n")); } } for (const [name, text] of Object.entries(bindgenOutput.localModules)) { hasher.update(name); hasher.update(text.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\n")); } return hasher.hex(); }}
function getLoaderText( args: CheckCommand | BuildCommand, crate: WasmCrate, bindgenOutput: BindgenOutput,) { if (args.isSync) { return getSyncLoaderText(bindgenOutput); } else { return getAsyncLoaderText(crate, bindgenOutput); }}
function getSyncLoaderText(bindgenOutput: BindgenOutput) { const exportNames = getExportNames(bindgenOutput); return `/** Instantiates an instance of the Wasm module returning its functions. * @remarks It is safe to call this multiple times and once successfully * loaded it will always return a reference to the same object. */export function instantiate() { return instantiateWithInstance().exports;}
let instanceWithExports;
/** Instantiates an instance of the Wasm module along with its exports. * @remarks It is safe to call this multiple times and once successfully * loaded it will always return a reference to the same object. * @returns {{ * instance: WebAssembly.Instance; * exports: { ${ => `${n}: typeof ${n}`).join("; ")} } * }} */export function instantiateWithInstance() { if (instanceWithExports == null) { const instance = instantiateInstance(); wasm = instance.exports; cachedInt32Memory0 = new Int32Array(wasm.memory.buffer); cachedUint8Memory0 = new Uint8Array(wasm.memory.buffer); instanceWithExports = { instance, exports: { ${exportNames.join(", ")} }, }; } return instanceWithExports;}
/** Gets if the Wasm module has been instantiated. */export function isInstantiated() { return instanceWithExports != null;}
function instantiateInstance() { const wasmBytes = base64decode("\\\n${ base64.encode(new Uint8Array(bindgenOutput.wasmBytes)) .replace(/.{78}/g, "$&\\\n") }\\\n"); const wasmModule = new WebAssembly.Module(wasmBytes); return new WebAssembly.Instance(wasmModule, imports);}
function base64decode(b64) { const binString = atob(b64); const size = binString.length; const bytes = new Uint8Array(size); for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) { bytes[i] = binString.charCodeAt(i); } return bytes;} `;}
function getAsyncLoaderText( crate: WasmCrate, bindgenOutput: BindgenOutput,) { const exportNames = getExportNames(bindgenOutput); return `const wasm_url = new URL("${getWasmFileNameFromCrate(crate)}", import.meta.url);
/** * Decompression callback * * @callback decompressCallback * @param {Uint8Array} compressed * @return {Uint8Array} decompressed */
/** Instantiates an instance of the Wasm module returning its functions. * @remarks It is safe to call this multiple times and once successfully * loaded it will always return a reference to the same object. * @param {decompressCallback=} transform */export async function instantiate(transform) { return (await instantiateWithInstance(transform)).exports;}
let instanceWithExports;let lastLoadPromise;
/** Instantiates an instance of the Wasm module along with its exports. * @remarks It is safe to call this multiple times and once successfully * loaded it will always return a reference to the same object. * @param {decompressCallback=} transform * @returns {Promise<{ * instance: WebAssembly.Instance; * exports: { ${ => `${n}: typeof ${n}`).join("; ")} } * }>} */export function instantiateWithInstance(transform) { if (instanceWithExports != null) { return Promise.resolve(instanceWithExports); } if (lastLoadPromise == null) { lastLoadPromise = (async () => { try { const instance = (await instantiateModule(transform)).instance; wasm = instance.exports; cachedInt32Memory0 = new Int32Array(wasm.memory.buffer); cachedUint8Memory0 = new Uint8Array(wasm.memory.buffer); instanceWithExports = { instance, exports: getWasmInstanceExports(), }; return instanceWithExports; } finally { lastLoadPromise = null; } })(); } return lastLoadPromise;}
function getWasmInstanceExports() { return { ${exportNames.join(", ")} };}
/** Gets if the Wasm module has been instantiated. */export function isInstantiated() { return instanceWithExports != null;}
async function instantiateModule(transform) { switch (wasm_url.protocol) { case "file:": { if (typeof Deno !== "object") { throw new Error("file urls are not supported in this environment"); }
if ("permissions" in Deno) Deno.permissions.request({ name: "read", path: wasm_url }); const wasmCode = await Deno.readFile(wasm_url); return WebAssembly.instantiate(!transform ? wasmCode : transform(wasmCode), imports); } case "https:": case "http:": { if (typeof Deno === "object" && "permissions" in Deno) { Deno.permissions.request({ name: "net", host: }); } const wasmResponse = await fetch(wasm_url); if (transform) { const wasmCode = new Uint8Array(await wasmResponse.arrayBuffer()); return WebAssembly.instantiate(transform(wasmCode), imports); } if (wasmResponse.headers.get("content-type")?.toLowerCase().startsWith("application/wasm")) { return WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(wasmResponse, imports); } else { return WebAssembly.instantiate(await wasmResponse.arrayBuffer(), imports); } } default: throw new Error(\`Unsupported protocol: \${wasm_url.protocol}\`); }} `;}
function getExportNames(bindgenOutput: BindgenOutput) { return Array.from(bindgenOutput.js.matchAll( /export (function|class) ([^({]+)[({]/g, )).map((m) => m[2]);}
function getWasmFileNameFromCrate(crate: WasmCrate) { return `${crate.libName}_bg.wasm`;}