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import { assertThrows } from "";import { verifyVersions } from "./versions.ts";
const correctMap: { [name: string]: string } = { "wasm-bindgen": "0.2.81", "wasm-bindgen-futures": "0.4.31", "js-sys": "0.3.58", "web-sys": "0.3.58",};
Deno.test("should verify when all correct", () => { const crate = { name: "test-crate", getDependencyVersion(depName: string) { return correctMap[depName]; }, }; verifyVersions(crate);});
Deno.test("should verify when only wasm-bindgen version", () => { const crate = { name: "test-crate", getDependencyVersion(depName: string) { return { "wasm-bindgen": correctMap["wasm-bindgen"], }[depName]; }, }; verifyVersions(crate);});
Deno.test("should error when no wasm-bindgen", () => { const crate = { name: "test-crate", getDependencyVersion(_depName: string) { return undefined; }, }; assertThrows( () => verifyVersions(crate), Error, `The crate 'test-crate' must have a dependency on wasm-bindgen ${ correctMap["wasm-bindgen"] } (found <NOT FOUND>).`, );});
Deno.test("should error when has incorrect dependency", () => { const crateNames = Object.keys(correctMap); for (const crateName of crateNames) { const crate = { name: "test-crate", getDependencyVersion(depName: string) { return { "wasm-bindgen": correctMap["wasm-bindgen"], [crateName]: "0.0.1", }[depName]; }, }; assertThrows( () => verifyVersions(crate), Error, `The crate 'test-crate' must have a dependency on ${crateName} ${ correctMap[crateName] } (found 0.0.1).`, ); }});