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A pure deno file watcher.
import { readDir, readlink, lstatSync, lstat, readDirSync, readlinkSync, FileInfo, DenoError, ErrorKind} from "deno";
/** The result of checking in one loop */export class Changes { /** Paths of added files */ added: string[] = []; /** Paths of modified files */ modified: string[] = []; /** Paths of deleted files */ deleted: string[] = []; /** The time[posix ms] when the checking started. */ startTime: number; /** The time[posix ms] when the checking ended. */ endTime: number; /** Current file count */ fileCount = 0; /** added + modified + deleted */ get length(): number { return this.added.length + this.modified.length + this.deleted.length; } /** all changed paths */ get all(): string[] { return [...this.added, ...this.modified, ...this.deleted]; } /** The time[ms] took for checking. */ get time() { return this.endTime - this.startTime; }}
/** Options */export interface DetectorOptions { /** If true, watcher checks the symlinked files/directories too. */ followSymlink?: boolean; /** Ignores something like .gitignore, .vscode, etc. */ ignoreDotFiles?: boolean; /** Path to search in regex (ex. "\.(ts|css)$") */ test?: RegExp | string; /** Path to ignore in regex. */ ignore?: RegExp | string;}export interface Options extends DetectorOptions { /** The minimum interval[ms] of checking loop. * The next checking can be delayed until user program ends. * * |<------------------ interval ----------------->|<--------------- * |<-- checking -->| |<-- checking --> * |<--- user program --->| * * * |<---------- interval --------->| |<----------------------- * |<-- checking -->| |<-- checking --> * |<--- user program --->| */ interval?: number;}
/** The watcher */export interface Watcher extends AsyncIterable<Changes> { start( callback: (changes: Changes) => Promise<void> | void ): () => Promise<void>;}
const defaultOptions = { interval: 1000, followSymlink: false, ignoreDotFiles: true, test: /.*/, ignore: /$^/};
/** * Watch files/directories and detect changes. * @example * // Basic usage. * for await (const changes of watch("src")) { * console.log(changes.added); * console.log(changes.modified); * console.log(changes.deleted); * } * @example * // Kill watcher from outside of the loop. * const end = watch("src").start(changes => { * console.log(changes); * }); * end(); * @param dirs * @param options */export function watch(targets: string | string[], options?: Options): Watcher { const targets_ = Array.isArray(targets) ? targets : [targets]; options = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, options); return { [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return run(targets_, options); }, start: function(callback: (changes: Changes) => Promise<void> | void) { const state = { abort: false, timeout: null }; const loop = (async () => { for await (const changes of run(targets_, options, state)) { await callback(changes); } })(); return async () => { state.abort = true; if (state.timeout) { clearTimeout(state.timeout); } else { await loop; } }; } };}export default watch;
async function* run( targets: string[], options: Options, state = { abort: false, timeout: null }) { const detector = new Detector(targets, options); const { startTime } = detector.init(); let lastStartTime = startTime; while (!state.abort) { let waitTime = Math.max(0, options.interval - ( - lastStartTime)); await new Promise(resolve => { state.timeout = setTimeout(resolve, waitTime); }); state.timeout = null; lastStartTime =; const changes = await detector.detectChanges(); lastStartTime = changes.startTime; if (changes.length) { yield changes; } }}
/** This object detects changes for one step */export class Detector { public files = {}; constructor(public targets: string[], public options: DetectorOptions) {} /** Call this function first to collect initial files. * Otherwise, all files existing at first will be marked as "ADDED" next time. */ init(): { startTime: number; endTime: number; fileCount: number } { const filter = makeFilter(this.options); const changes = new Changes(); changes.startTime =; collect(this.files, this.targets, this.options.followSymlink, filter); changes.fileCount = Object.keys(this.files).length; changes.endTime =; return changes; } /** Traverse all files and detect changes. */ async detectChanges(): Promise<Changes> { const changes = new Changes(); changes.startTime =; const newFiles = {}; const filter = makeFilter(this.options); await walk( this.files, newFiles, this.targets, this.options.followSymlink, filter, changes ); Array.prototype.push.apply(changes.deleted, Object.keys(this.files)); this.files = newFiles; changes.fileCount = Object.keys(newFiles).length; changes.endTime =; return changes; }}
function makeFilter({ test, ignore, ignoreDotFiles }: Options) { const testRegex = typeof test === "string" ? new RegExp(test) : test; const ignoreRegex = typeof ignore === "string" ? new RegExp(ignore) : ignore; return function filter(f: FileInfo, path: string) { if (ignoreDotFiles) { const splitted = path.split("/"); const name = || splitted[splitted.length - 1]; if (/^\.[^.]+/.test(name)) { return false; } } if (f.isFile()) { if (!testRegex.test(path)) { return false; } if (ignoreRegex.test(path)) { return false; } } return true; };}
async function walk( prev: any, curr: any, targets: (string | FileInfo)[], followSymlink: boolean, filter: (f: FileInfo, path: string) => boolean, changes: Changes): Promise<void> { const promises = []; for (let f of targets) { let linkPath; let path; let info; try { if (typeof f === "string") { path = f; info = await (followSymlink ? statTraverse : lstat)(f); } else if (f.isSymlink() && followSymlink) { linkPath = f.path; info = await statTraverse(f.path); path = info.path; } else { path = f.path; info = f; } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof DenoError && e.kind === ErrorKind.NotFound) { continue; } else { throw e; } } if (!path) { throw new Error("path not found"); } if (!filter(info, linkPath || path)) { continue; } if (info.isDirectory()) { const files = await readDir(path); promises.push(walk(prev, curr, files, followSymlink, filter, changes)); } else if (info.isFile()) { if (curr[path]) { continue; } curr[path] = info.modified || info.created; if (!prev[path]) { changes.added.push(path); } else if (prev[path] < curr[path]) { changes.modified.push(path); } delete prev[path]; } } await Promise.all(promises);}
function collect( all: any, targets: (string | FileInfo)[], followSymlink: boolean, filter: (f: FileInfo, path?: string) => boolean): void { for (let f of targets) { let linkPath; let path; let info; try { if (typeof f === "string") { path = f; info = (followSymlink ? statTraverseSync : lstatSync)(f); } else if (f.isSymlink() && followSymlink) { linkPath = f.path; path = readlinkSync(f.path); info = statTraverseSync(path); } else { path = f.path; info = f; } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof DenoError && e.kind === ErrorKind.NotFound) { continue; } else { throw e; } } if (!path) { throw new Error("path not found"); } if (!filter(info, linkPath || path)) { continue; } if (info.isDirectory()) { collect(all, readDirSync(path), followSymlink, filter); } else if (info.isFile()) { all[path] = info.modified || info.created; } }}
// Workaround for non-linuxasync function statTraverse(path: string): Promise<FileInfo> { const info = await lstat(path); if (info.isSymlink()) { const targetPath = await readlink(path); return statTraverse(targetPath); } else { info.path = info.path || path; return info; }}function statTraverseSync(path: string): FileInfo { const info = lstatSync(path); if (info.isSymlink()) { const targetPath = readlinkSync(path); return statTraverseSync(targetPath); } else { info.path = info.path || path; return info; }}