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🌐 Deno bindings for webview, a tiny library for creating web-based desktop GUIs
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/// <reference lib="deno.unstable" />import { encodeCString, instances, lib } from "./ffi.ts";
/** Window size hints */export type SizeHint = typeof SizeHint[keyof typeof SizeHint];
/** Window size hints */export const SizeHint = { /** Width and height are default size */ NONE: 0, /** Width and height are minimum bounds */ MIN: 1, /** Width and height are maximum bounds */ MAX: 2, /** Window size can not be changed by a user */ FIXED: 3,} as const;
/** Window size */export interface Size { /** The width of the window */ width: number; /** The height of the window */ height: number; /** The window size hint */ hint: SizeHint;}
/** * An instance of a webview window. * * ## Examples * * ### Local * * ```ts * import { Webview } from "../mod.ts"; * * const html = ` * <html> * <body> * <h1>Hello from deno v${Deno.version.deno}</h1> * </body> * </html> * `; * * const webview = new Webview(); * * webview.navigate(`data:text/html,${encodeURIComponent(html)}`); *; * ``` * * ### Remote * * ```ts * import { Webview } from "../mod.ts"; * * const webview = new Webview(); * webview.navigate(""); *; * ``` */export class Webview { #handle: Deno.PointerValue | null = null; #callbacks: Map< string, Deno.UnsafeCallback<{ parameters: "pointer"[]; result: "void"; }> > = new Map();
/** **UNSAFE**: Highly unsafe API, beware! * * An unsafe pointer to the webview */ get unsafeHandle() { return this.#handle; }
/** **UNSAFE**: Highly unsafe API, beware! * * An unsafe pointer to the webviews platform specific native window handle. * When using GTK backend the pointer is `GtkWindow` pointer, when using Cocoa * backend the pointer is `NSWindow` pointer, when using Win32 backend the * pointer is `HWND` pointer. */ get unsafeWindowHandle() { return lib.symbols.webview_get_window(this.#handle); }
/** * Sets the native window size * * ## Example * * ```ts * import { Webview, SizeHint } from "../mod.ts"; * * const webview = new Webview(); * webview.navigate(""); * * // Change from the default size to a small fixed window * webview.size = { * width: 200, * height: 200, * hint: SizeHint.FIXED * }; * *; * ``` */ set size( { width, height, hint }: Size, ) { lib.symbols.webview_set_size(this.#handle, width, height, hint); }
/** * Sets the native window title * * ## Example * * ```ts * import { Webview } from "../mod.ts"; * * const webview = new Webview(); * webview.navigate(""); * * // Set the window title to "Hello world!" * webview.title = "Hello world!"; * *; * ``` */ set title(title: string) { lib.symbols.webview_set_title(this.#handle, encodeCString(title)); }
/** **UNSAFE**: Highly unsafe API, beware! * * Creates a new webview instance from a webview handle. * * @param handle A previously created webview instances handle */ constructor(handle: Deno.PointerValue); /** * Creates a new webview instance. * * ## Example * * ```ts * import { Webview, SizeHint } from "../mod.ts"; * * // Create a new webview and change from the default size to a small fixed window * const webview = new Webview(true, { * width: 200, * height: 200, * hint: SizeHint.FIXED * }); * * webview.navigate(""); *; * ``` * * @param debug Defaults to false, when true developer tools are enabled * for supported platforms * @param size The window size, default to 1024x768 with no size hint. Set * this to undefined if you do not want to automatically resize the window. * This may cause issues for MacOS where the window is invisible until * resized. * @param window **UNSAFE**: Highly unsafe API, beware! An unsafe pointer to * the platforms specific native window handle. If null or undefined a new * window is created. If it's non-null - then child WebView is embedded into * the given parent window. Otherwise a new window is created. Depending on * the platform, a `GtkWindow`, `NSWindow` or `HWND` pointer can be passed * here. */ constructor( debug?: boolean, size?: Size, window?: Deno.PointerValue | null, ); constructor( debugOrHandle: boolean | Deno.PointerValue = false, size: Size | undefined = { width: 1024, height: 768, hint: SizeHint.NONE }, window: Deno.PointerValue | null = null, ) { this.#handle = typeof debugOrHandle === "bigint" || typeof debugOrHandle === "number" ? debugOrHandle : lib.symbols.webview_create( Number(debugOrHandle), window, );
if (size !== undefined) { this.size = size; }
// Push this instance to the global instances list to automatically destroy instances.push(this); }
/** * Destroys the webview and closes the window along with freeing all internal * resources. */ destroy() { for (const callback of Object.keys(this.#callbacks)) { this.unbind(callback); } lib.symbols.webview_terminate(this.#handle); lib.symbols.webview_destroy(this.#handle); this.#handle = null; }
/** * Navigates webview to the given URL. URL may be a data URI, i.e. * `"data:text/html,<html>...</html>"`. It is often ok not to url-encodeCString it * properly, webview will re-encodeCString it for you. */ navigate(url: URL | string) { lib.symbols.webview_navigate( this.#handle, encodeCString(url instanceof URL ? url.toString() : url), ); }
/** * Runs the main event loop until it's terminated. After this function exits * the webview is automatically destroyed. */ run(): void { lib.symbols.webview_run(this.#handle); this.destroy(); }
/** * Binds a callback so that it will appear in the webview with the given name * as a global async JavaScript function. Callback receives a seq and req value. * The seq parameter is an identifier for using {@link Webview.return} to * return a value while the req parameter is a string of an JSON array representing * the arguments passed from the JavaScript function call. * * @param name The name of the bound function * @param callback A callback which takes two strings as parameters: `seq` * and `req` and the passed {@link arg} pointer * @param arg A pointer which is going to be passed to the callback once called */ bindRaw( name: string, callback: ( seq: string, req: string, arg: Deno.PointerValue | null, ) => void, arg: Deno.PointerValue | null = null, ) { const callbackResource = new Deno.UnsafeCallback( { parameters: ["pointer", "pointer", "pointer"], result: "void", }, ( seqPtr: Deno.PointerValue, reqPtr: Deno.PointerValue, arg: Deno.PointerValue | null, ) => { const seq = seqPtr ? new Deno.UnsafePointerView(seqPtr).getCString() : ""; const req = reqPtr ? new Deno.UnsafePointerView(reqPtr).getCString() : ""; callback(seq, req, arg); }, ); this.#callbacks.set(name, callbackResource); lib.symbols.webview_bind( this.#handle, encodeCString(name), callbackResource.pointer, arg, ); }
/** * Binds a callback so that it will appear in the webview with the given name * as a global async JavaScript function. Callback arguments are automatically * converted from json to as closely as possible match the arguments in the * webview context and the callback automatically converts and returns the * return value to the webview. * * @param name The name of the bound function * @param callback A callback which is passed the arguments as called from the * webview JavaScript environment and optionally returns a value to the * webview JavaScript caller * * ## Example * ```ts * import { Webview } from "../mod.ts"; * * const html = ` * <html> * <body> * <h1>Hello from deno v${Deno.version.deno}</h1> * <button onclick="press('I was pressed!', 123, new Date()).then(log);"> * Press me! * </button> * </body> * </html> * `; * * const webview = new Webview(); * * webview.navigate(`data:text/html,${encodeURIComponent(html)}`); * * let counter = 0; * // Create and bind `press` to the webview javascript instance. * // This functions in addition to logging its parameters also returns * // a value from deno land to webview land. * webview.bind("press", (a, b, c) => { * console.log(a, b, c); * * return { times: counter++ }; * }); * * // Bind the `log` function in the webview to the parent instances `console.log` * webview.bind("log", (...args) => console.log(...args)); * *; * ``` */ bind( name: string, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any callback: (...args: any) => any, ) { this.bindRaw(name, (seq, req) => { const args = JSON.parse(req); let result; let success: boolean; try { result = callback(...args); success = true; } catch (err) { result = err; success = false; } if (result instanceof Promise) { result.then((result) => this.return(seq, success ? 0 : 1, JSON.stringify(result)) ); } else { this.return(seq, success ? 0 : 1, JSON.stringify(result)); } }); }
/** * Unbinds a previously bound function freeing its resource and removing it * from the webview JavaScript context. * * @param name The name of the bound function */ unbind(name: string) { lib.symbols.webview_unbind(this.#handle, encodeCString(name)); this.#callbacks.get(name)?.close(); this.#callbacks.delete(name); }
/** * Returns a value to the webview JavaScript environment. * * @param seq The request pointer as provided by the {@link Webview.bindRaw} * callback * @param status If status is zero the result is expected to be a valid JSON * result value otherwise the result is an error JSON object * @param result The stringified JSON response */ return(seq: string, status: number, result: string) { lib.symbols.webview_return( this.#handle, encodeCString(seq), status, encodeCString(result), ); }
/** * Evaluates arbitrary JavaScript code. Evaluation happens asynchronously, * also the result of the expression is ignored. Use * {@link Webview.bind bindings} if you want to receive notifications about * the results of the evaluation. */ eval(source: string) { lib.symbols.webview_eval(this.#handle, encodeCString(source)); }
/** * Injects JavaScript code at the initialization of the new page. Every time * the webview will open a the new page - this initialization code will be * executed. It is guaranteed that code is executed before window.onload. */ init(source: string) { lib.symbols.webview_init(this.#handle, encodeCString(source)); }}