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Finds the path to the specified command in Deno.
export interface Environment { /** Gets an environment variable. */ env(key: string): string | undefined; /** Resolves the `Deno.FileInfo` for the specified * path following symlinks. */ stat(filePath: string): Promise<Pick<Deno.FileInfo, "isFile">>; /** Synchronously resolves the `Deno.FileInfo` for * the specified path following symlinks. */ statSync(filePath: string): Pick<Deno.FileInfo, "isFile">; /** Gets the current operating system. */ os: typeof;}
export class RealEnvironment implements Environment { env(key: string): string | undefined { return Deno.env.get(key); }
stat(path: string): Promise<Deno.FileInfo> { return Deno.stat(path); }
statSync(path: string): Deno.FileInfo { return Deno.statSync(path); }
get os() { return; }}
/** Finds the path to the specified command asynchronously. */export async function which( command: string, environment: Omit<Environment, "statSync"> = new RealEnvironment(),) { const systemInfo = getSystemInfo(command, environment); if (systemInfo == null) { return undefined; }
for (const pathItem of systemInfo.pathItems) { const filePath = pathItem + command; if (systemInfo.pathExts) { for (const pathExt of systemInfo.pathExts) { const filePath = pathItem + command + pathExt; if (await pathMatches(environment, filePath)) { return filePath; } } } else { if (await pathMatches(environment, filePath)) { return filePath; } } }
return undefined;}
async function pathMatches( environment: Omit<Environment, "statSync">, path: string,): Promise<boolean> { try { const result = await environment.stat(path); return result.isFile; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.PermissionDenied) { throw err; } return false; }}
/** Finds the path to the specified command synchronously. */export function whichSync( command: string, environment: Omit<Environment, "stat"> = new RealEnvironment(),) { const systemInfo = getSystemInfo(command, environment); if (systemInfo == null) { return undefined; }
for (const pathItem of systemInfo.pathItems) { const filePath = pathItem + command; if (pathMatchesSync(environment, filePath)) { return filePath; } if (systemInfo.pathExts) { for (const pathExt of systemInfo.pathExts) { const filePath = pathItem + command + pathExt; if (pathMatchesSync(environment, filePath)) { return filePath; } } } }
return undefined;}
function pathMatchesSync( environment: Omit<Environment, "stat">, path: string,): boolean { try { const result = environment.statSync(path); return result.isFile; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.PermissionDenied) { throw err; } return false; }}
interface SystemInfo { pathItems: string[]; pathExts: string[] | undefined; isNameMatch: (a: string, b: string) => boolean;}
function getSystemInfo( command: string, environment: Omit<Environment, "stat" | "statSync">,): SystemInfo | undefined { const isWindows = environment.os === "windows"; const envValueSeparator = isWindows ? ";" : ":"; const path = environment.env("PATH"); const pathSeparator = isWindows ? "\\" : "/"; if (path == null) { return undefined; }
return { pathItems: splitEnvValue(path).map((item) => normalizeDir(item)), pathExts: getPathExts(), isNameMatch: isWindows ? (a, b) => a.toLowerCase() === b.toLowerCase() : (a, b) => a === b, };
function getPathExts() { if (!isWindows) { return undefined; }
const pathExtText = environment.env("PATHEXT") ?? ".EXE;.CMD;.BAT;.COM"; const pathExts = splitEnvValue(pathExtText); const lowerCaseCommand = command.toLowerCase();
for (const pathExt of pathExts) { // Do not use the pathExts if someone has provided a command // that ends with the extenion of an executable extension if (lowerCaseCommand.endsWith(pathExt.toLowerCase())) { return undefined; } }
return pathExts; }
function splitEnvValue(value: string) { return value .split(envValueSeparator) .map((item) => item.trim()) .filter((item) => item.length > 0); }
function normalizeDir(dirPath: string) { if (!dirPath.endsWith(pathSeparator)) { dirPath += pathSeparator; } return dirPath; }}