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Windmill deno client (separated from the main repo because most of the code is auto-generated from the openapi and not worth committing)
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import { ResponseContext, RequestContext, HttpFile } from '../http/http.ts';import * as models from '../models/all.ts';import { Configuration} from '../configuration.ts'
import { AuditLog } from '../models/AuditLog.ts';import { CompletedJob } from '../models/CompletedJob.ts';import { ContextualVariable } from '../models/ContextualVariable.ts';import { CreateResource } from '../models/CreateResource.ts';import { CreateVariable } from '../models/CreateVariable.ts';import { CreateWorkspace } from '../models/CreateWorkspace.ts';import { EditResource } from '../models/EditResource.ts';import { EditResourceType } from '../models/EditResourceType.ts';import { EditSchedule } from '../models/EditSchedule.ts';import { EditVariable } from '../models/EditVariable.ts';import { EditWorkspaceUser } from '../models/EditWorkspaceUser.ts';import { Flow } from '../models/Flow.ts';import { FlowMetadata } from '../models/FlowMetadata.ts';import { FlowModule } from '../models/FlowModule.ts';import { FlowModuleValue } from '../models/FlowModuleValue.ts';import { FlowPreview } from '../models/FlowPreview.ts';import { FlowStatus } from '../models/FlowStatus.ts';import { FlowStatusModule } from '../models/FlowStatusModule.ts';import { FlowStatusModuleIterator } from '../models/FlowStatusModuleIterator.ts';import { FlowValue } from '../models/FlowValue.ts';import { ForloopFlow } from '../models/ForloopFlow.ts';import { GlobalUserInfo } from '../models/GlobalUserInfo.ts';import { Group } from '../models/Group.ts';import { InlineObject } from '../models/InlineObject.ts';import { InlineObject1 } from '../models/InlineObject1.ts';import { InlineObject10 } from '../models/InlineObject10.ts';import { InlineObject11 } from '../models/InlineObject11.ts';import { InlineObject12 } from '../models/InlineObject12.ts';import { InlineObject13 } from '../models/InlineObject13.ts';import { InlineObject14 } from '../models/InlineObject14.ts';import { InlineObject15 } from '../models/InlineObject15.ts';import { InlineObject16 } from '../models/InlineObject16.ts';import { InlineObject17 } from '../models/InlineObject17.ts';import { InlineObject18 } from '../models/InlineObject18.ts';import { InlineObject19 } from '../models/InlineObject19.ts';import { InlineObject2 } from '../models/InlineObject2.ts';import { InlineObject20 } from '../models/InlineObject20.ts';import { InlineObject21 } from '../models/InlineObject21.ts';import { InlineObject22 } from '../models/InlineObject22.ts';import { InlineObject23 } from '../models/InlineObject23.ts';import { InlineObject24 } from '../models/InlineObject24.ts';import { InlineObject3 } from '../models/InlineObject3.ts';import { InlineObject4 } from '../models/InlineObject4.ts';import { InlineObject5 } from '../models/InlineObject5.ts';import { InlineObject6 } from '../models/InlineObject6.ts';import { InlineObject7 } from '../models/InlineObject7.ts';import { InlineObject8 } from '../models/InlineObject8.ts';import { InlineObject9 } from '../models/InlineObject9.ts';import { InlineResponse200 } from '../models/InlineResponse200.ts';import { InlineResponse2001 } from '../models/InlineResponse2001.ts';import { InlineResponse2002 } from '../models/InlineResponse2002.ts';import { InlineResponse2002Asks } from '../models/InlineResponse2002Asks.ts';import { InlineResponse2003 } from '../models/InlineResponse2003.ts';import { InlineResponse2003Flows } from '../models/InlineResponse2003Flows.ts';import { InlineResponse2004 } from '../models/InlineResponse2004.ts';import { InlineResponse2005 } from '../models/InlineResponse2005.ts';import { InlineResponse2006 } from '../models/InlineResponse2006.ts';import { InputTransform } from '../models/InputTransform.ts';import { JavascriptTransform } from '../models/JavascriptTransform.ts';import { Job } from '../models/Job.ts';import { JobAllOf } from '../models/JobAllOf.ts';import { ListableVariable } from '../models/ListableVariable.ts';import { Login } from '../models/Login.ts';import { MainArgSignature } from '../models/MainArgSignature.ts';import { MainArgSignatureArgs } from '../models/MainArgSignatureArgs.ts';import { NewSchedule } from '../models/NewSchedule.ts';import { NewToken } from '../models/NewToken.ts';import { NewUser } from '../models/NewUser.ts';import { OpenFlow } from '../models/OpenFlow.ts';import { OpenFlowWPath } from '../models/OpenFlowWPath.ts';import { PathFlow } from '../models/PathFlow.ts';import { PathScript } from '../models/PathScript.ts';import { Preview } from '../models/Preview.ts';import { QueuedJob } from '../models/QueuedJob.ts';import { RawScript } from '../models/RawScript.ts';import { Resource } from '../models/Resource.ts';import { ResourceType } from '../models/ResourceType.ts';import { Schedule } from '../models/Schedule.ts';import { Script } from '../models/Script.ts';import { SlackToken } from '../models/SlackToken.ts';import { SlackTokenBot } from '../models/SlackTokenBot.ts';import { StaticTransform } from '../models/StaticTransform.ts';import { TokenResponse } from '../models/TokenResponse.ts';import { TruncatedToken } from '../models/TruncatedToken.ts';import { Usage } from '../models/Usage.ts';import { User } from '../models/User.ts';import { UserWorkspaceList } from '../models/UserWorkspaceList.ts';import { UserWorkspaceListWorkspaces } from '../models/UserWorkspaceListWorkspaces.ts';import { WorkerPing } from '../models/WorkerPing.ts';import { Workspace } from '../models/Workspace.ts';import { WorkspaceInvite } from '../models/WorkspaceInvite.ts';import { ObservableAdminApi } from './ObservableAPI.ts';
import { AdminApiRequestFactory, AdminApiResponseProcessor} from "../apis/AdminApi.ts";export class PromiseAdminApi { private api: ObservableAdminApi
public constructor( configuration: Configuration, requestFactory?: AdminApiRequestFactory, responseProcessor?: AdminApiResponseProcessor ) { this.api = new ObservableAdminApi(configuration, requestFactory, responseProcessor); }
/** * create user (require admin privilege) * @param workspace * @param newUser new user */ public createUser(workspace: string, newUser: NewUser, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.createUser(workspace, newUser, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * delete user (require admin privilege) * @param workspace * @param username */ public deleteUser(workspace: string, username: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.deleteUser(workspace, username, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * update user (require admin privilege) * @param workspace * @param username * @param editWorkspaceUser new user */ public updateUser(workspace: string, username: string, editWorkspaceUser: EditWorkspaceUser, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.updateUser(workspace, username, editWorkspaceUser, _options); return result.toPromise(); }


import { ObservableAuditApi } from './ObservableAPI.ts';
import { AuditApiRequestFactory, AuditApiResponseProcessor} from "../apis/AuditApi.ts";export class PromiseAuditApi { private api: ObservableAuditApi
public constructor( configuration: Configuration, requestFactory?: AuditApiRequestFactory, responseProcessor?: AuditApiResponseProcessor ) { this.api = new ObservableAuditApi(configuration, requestFactory, responseProcessor); }
/** * get audit log (requires admin privilege) * @param workspace * @param id */ public getAuditLog(workspace: string, id: number, _options?: Configuration): Promise<AuditLog> { const result = this.api.getAuditLog(workspace, id, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list audit logs (requires admin privilege) * @param workspace * @param page which page to return (start at 1, default 1) * @param perPage number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) * @param before filter on created before (exclusive) timestamp * @param after filter on created after (exclusive) timestamp * @param username filter on exact username of user * @param operation filter on exact or prefix name of operation * @param resource filter on exact or prefix name of resource * @param actionKind filter on type of operation */ public listAuditLogs(workspace: string, page?: number, perPage?: number, before?: Date, after?: Date, username?: string, operation?: string, resource?: string, actionKind?: 'Create' | 'Update' | 'Delete' | 'Execute', _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<AuditLog>> { const result = this.api.listAuditLogs(workspace, page, perPage, before, after, username, operation, resource, actionKind, _options); return result.toPromise(); }


import { ObservableFlowApi } from './ObservableAPI.ts';
import { FlowApiRequestFactory, FlowApiResponseProcessor} from "../apis/FlowApi.ts";export class PromiseFlowApi { private api: ObservableFlowApi
public constructor( configuration: Configuration, requestFactory?: FlowApiRequestFactory, responseProcessor?: FlowApiResponseProcessor ) { this.api = new ObservableFlowApi(configuration, requestFactory, responseProcessor); }
/** * archive flow by path * @param workspace * @param path */ public archiveFlowByPath(workspace: string, path: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.archiveFlowByPath(workspace, path, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * create flow * @param workspace * @param openFlowWPath Partially filled flow */ public createFlow(workspace: string, openFlowWPath: OpenFlowWPath, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.createFlow(workspace, openFlowWPath, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * exists flow by path * @param workspace * @param path */ public existsFlowByPath(workspace: string, path: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<boolean> { const result = this.api.existsFlowByPath(workspace, path, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * get flow by path * @param workspace * @param path */ public getFlowByPath(workspace: string, path: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Flow> { const result = this.api.getFlowByPath(workspace, path, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * get hub flow by id * @param id */ public getHubFlowById(id: number, _options?: Configuration): Promise<InlineResponse2004> { const result = this.api.getHubFlowById(id, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list all available flows * @param workspace * @param page which page to return (start at 1, default 1) * @param perPage number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) * @param orderDesc order by desc order (default true) * @param createdBy mask to filter exact matching user creator * @param pathStart mask to filter matching starting path * @param pathExact mask to filter exact matching path * @param showArchived (default false) show also the archived files. when multiple archived hash share the same path, only the ones with the latest create_at are displayed. */ public listFlows(workspace: string, page?: number, perPage?: number, orderDesc?: boolean, createdBy?: string, pathStart?: string, pathExact?: string, showArchived?: boolean, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<Flow>> { const result = this.api.listFlows(workspace, page, perPage, orderDesc, createdBy, pathStart, pathExact, showArchived, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list all available hub flows */ public listHubFlows(_options?: Configuration): Promise<InlineResponse2003> { const result = this.api.listHubFlows(_options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * update flow * @param workspace * @param path * @param openFlowWPath Partially filled flow */ public updateFlow(workspace: string, path: string, openFlowWPath: OpenFlowWPath, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.updateFlow(workspace, path, openFlowWPath, _options); return result.toPromise(); }


import { ObservableGranularAclApi } from './ObservableAPI.ts';
import { GranularAclApiRequestFactory, GranularAclApiResponseProcessor} from "../apis/GranularAclApi.ts";export class PromiseGranularAclApi { private api: ObservableGranularAclApi
public constructor( configuration: Configuration, requestFactory?: GranularAclApiRequestFactory, responseProcessor?: GranularAclApiResponseProcessor ) { this.api = new ObservableGranularAclApi(configuration, requestFactory, responseProcessor); }
/** * add granular acls * @param workspace * @param path * @param kind * @param inlineObject23 */ public addGranularAcls(workspace: string, path: string, kind: 'script' | 'group_' | 'resource' | 'schedule' | 'variable' | 'flow', inlineObject23: InlineObject23, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.addGranularAcls(workspace, path, kind, inlineObject23, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * get granular acls * @param workspace * @param path * @param kind */ public getGranularAcls(workspace: string, path: string, kind: 'script' | 'group_' | 'resource' | 'schedule' | 'variable' | 'flow', _options?: Configuration): Promise<{ [key: string]: boolean; }> { const result = this.api.getGranularAcls(workspace, path, kind, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * remove granular acls * @param workspace * @param path * @param kind * @param inlineObject24 */ public removeGranularAcls(workspace: string, path: string, kind: 'script' | 'group_' | 'resource' | 'schedule' | 'variable' | 'flow', inlineObject24: InlineObject24, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.removeGranularAcls(workspace, path, kind, inlineObject24, _options); return result.toPromise(); }


import { ObservableGroupApi } from './ObservableAPI.ts';
import { GroupApiRequestFactory, GroupApiResponseProcessor} from "../apis/GroupApi.ts";export class PromiseGroupApi { private api: ObservableGroupApi
public constructor( configuration: Configuration, requestFactory?: GroupApiRequestFactory, responseProcessor?: GroupApiResponseProcessor ) { this.api = new ObservableGroupApi(configuration, requestFactory, responseProcessor); }
/** * add user to group * @param workspace * @param name * @param inlineObject21 */ public addUserToGroup(workspace: string, name: string, inlineObject21: InlineObject21, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.addUserToGroup(workspace, name, inlineObject21, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * create group * @param workspace * @param inlineObject19 */ public createGroup(workspace: string, inlineObject19: InlineObject19, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.createGroup(workspace, inlineObject19, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * delete group * @param workspace * @param name */ public deleteGroup(workspace: string, name: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.deleteGroup(workspace, name, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * get group * @param workspace * @param name */ public getGroup(workspace: string, name: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Group> { const result = this.api.getGroup(workspace, name, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list group names * @param workspace */ public listGroupNames(workspace: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<string>> { const result = this.api.listGroupNames(workspace, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list groups * @param workspace * @param page which page to return (start at 1, default 1) * @param perPage number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) */ public listGroups(workspace: string, page?: number, perPage?: number, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<Group>> { const result = this.api.listGroups(workspace, page, perPage, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * remove user to group * @param workspace * @param name * @param inlineObject22 */ public removeUserToGroup(workspace: string, name: string, inlineObject22: InlineObject22, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.removeUserToGroup(workspace, name, inlineObject22, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * update group * @param workspace * @param name * @param inlineObject20 */ public updateGroup(workspace: string, name: string, inlineObject20: InlineObject20, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.updateGroup(workspace, name, inlineObject20, _options); return result.toPromise(); }


import { ObservableJobApi } from './ObservableAPI.ts';
import { JobApiRequestFactory, JobApiResponseProcessor} from "../apis/JobApi.ts";export class PromiseJobApi { private api: ObservableJobApi
public constructor( configuration: Configuration, requestFactory?: JobApiRequestFactory, responseProcessor?: JobApiResponseProcessor ) { this.api = new ObservableJobApi(configuration, requestFactory, responseProcessor); }
/** * cancel queued job * @param workspace * @param id * @param inlineObject16 */ public cancelQueuedJob(workspace: string, id: string, inlineObject16: InlineObject16, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.cancelQueuedJob(workspace, id, inlineObject16, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * delete completed job (erase content but keep run id) * @param workspace * @param id */ public deleteCompletedJob(workspace: string, id: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<CompletedJob> { const result = this.api.deleteCompletedJob(workspace, id, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * get completed job * @param workspace * @param id */ public getCompletedJob(workspace: string, id: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<CompletedJob> { const result = this.api.getCompletedJob(workspace, id, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * get job * @param workspace * @param id */ public getJob(workspace: string, id: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Job> { const result = this.api.getJob(workspace, id, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * get job updates * @param workspace * @param id * @param running * @param logOffset */ public getJobUpdates(workspace: string, id: string, running?: boolean, logOffset?: number, _options?: Configuration): Promise<InlineResponse2006> { const result = this.api.getJobUpdates(workspace, id, running, logOffset, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list all available completed jobs * @param workspace * @param orderDesc order by desc order (default true) * @param createdBy mask to filter exact matching user creator * @param parentJob The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any * @param scriptPathExact mask to filter exact matching path * @param scriptPathStart mask to filter matching starting path * @param scriptHash mask to filter exact matching path * @param createdBefore filter on created before (inclusive) timestamp * @param createdAfter filter on created after (exclusive) timestamp * @param success filter on successful jobs * @param jobKinds filter on job kind (values &#39;preview&#39;, &#39;script&#39;, &#39;dependencies&#39;, &#39;flow&#39;) separated by, * @param isSkipped is the job skipped */ public listCompletedJobs(workspace: string, orderDesc?: boolean, createdBy?: string, parentJob?: string, scriptPathExact?: string, scriptPathStart?: string, scriptHash?: string, createdBefore?: Date, createdAfter?: Date, success?: boolean, jobKinds?: string, isSkipped?: boolean, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<CompletedJob>> { const result = this.api.listCompletedJobs(workspace, orderDesc, createdBy, parentJob, scriptPathExact, scriptPathStart, scriptHash, createdBefore, createdAfter, success, jobKinds, isSkipped, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list all available jobs * @param workspace * @param createdBy mask to filter exact matching user creator * @param parentJob The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any * @param scriptPathExact mask to filter exact matching path * @param scriptPathStart mask to filter matching starting path * @param scriptHash mask to filter exact matching path * @param createdBefore filter on created before (inclusive) timestamp * @param createdAfter filter on created after (exclusive) timestamp * @param jobKinds filter on job kind (values &#39;preview&#39;, &#39;script&#39;, &#39;dependencies&#39;, &#39;flow&#39;) separated by, * @param isSkipped is the job skipped * @param success filter on successful jobs */ public listJobs(workspace: string, createdBy?: string, parentJob?: string, scriptPathExact?: string, scriptPathStart?: string, scriptHash?: string, createdBefore?: Date, createdAfter?: Date, jobKinds?: string, isSkipped?: boolean, success?: boolean, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<Job>> { const result = this.api.listJobs(workspace, createdBy, parentJob, scriptPathExact, scriptPathStart, scriptHash, createdBefore, createdAfter, jobKinds, isSkipped, success, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list all available queued jobs * @param workspace * @param orderDesc order by desc order (default true) * @param createdBy mask to filter exact matching user creator * @param parentJob The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any * @param scriptPathExact mask to filter exact matching path * @param scriptPathStart mask to filter matching starting path * @param scriptHash mask to filter exact matching path * @param createdBefore filter on created before (inclusive) timestamp * @param createdAfter filter on created after (exclusive) timestamp * @param success filter on successful jobs * @param jobKinds filter on job kind (values &#39;preview&#39;, &#39;script&#39;, &#39;dependencies&#39;, &#39;flow&#39;) separated by, */ public listQueue(workspace: string, orderDesc?: boolean, createdBy?: string, parentJob?: string, scriptPathExact?: string, scriptPathStart?: string, scriptHash?: string, createdBefore?: Date, createdAfter?: Date, success?: boolean, jobKinds?: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<QueuedJob>> { const result = this.api.listQueue(workspace, orderDesc, createdBy, parentJob, scriptPathExact, scriptPathStart, scriptHash, createdBefore, createdAfter, success, jobKinds, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * run flow by path * @param workspace * @param path * @param requestBody flow args * @param scheduledFor when to schedule this job (leave empty for immediate run) * @param scheduledInSecs schedule the script to execute in the number of seconds starting now * @param parentJob The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any */ public runFlowByPath(workspace: string, path: string, requestBody: { [key: string]: any; }, scheduledFor?: Date, scheduledInSecs?: number, parentJob?: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.runFlowByPath(workspace, path, requestBody, scheduledFor, scheduledInSecs, parentJob, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * run flow preview * @param workspace * @param flowPreview preview */ public runFlowPreview(workspace: string, flowPreview: FlowPreview, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.runFlowPreview(workspace, flowPreview, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * run script by hash * @param workspace * @param hash * @param body Partially filled args * @param scheduledFor when to schedule this job (leave empty for immediate run) * @param scheduledInSecs schedule the script to execute in the number of seconds starting now * @param parentJob The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any */ public runScriptByHash(workspace: string, hash: string, body: any, scheduledFor?: Date, scheduledInSecs?: number, parentJob?: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.runScriptByHash(workspace, hash, body, scheduledFor, scheduledInSecs, parentJob, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * run script by path * @param workspace * @param path * @param requestBody script args * @param scheduledFor when to schedule this job (leave empty for immediate run) * @param scheduledInSecs schedule the script to execute in the number of seconds starting now * @param parentJob The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any */ public runScriptByPath(workspace: string, path: string, requestBody: { [key: string]: any; }, scheduledFor?: Date, scheduledInSecs?: number, parentJob?: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.runScriptByPath(workspace, path, requestBody, scheduledFor, scheduledInSecs, parentJob, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * run script preview * @param workspace * @param preview preview */ public runScriptPreview(workspace: string, preview: Preview, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.runScriptPreview(workspace, preview, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * run script by path * @param workspace * @param path * @param requestBody script args * @param scheduledFor when to schedule this job (leave empty for immediate run) * @param scheduledInSecs schedule the script to execute in the number of seconds starting now * @param parentJob The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any */ public runWaitResultScriptByPath(workspace: string, path: string, requestBody: { [key: string]: any; }, scheduledFor?: Date, scheduledInSecs?: number, parentJob?: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<any> { const result = this.api.runWaitResultScriptByPath(workspace, path, requestBody, scheduledFor, scheduledInSecs, parentJob, _options); return result.toPromise(); }


import { ObservableOauthApi } from './ObservableAPI.ts';
import { OauthApiRequestFactory, OauthApiResponseProcessor} from "../apis/OauthApi.ts";export class PromiseOauthApi { private api: ObservableOauthApi
public constructor( configuration: Configuration, requestFactory?: OauthApiRequestFactory, responseProcessor?: OauthApiResponseProcessor ) { this.api = new ObservableOauthApi(configuration, requestFactory, responseProcessor); }
/** * connect callback * @param clientName * @param inlineObject12 */ public connectCallback(clientName: string, inlineObject12: InlineObject12, _options?: Configuration): Promise<TokenResponse> { const result = this.api.connectCallback(clientName, inlineObject12, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * connect slack callback * @param inlineObject11 */ public connectSlackCallback(inlineObject11: InlineObject11, _options?: Configuration): Promise<SlackToken> { const result = this.api.connectSlackCallback(inlineObject11, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * create OAuth account * @param workspace * @param inlineObject13 */ public createAccount(workspace: string, inlineObject13: InlineObject13, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.createAccount(workspace, inlineObject13, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * disconnect account * @param workspace * @param id */ public disconnectAccount(workspace: string, id: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.disconnectAccount(workspace, id, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * disconnect slack * @param workspace */ public disconnectSlack(workspace: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.disconnectSlack(workspace, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list oauth connects */ public listOAuthConnects(_options?: Configuration): Promise<{ [key: string]: InlineResponse2001; }> { const result = this.api.listOAuthConnects(_options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list oauth logins */ public listOAuthLogins(_options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<string>> { const result = this.api.listOAuthLogins(_options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * refresh token * @param workspace * @param id * @param inlineObject14 */ public refreshToken(workspace: string, id: string, inlineObject14: InlineObject14, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.refreshToken(workspace, id, inlineObject14, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * set workspace's slack * @param workspace * @param slackToken */ public setWorkspaceSlack(workspace: string, slackToken: SlackToken, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.setWorkspaceSlack(workspace, slackToken, _options); return result.toPromise(); }


import { ObservableResourceApi } from './ObservableAPI.ts';
import { ResourceApiRequestFactory, ResourceApiResponseProcessor} from "../apis/ResourceApi.ts";export class PromiseResourceApi { private api: ObservableResourceApi
public constructor( configuration: Configuration, requestFactory?: ResourceApiRequestFactory, responseProcessor?: ResourceApiResponseProcessor ) { this.api = new ObservableResourceApi(configuration, requestFactory, responseProcessor); }
/** * create resource * @param workspace * @param createResource new resource */ public createResource(workspace: string, createResource: CreateResource, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.createResource(workspace, createResource, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * create resource_type * @param workspace * @param resourceType new resource_type */ public createResourceType(workspace: string, resourceType: ResourceType, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.createResourceType(workspace, resourceType, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * delete resource * @param workspace * @param path */ public deleteResource(workspace: string, path: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.deleteResource(workspace, path, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * delete resource_type * @param workspace * @param path */ public deleteResourceType(workspace: string, path: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.deleteResourceType(workspace, path, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * does resource exists * @param workspace * @param path */ public existsResource(workspace: string, path: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<boolean> { const result = this.api.existsResource(workspace, path, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * does resource_type exists * @param workspace * @param path */ public existsResourceType(workspace: string, path: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<boolean> { const result = this.api.existsResourceType(workspace, path, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * get resource * @param workspace * @param path */ public getResource(workspace: string, path: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Resource> { const result = this.api.getResource(workspace, path, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * get resource_type * @param workspace * @param path */ public getResourceType(workspace: string, path: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<ResourceType> { const result = this.api.getResourceType(workspace, path, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list resources * @param workspace * @param page which page to return (start at 1, default 1) * @param perPage number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) * @param resourceType resource_type to list from */ public listResource(workspace: string, page?: number, perPage?: number, resourceType?: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<Resource>> { const result = this.api.listResource(workspace, page, perPage, resourceType, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list resource_types * @param workspace */ public listResourceType(workspace: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<ResourceType>> { const result = this.api.listResourceType(workspace, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list resource_types names * @param workspace */ public listResourceTypeNames(workspace: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<string>> { const result = this.api.listResourceTypeNames(workspace, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * update resource * @param workspace * @param path * @param editResource updated resource */ public updateResource(workspace: string, path: string, editResource: EditResource, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.updateResource(workspace, path, editResource, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * update resource_type * @param workspace * @param path * @param editResourceType updated resource_type */ public updateResourceType(workspace: string, path: string, editResourceType: EditResourceType, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.updateResourceType(workspace, path, editResourceType, _options); return result.toPromise(); }


import { ObservableScheduleApi } from './ObservableAPI.ts';
import { ScheduleApiRequestFactory, ScheduleApiResponseProcessor} from "../apis/ScheduleApi.ts";export class PromiseScheduleApi { private api: ObservableScheduleApi
public constructor( configuration: Configuration, requestFactory?: ScheduleApiRequestFactory, responseProcessor?: ScheduleApiResponseProcessor ) { this.api = new ObservableScheduleApi(configuration, requestFactory, responseProcessor); }
/** * create schedule * @param workspace * @param newSchedule new schedule */ public createSchedule(workspace: string, newSchedule: NewSchedule, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.createSchedule(workspace, newSchedule, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * delete schedule * @param workspace * @param path */ public deleteSchedule(workspace: string, path: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.deleteSchedule(workspace, path, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * does schedule exists * @param workspace * @param path */ public existsSchedule(workspace: string, path: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<boolean> { const result = this.api.existsSchedule(workspace, path, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * get schedule * @param workspace * @param path */ public getSchedule(workspace: string, path: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Schedule> { const result = this.api.getSchedule(workspace, path, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list schedules * @param workspace * @param page which page to return (start at 1, default 1) * @param perPage number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) */ public listSchedules(workspace: string, page?: number, perPage?: number, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<Schedule>> { const result = this.api.listSchedules(workspace, page, perPage, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * preview schedule * @param inlineObject17 */ public previewSchedule(inlineObject17: InlineObject17, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<Date>> { const result = this.api.previewSchedule(inlineObject17, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * set enabled schedule * @param workspace * @param path * @param inlineObject18 */ public setScheduleEnabled(workspace: string, path: string, inlineObject18: InlineObject18, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.setScheduleEnabled(workspace, path, inlineObject18, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * update schedule * @param workspace * @param path * @param editSchedule updated schedule */ public updateSchedule(workspace: string, path: string, editSchedule: EditSchedule, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.updateSchedule(workspace, path, editSchedule, _options); return result.toPromise(); }


import { ObservableScriptApi } from './ObservableAPI.ts';
import { ScriptApiRequestFactory, ScriptApiResponseProcessor} from "../apis/ScriptApi.ts";export class PromiseScriptApi { private api: ObservableScriptApi
public constructor( configuration: Configuration, requestFactory?: ScriptApiRequestFactory, responseProcessor?: ScriptApiResponseProcessor ) { this.api = new ObservableScriptApi(configuration, requestFactory, responseProcessor); }
/** * archive script by hash * @param workspace * @param hash */ public archiveScriptByHash(workspace: string, hash: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Script> { const result = this.api.archiveScriptByHash(workspace, hash, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * archive script by path * @param workspace * @param path */ public archiveScriptByPath(workspace: string, path: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.archiveScriptByPath(workspace, path, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * create script * @param workspace * @param inlineObject15 */ public createScript(workspace: string, inlineObject15: InlineObject15, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.createScript(workspace, inlineObject15, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * delete script by hash (erase content but keep hash) * @param workspace * @param hash */ public deleteScriptByHash(workspace: string, hash: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Script> { const result = this.api.deleteScriptByHash(workspace, hash, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * inspect deno code to infer jsonschema of arguments * @param body deno code with the main function */ public denoToJsonschema(body: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<MainArgSignature> { const result = this.api.denoToJsonschema(body, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * exists script by path * @param workspace * @param path */ public existsScriptByPath(workspace: string, path: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<boolean> { const result = this.api.existsScriptByPath(workspace, path, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * get hub script content by path * @param path */ public getHubScriptContentByPath(path: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.getHubScriptContentByPath(path, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * get script by hash * @param workspace * @param hash */ public getScriptByHash(workspace: string, hash: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Script> { const result = this.api.getScriptByHash(workspace, hash, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * get script by path * @param workspace * @param path */ public getScriptByPath(workspace: string, path: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Script> { const result = this.api.getScriptByPath(workspace, path, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * get script deployment status * @param workspace * @param hash */ public getScriptDeploymentStatus(workspace: string, hash: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<InlineResponse2005> { const result = this.api.getScriptDeploymentStatus(workspace, hash, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list all available hub scripts */ public listHubScripts(_options?: Configuration): Promise<InlineResponse2002> { const result = this.api.listHubScripts(_options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list all available scripts * @param workspace * @param page which page to return (start at 1, default 1) * @param perPage number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) * @param orderDesc order by desc order (default true) * @param createdBy mask to filter exact matching user creator * @param pathStart mask to filter matching starting path * @param pathExact mask to filter exact matching path * @param firstParentHash mask to filter scripts whom first direct parent has exact hash * @param lastParentHash mask to filter scripts whom last parent in the chain has exact hash. Beware that each script stores only a limited number of parents. Hence the last parent hash for a script is not necessarily its top-most parent. To find the top-most parent you will have to jump from last to last hash until finding the parent * @param parentHash is the hash present in the array of stored parent hashes for this script. The same warning applies than for last_parent_hash. A script only store a limited number of direct parent * @param showArchived (default false) show also the archived files. when multiple archived hash share the same path, only the ones with the latest create_at are displayed. * @param isTemplate (default regardless) if true show only the templates if false show only the non templates if not defined, show all regardless of if the script is a template * @param isTrigger (default regardless) if true show only the trigger scripts if false show only the non trigger scripts if not defined, show all regardless of if the script is a trigger script */ public listScripts(workspace: string, page?: number, perPage?: number, orderDesc?: boolean, createdBy?: string, pathStart?: string, pathExact?: string, firstParentHash?: string, lastParentHash?: string, parentHash?: string, showArchived?: boolean, isTemplate?: boolean, isTrigger?: boolean, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<Script>> { const result = this.api.listScripts(workspace, page, perPage, orderDesc, createdBy, pathStart, pathExact, firstParentHash, lastParentHash, parentHash, showArchived, isTemplate, isTrigger, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * inspect python code to infer jsonschema of arguments * @param body python code with the main function */ public pythonToJsonschema(body: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<MainArgSignature> { const result = this.api.pythonToJsonschema(body, _options); return result.toPromise(); }


import { ObservableSettingsApi } from './ObservableAPI.ts';
import { SettingsApiRequestFactory, SettingsApiResponseProcessor} from "../apis/SettingsApi.ts";export class PromiseSettingsApi { private api: ObservableSettingsApi
public constructor( configuration: Configuration, requestFactory?: SettingsApiRequestFactory, responseProcessor?: SettingsApiResponseProcessor ) { this.api = new ObservableSettingsApi(configuration, requestFactory, responseProcessor); }
/** * get backend version */ public backendVersion(_options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.backendVersion(_options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * get openapi yaml spec */ public getOpenApiYaml(_options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.getOpenApiYaml(_options); return result.toPromise(); }


import { ObservableUserApi } from './ObservableAPI.ts';
import { UserApiRequestFactory, UserApiResponseProcessor} from "../apis/UserApi.ts";export class PromiseUserApi { private api: ObservableUserApi
public constructor( configuration: Configuration, requestFactory?: UserApiRequestFactory, responseProcessor?: UserApiResponseProcessor ) { this.api = new ObservableUserApi(configuration, requestFactory, responseProcessor); }
/** * accept invite to workspace * @param inlineObject5 */ public acceptInvite(inlineObject5: InlineObject5, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.acceptInvite(inlineObject5, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * create token * @param newToken new token */ public createToken(newToken: NewToken, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.createToken(newToken, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * create user (require admin privilege) * @param workspace * @param newUser new user */ public createUser(workspace: string, newUser: NewUser, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.createUser(workspace, newUser, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * create user * @param inlineObject1 */ public createUserGlobally(inlineObject1: InlineObject1, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.createUserGlobally(inlineObject1, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * decline invite to workspace * @param inlineObject6 */ public declineInvite(inlineObject6: InlineObject6, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.declineInvite(inlineObject6, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * delete token * @param tokenPrefix */ public deleteToken(tokenPrefix: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.deleteToken(tokenPrefix, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * delete user (require admin privilege) * @param workspace * @param username */ public deleteUser(workspace: string, username: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.deleteUser(workspace, username, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * get current user email (if logged in) */ public getCurrentEmail(_options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.getCurrentEmail(_options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * global update user (require super admin) * @param email * @param inlineObject2 */ public globalUserUpdate(email: string, inlineObject2: InlineObject2, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.globalUserUpdate(email, inlineObject2, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * get current global whoami (if logged in) */ public globalWhoami(_options?: Configuration): Promise<GlobalUserInfo> { const result = this.api.globalWhoami(_options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * leave workspace * @param workspace */ public leaveWorkspace(workspace: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.leaveWorkspace(workspace, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list token */ public listTokens(_options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<TruncatedToken>> { const result = this.api.listTokens(_options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list usernames * @param workspace */ public listUsernames(workspace: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<string>> { const result = this.api.listUsernames(workspace, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list users * @param workspace */ public listUsers(workspace: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<User>> { const result = this.api.listUsers(workspace, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list all users as super admin (require to be super amdin) * @param page which page to return (start at 1, default 1) * @param perPage number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) */ public listUsersAsSuperAdmin(page?: number, perPage?: number, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<GlobalUserInfo>> { const result = this.api.listUsersAsSuperAdmin(page, perPage, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list all workspace invites */ public listWorkspaceInvites(_options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<WorkspaceInvite>> { const result = this.api.listWorkspaceInvites(_options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * login with password * @param login credentials */ public login(login: Login, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.login(login, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * login with oauth authorization flow * @param clientName * @param inlineObject10 */ public loginWithOauth(clientName: string, inlineObject10: InlineObject10, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.loginWithOauth(clientName, inlineObject10, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * logout */ public logout(_options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.logout(_options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * set password * @param inlineObject */ public setPassword(inlineObject: InlineObject, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.setPassword(inlineObject, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * update user (require admin privilege) * @param workspace * @param username * @param editWorkspaceUser new user */ public updateUser(workspace: string, username: string, editWorkspaceUser: EditWorkspaceUser, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.updateUser(workspace, username, editWorkspaceUser, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * whoami * @param workspace */ public whoami(workspace: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<User> { const result = this.api.whoami(workspace, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * whois * @param workspace * @param username */ public whois(workspace: string, username: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<User> { const result = this.api.whois(workspace, username, _options); return result.toPromise(); }


import { ObservableVariableApi } from './ObservableAPI.ts';
import { VariableApiRequestFactory, VariableApiResponseProcessor} from "../apis/VariableApi.ts";export class PromiseVariableApi { private api: ObservableVariableApi
public constructor( configuration: Configuration, requestFactory?: VariableApiRequestFactory, responseProcessor?: VariableApiResponseProcessor ) { this.api = new ObservableVariableApi(configuration, requestFactory, responseProcessor); }
/** * create variable * @param workspace * @param createVariable new variable */ public createVariable(workspace: string, createVariable: CreateVariable, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.createVariable(workspace, createVariable, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * delete variable * @param workspace * @param path */ public deleteVariable(workspace: string, path: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.deleteVariable(workspace, path, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * does variable exists at path * @param workspace * @param path */ public existsVariable(workspace: string, path: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<boolean> { const result = this.api.existsVariable(workspace, path, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * get variable * @param workspace * @param path * @param decryptSecret ask to decrypt secret if this variable is secret (if not secret no effect, default: true) */ public getVariable(workspace: string, path: string, decryptSecret?: boolean, _options?: Configuration): Promise<ListableVariable> { const result = this.api.getVariable(workspace, path, decryptSecret, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list contextual variables * @param workspace */ public listContextualVariables(workspace: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<ContextualVariable>> { const result = this.api.listContextualVariables(workspace, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list variables * @param workspace */ public listVariable(workspace: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<ListableVariable>> { const result = this.api.listVariable(workspace, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * update variable * @param workspace * @param path * @param editVariable updated variable */ public updateVariable(workspace: string, path: string, editVariable: EditVariable, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.updateVariable(workspace, path, editVariable, _options); return result.toPromise(); }


import { ObservableWorkerApi } from './ObservableAPI.ts';
import { WorkerApiRequestFactory, WorkerApiResponseProcessor} from "../apis/WorkerApi.ts";export class PromiseWorkerApi { private api: ObservableWorkerApi
public constructor( configuration: Configuration, requestFactory?: WorkerApiRequestFactory, responseProcessor?: WorkerApiResponseProcessor ) { this.api = new ObservableWorkerApi(configuration, requestFactory, responseProcessor); }
/** * list workers * @param page which page to return (start at 1, default 1) * @param perPage number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) */ public listWorkers(page?: number, perPage?: number, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<WorkerPing>> { const result = this.api.listWorkers(page, perPage, _options); return result.toPromise(); }


import { ObservableWorkspaceApi } from './ObservableAPI.ts';
import { WorkspaceApiRequestFactory, WorkspaceApiResponseProcessor} from "../apis/WorkspaceApi.ts";export class PromiseWorkspaceApi { private api: ObservableWorkspaceApi
public constructor( configuration: Configuration, requestFactory?: WorkspaceApiRequestFactory, responseProcessor?: WorkspaceApiResponseProcessor ) { this.api = new ObservableWorkspaceApi(configuration, requestFactory, responseProcessor); }
/** * create workspace * @param createWorkspace new token */ public createWorkspace(createWorkspace: CreateWorkspace, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.createWorkspace(createWorkspace, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * delete user invite * @param workspace * @param inlineObject8 */ public deleteInvite(workspace: string, inlineObject8: InlineObject8, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.deleteInvite(workspace, inlineObject8, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * delete workspace * @param workspace */ public deleteWorkspace(workspace: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.deleteWorkspace(workspace, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * edit slack command * @param workspace * @param inlineObject9 */ public editSlackCommand(workspace: string, inlineObject9: InlineObject9, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.editSlackCommand(workspace, inlineObject9, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * exists username * @param inlineObject4 */ public existsUsername(inlineObject4: InlineObject4, _options?: Configuration): Promise<boolean> { const result = this.api.existsUsername(inlineObject4, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * exists workspace * @param inlineObject3 */ public existsWorkspace(inlineObject3: InlineObject3, _options?: Configuration): Promise<boolean> { const result = this.api.existsWorkspace(inlineObject3, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * get settings * @param workspace */ public getSettings(workspace: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<InlineResponse200> { const result = this.api.getSettings(workspace, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * invite user to workspace * @param workspace * @param inlineObject7 */ public inviteUser(workspace: string, inlineObject7: InlineObject7, _options?: Configuration): Promise<string> { const result = this.api.inviteUser(workspace, inlineObject7, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list pending invites for a workspace * @param workspace */ public listPendingInvites(workspace: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<WorkspaceInvite>> { const result = this.api.listPendingInvites(workspace, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list all workspaces visible to me with user info */ public listUserWorkspaces(_options?: Configuration): Promise<UserWorkspaceList> { const result = this.api.listUserWorkspaces(_options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list all workspaces visible to me */ public listWorkspaces(_options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<Workspace>> { const result = this.api.listWorkspaces(_options); return result.toPromise(); }
/** * list all workspaces as super admin (require to be super admin) * @param page which page to return (start at 1, default 1) * @param perPage number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) */ public listWorkspacesAsSuperAdmin(page?: number, perPage?: number, _options?: Configuration): Promise<Array<Workspace>> { const result = this.api.listWorkspacesAsSuperAdmin(page, perPage, _options); return result.toPromise(); }
