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Windmill deno client (separated from the main repo because most of the code is auto-generated from the openapi and not worth committing)
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/* istanbul ignore file *//* tslint:disable *//* eslint-disable */import type { EditWorkspaceUser } from '../models/EditWorkspaceUser.ts';import type { User } from '../models/User.ts';
import type { CancelablePromise } from '../core/CancelablePromise.ts';import { OpenAPI } from '../core/OpenAPI.ts';import { request as __request } from '../core/request.ts';
export class AdminService {
/** * get user (require admin privilege) * @returns User user created * @throws ApiError */ public static getUser({ workspace, username, }: { workspace: string, username: string, }): CancelablePromise<User> { return __request(OpenAPI, { method: 'GET', url: '/w/{workspace}/users/{username}', path: { 'workspace': workspace, 'username': username, }, }); }
/** * update user (require admin privilege) * @returns string edited user * @throws ApiError */ public static updateUser({ workspace, username, requestBody, }: { workspace: string, username: string, /** * new user */ requestBody: EditWorkspaceUser, }): CancelablePromise<string> { return __request(OpenAPI, { method: 'POST', url: '/w/{workspace}/users/update/{username}', path: { 'workspace': workspace, 'username': username, }, body: requestBody, mediaType: 'application/json', }); }
/** * delete user (require admin privilege) * @returns string delete user * @throws ApiError */ public static deleteUser({ workspace, username, }: { workspace: string, username: string, }): CancelablePromise<string> { return __request(OpenAPI, { method: 'DELETE', url: '/w/{workspace}/users/delete/{username}', path: { 'workspace': workspace, 'username': username, }, }); }