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Placeholder for Worker-based middleware solution
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyimport type { Awaitable } from "./utils/common-types.ts";import { combine, Context } from "./context.ts";import { accepts, Accepted } from './content-negotiation.ts'import { payloadTooLarge } from ''
export const JSON = 'application/json';export const FORM = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'export const FORM_DATA = 'multipart/form-data';export const TEXT_HTML = 'text/html'export const TEXT_PLAIN = 'text/plain'/** Standard MIME type for binary data */export const BINARY = 'application/octet-stream';/** Non-standard MIME type for binary data. Sometimes used, so included anyway. */export const X_BINARY = 'application/x-binary';
export interface BodyParserOptions<J> { defaultJSON?: J, maxSize?: number}
export type BodyParsable = | typeof FORM | typeof FORM_DATA | typeof JSON | typeof BINARY | typeof X_BINARY | `application/${string}+json` | `text/${string}`
const defaultBody: BodyParsable[] = [ FORM, FORM_DATA, JSON, BINARY, X_BINARY, TEXT_HTML, TEXT_PLAIN,]
export interface BodyJSONContext<J = any> { accepted: typeof JSON, body: J json: J}
export interface BodyVendorJSONContext<J = any> { accepted: `application/${string}+json`, body: J json: J}
export interface BodyFormContext { accepted: typeof FORM, body: URLSearchParams, form: URLSearchParams, // form: { [key: string]: string }}
export interface BodyFormDataContext { accepted: typeof FORM_DATA, body: FormData formData: FormData // form: { [key: string]: string } // files: { [key: string]: File }}
export interface BodyBinaryContext { accepted: typeof BINARY | typeof X_BINARY body: ArrayBuffer, arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer, blob: Blob,}
// export interface BodyVendorBinaryContext {// accepted: `application/vnd.${string}`,// body: ArrayBuffer,// buffer: ArrayBuffer,// blob: Blob,// }
export interface BodyTextContext { accepted: `text/${string}`, body: string, text: string,}
// export interface BodyGenericBinaryContext {// accepted: `application/${string}` ,// text: string// }// NOT working because TS lacks a "any string except 'json', 'x-www-form-urlencoded' and 'octet-stream'" type,// which we need to make this work. Progress here:
export type BodyContext<J> = | BodyJSONContext<J> | BodyBinaryContext | BodyFormContext | BodyFormDataContext | BodyTextContext | BodyVendorJSONContext<J>// Not possible to provide a fallback rn:
const _isString = (x: [string, FormDataEntryValue]): x is [string, string] => !(x[1] instanceof File)const _isFile = (x: [string, FormDataEntryValue]): x is [string, File] => x[1] instanceof File
export type BodyParserDeps = Context & Accepted<BodyParsable>
const isBodyTextContext = <J = any>(nx: BodyContext<J>): nx is BodyTextContext => nx.accepted?.startsWith('text/')
const isBodyVendorJSONContext = <J = any>(nx: BodyContext<J>): nx is BodyVendorJSONContext<J> => nx.accepted?.startsWith('application/') && nx.accepted.endsWith('+json')
// const isBodyVendorBinaryContext = <J = any>(nx: BodyContext<J>): nx is BodyVendorBinaryContext => // nx.accepted?.startsWith('application/vnd.')
const MB = 1024**2
async function checkSize(req: Request, maxSize: number) { let size = 0; await req.clone().body!.pipeTo( new WritableStream({ write(chunk, ctrl) { size += chunk.byteLength if (size > maxSize) { ctrl.error(new Error('Payload too large')) } } })) return size <= maxSize}
export const bodyParser = <J = any>( opts: BodyParserOptions<J> = {},) => async <X extends BodyParserDeps>( ax: Awaitable<X>): Promise<X & BodyContext<J>> => { const x = await ax; const nx = x as X & BodyContext<J>;
const ok = await checkSize(x.request, opts.maxSize ?? 1 * MB) if (!ok) throw payloadTooLarge()
switch (nx.accepted) { case JSON: { nx.body = nx.json = await x.request.json() return nx; } case FORM: { nx.body = nx.form = new URLSearchParams(await x.request.text()) // FIXME: Multiple values per key?? // nx.form = Object.fromEntries(form); return nx; } case FORM_DATA: { nx.body = nx.formData = await x.request.formData(); // FIXME: Multiple values per key?? // const tuples = [...formData]; // nx.form = Object.fromEntries(tuples.filter(isString)); // nx.files = Object.fromEntries(tuples.filter(isFile)); return nx; } case BINARY: case X_BINARY: { nx.body = nx.arrayBuffer = await x.request.arrayBuffer(); nx.blob = new Blob([nx.arrayBuffer]) // TODO: does this copy?? return nx; } default: { if (isBodyTextContext(nx)) { nx.body = nx.text = await x.request.text(); } else if (isBodyVendorJSONContext(nx)) { nx.body = nx.json = await x.request.json() return nx; // } else if (isBodyVendorBinaryContext(nx)) { // nx.body = nx.buffer = await x.request.arrayBuffer(); // nx.blob = new Blob([nx.buffer]) // TODO: does this copy?? // return nx; } else { // Anything else gets the binary treatment (outside of scope of type system) (<any>nx).body = (<any>nx).buffer = await x.request.arrayBuffer(); (<any>nx).blob = new Blob([(<any>nx).buffer]) return nx; } return nx; } } }
export const defaultBodyParser = <J = any>(options?: BodyParserOptions<J>) => combine(accepts(defaultBody), bodyParser(options));
// type ErrorOf<T> = T extends { error?: infer E } ? E : never
// (async () => {// const ctx: Context = { request: new Request('/'), effects: [], waitUntil: (_f: any) => {}, handled: Promise.resolve(null as any) }// const z = provides([])(accepts([])(ctx))

// const x = await parseBody()(accepts(['text/x-foo', 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', FORM, FORM_DATA])(ctx))// if (x.accepted === 'application/vnd.github.v3+json') {// x.body// } else if (x.accepted === 'text/x-foo') {// x.body// } else if (x.accepted === 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') {// x.body// }
// const y = await bodyParser()(ctx)// if (y.accepted === 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') {// y.bodyParams// y.body// }// if (y.accepted === 'multipart/form-data') {// y.formData// y.body// }// if (y.accepted === 'application/foobar+json') {// y.json// y.body// }// // if (x.accepted === 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') {// // x.body// // x.bodyParams// // x.form// // }// // else if (x.accepted === 'multipart/form-data') {// // x.formData// // x.form// // x.files// // } else if (x.accepted === 'application/octet-stream' || x.accepted === 'application/x-binary') {// // x.buffer// // x.blob// // } else if (x.accepted === 'application/vnd.github.v3+json') {
// // } else if (x.accepted === 'text/foo') {// // x.text// // }// })