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A set of utilities for manipulating text, with a focus on providing typographic tools rather than pure string manipulation.
/** * #### Rules */
/** A number can either be a string or a map of genders and the corresponding string */type Written = string | Record<string, string>;
/** * A language is described in the object. * None of the properties are required and will be gracefully replaced by their english counterparts */export interface Language { /** A regex that matches words which should not be capitalised */ noncaps: RegExp; /** Cardinal letters */ cardinals: { /** An array of ordinal letters */ written: Written[]; }; /** Ordinal letters */ ordinals: { /** An array of ordinal letters */ written: Written[]; /** A regex that matches numbers that can be converted to ordinals */ rule: RegExp; /** suffixes to ordinals (such as (1)st) */ suffixes: Record<string, Written>; };}
const dictionary: Record<string, Language> = { EN: { noncaps: /^(an|and|as|at|be|but|by|has|in|if|nor|of|off|on|or|out|per|the|to|up|was)$/, cardinals: { written: [ "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", ], }, ordinals: { written: [ "first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth", "seventh", "eighth", "ninth", "tenth", "eleventh", "twelfth", ], rule: /((1{0,1}[123])|(\d))\b/, suffixes: { "1": "st", "2": "nd", "3": "rd", "n": "th", }, }, },};
/** * Capitalization */
/** * Capitalize the first letter of a string * @example * w.capitalize("obviously"); // Obviously * @param str the string to capitalize * @returns the capitalized string */export const capitalize = (str: string): string => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
/** * Capitalize all words in a string apart from some common lower case words. * This can be tested with the internal noncaps regular expression, which are * stored by language code, or by passing a regular expression of your own. * @example * w.capitalizeAll("this and that"); // This And That * @param str The string to capitalize * @param init Regex that matches words which should not be capitalised or a * language code * @returns */export const capitalizeAll = ( str: string, init: RegExp | "EN" = dictionary["EN"].noncaps,): string => { let regEx: RegExp; if (!(init instanceof RegExp)) { regEx = dictionary[init].noncaps; } else { regEx = init; }
return str.split(/\s/g) .map((value, index) => { if (index > 0 && regEx.test(value)) { return value; } else { return capitalize(value); } }) .join(" ");};
// Utilities
/** * Wraps a string within two other strings, repeating the first if it needs be * @param a The string to wrap with * @param b The string to wrap * @param c The string to wrap with at the end (if provided) * @returns wrapped string */export const enclose = (a: string, b: string, c?: string): string => `${a}${b}${c || a}`;
/** * Joins an array of words with falsy, non-string values removed with some glue. * @param arr The array of words to join * @param glue The glue to join the words with * @returns The joined string */export const cleanJoin = function (arr: Array<string | null>, glue = ""): string { return arr .filter((string) => (string && typeof string === "string")) .join(glue);};
/** * Replace all white-space in a string with a single space character * @param str The string to remove whitespace from * @returns The string with whitespace removed */export const collapse = (str: string): string => str.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
// cases
const caseSplitter = /[-_\s]+|(!?[A-Z][a-z]*)/g;
/** * Converts a string to camel case (pascal case) * @param str The string to convert * @returns The string in camel case */export const camelCase = (str: string): string => { return str.replace(/[\s_-]+(\w)/g, (_a, w) => w.toUpperCase());};
/** * Converts a string to hyphen case (with hyphens/dashes between words) * @param str The string to convert * @param leading Whether to add a hyphen as the first letter * @returns The string in hyphen case */export const hyphenCase = (str: string, leading?: boolean): string => (leading ? "-" : "") + cleanJoin(str.split(caseSplitter), "-").toLowerCase();
/** * Converts a string to snake case (with underscores) * @param str The string to convert * @returns The string in snake case */export const snakeCase = (str: string): string => cleanJoin(str.split(caseSplitter), "_").toLowerCase();
/** * Converts a string to human case (separated by white space) * @param str The string to convert * @returns The string in human case */export const humanCase = (str: string): string => cleanJoin(str.split(caseSplitter), " ");
/** * Enclose a string inside an HTML tag. * @param str The string to wrap * @param tag The tag to wrap the string with * @param attributes The attributes to add to the tag * attributes is an object whose values can either be strings, booleans or an * array of strings eg. `{ class: ["foo", "bar"], id: "baz", hidden: true }` * @returns string wrapped in tag with attributes */export const wrapInTag = ( str: string, tag = "span", attributes: Record<string, string | boolean | Array<string>> = {},): string => { const attrs = Object.entries(attributes) .map(([key, val]) => { if (typeof val === "boolean") val = key; if (Array.isArray(val)) val = val.join(" "); return ` ${key}="${val}"`; });
return enclose(`<${tag}${attrs.join("")}>`, str, `</${tag}>`);};
// Lists
interface PrettyListOptions { /** The string to use for "more" */ more?: string; /** The string used to join items (ampersand) */ amp?: string; /** The accessor used to access values when the provided value is an array */ key?: string; /** Which tag to use to wrap the items with */ wrap?: string; /** Whether to pluralize the items */ quantify?: boolean; /** Whether to write the remaining items in words */ written?: boolean; /** The language to use */ lang?: string;}
/** * Pretty-print a list of items. * @param arr The array of items to pretty print * @param max The maximum number of items to show * @param opts The options to use * @returns The pretty printed list */export const prettyList = ( arr: unknown[], max?: number, opts: PrettyListOptions = {},): string => { let more = opts.more || "more"; const amp = opts.amp || "and";
if (opts.key) { const key = opts.key; arr = arr .filter((obj) => (typeof obj === "object")) .map((obj) => (obj as Record<string, string>)[key]); }
if (opts.wrap) { arr = arr .map((s) => wrapInTag(s as string, opts.wrap)); }
const len = arr.length; if (max && max < len) { const diff = len - max; if (opts.quantify) { more = quantify(more, diff, { numberless: true }); } let diffStr: string = diff.toString(); if (opts.written) { diffStr = writtenNumber(diff, opts.lang); } arr = arr .slice(0, max) .concat(`${diffStr} ${more}`); }
return arr .slice(0, -1) .join(", ") .concat(arr.length === 1 ? "" : ` ${amp} `, ...arr.slice(-1) as string[]);};
// hyphenation
/** * Add soft hyphens every `n` characters so that the CSS attribute * `hyphens: manual` will allow for nice breaks in long strings of text. This is * especially useful on mobile devices, where long strings can break the layout. * @param str The string to hyphenate * @param n The number of characters after which a hyphen is added * @param softHyphen Which hyphen to use (default is soft hyphen) * @returns The hyphenated string */export const hyphenate = (str: string, n = 10, softHyphen = "\u00AD"): string => str .replace(/(^|[^>])+(?=$|\<)/g, (sub) => sub.replace( new RegExp(`(\\w{${n - 1}})(\\w)`, "g"), (_w, a, b) => a + softHyphen + b, ));
// quantify
interface QuantifyOptions { /** Whether to display the number in front of the word (default true) */ numberless?: boolean; /** Whether to write the number as a word instead of digits (default false) */ written?: boolean; /** The language to use */ lang?: "EN"; /** The plural of the word to use (instead of adding an `s`) */ plural?: string;}
/** * Add an "s" to a string when an amount is non-singular, disregarding the order of * the arguments passsed. If an array or collection is passed, it’s length will be * used as the numerical input. * @param first The number of items or an array of items (the length of which * is used) * @param second The name of items * **NOTE:** The first arguement can be interchanged with the second one * @param options The options to use * @returns A string depicting the items and their number */export const quantify = ( first: string | number | Array<unknown>, second: string | number | Array<unknown>, options: QuantifyOptions = {},): string => { let str: string, n: number; if ( typeof first === "string" && (typeof second === "number" || Array.isArray(second)) ) { str = first; n = Array.isArray(second) ? second.length : second; } else if ( (typeof first === "number" || Array.isArray(first)) && typeof second === "string" ) { str = second; n = Array.isArray(first) ? first.length : first; } else { throw TypeError( "The first and second argument must be strings or numbers (or an array) exclusively", ); }
const { numberless, written, lang, plural } = options;
// n = n.length ? n const s = (n === 1) ? str : (plural || `${str}s`); let num: string = n.toString(); if (written) num = writtenNumber(n, lang); const strn = numberless ? "" : `${num} `;
return strn + s;};
// Written numbers
/** * Convert numbers between one and twelve into their written counter-parts. * @param n The number * @param lang The language to use * @param gender The required gender of the word * @returns written counterpart of a number */export const writtenNumber = (n: number, lang = "EN", gender = "m"): string => { const num = dictionary[lang]?.cardinals.written[n - 1]; if (num) { if (typeof num === "object" && num[gender]) { return num[gender]; } else if (typeof num === "object") { return Object.values(num)[0]; } else { return num; } } else { return n.toString(); }};
// quotestype Quotes = | "s" | "single" | "a" | "angle" | "g" | "guillemets" | "!" | "?" | "q" | string;
/** * Wrap a string in single or double quotes or guillemets (angle quotes). * @param str The string to quote * @param type The type of quotes to use * @returns The quoted string */export const quote = (str: string, type?: Quotes): string => { let a: string, z: string; switch (type) { case "s": case "single": [a, z] = ["‘", "’"]; break; case "a": case "angle": case "g": case "guillemets": [a, z] = [a, z] = ["«", "»"]; break; case "!": [a, z] = ["¡", "!"]; break; case "?": [a, z] = ["¿", "?"]; break; default: [a, z] = ["“", "”"]; break; } return enclose(a, str, z);};
// ordinals
interface OrdinalOptions { /** Whether to use the written form of the number (default false) */ written?: boolean; /** Wrap the suffix in a tag (when true, tag is `sup`) (default false) */ wrap?: boolean | string; /** The language to use */ lang?: "EN";}
/** * Convert a number from it's cardinal to ordinal equivalent. * @param n The number * @param opts The options to use * @param gender The required gender of the written number * @returns The ordinal form of a cardinal number */export const ordinal = ( n: number, opts: OrdinalOptions = {}, gender = "m",): string => { const { suffixes, rule, written } = dictionary[opts.lang || "EN"].ordinals; const base = (n.toString().match(rule) || [])[0];
const w = written[+n - 1]; if (opts.written) { if (typeof w === "object") { return w[gender]; } else { return w; } } else { let suffix = suffixes[base] || suffixes.n; if (typeof suffix === "object") { suffix = suffix[gender]; }
if (opts.wrap) { if (typeof opts.wrap === "boolean") opts.wrap = "sup"; suffix = wrapInTag(suffix, opts.wrap); }
return n + suffix; }};
// numbers
/** * Pretty print a number * @param n The number * @param delimiter The delimiter to use after every 3 digits (thousand) or the * number of digits after the decimal points * @param decimals The number of digits after the decimal point * @param dot The decimal point to use * @returns The pretty printed number */export const prettyNumber = ( n: number, delimiter: string | number = ",", decimals = 0, dot = ".",): string => { if (typeof delimiter === "number") { decimals = delimiter; delimiter = ","; } n = parseNumber(n); let num: string = n.toString(); if (decimals > 0) num = n.toFixed(decimals); if (dot) num = num.replace(".", dot); const [int, frac] = num.toString().split(dot); return [int.replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, delimiter), frac] .filter((e) => !!e) .join(dot);};
interface Currency { /** The symbok of the currency */ currency?: string; /** The tag to wrap the currency in */ wrap?: string; /** The number of digits after the decimal point */ decimals?: number; /** The delimiter to use after every 3 digits (thousand) */ delimiter?: string; /** The decimal point to use */ dot?: string; /** Whether to show the currency sign at the beginning of number (default true) */ front?: boolean;}export const prettyPrice = (n: number, currency?: string | Currency): string => { let wrap: string | undefined, decimals: number | undefined, delimiter: string | undefined, dot = ".", front = true; if (typeof currency === "object") { ({ currency = "$", wrap, decimals, delimiter, dot = ".", front = true } = currency); }
if (!currency) currency = "$"; if (!decimals) decimals = 2; if (!dot) dot = ".";
let num = prettyNumber(n, delimiter, decimals, dot);
if (wrap) { const [integer, fraction] = num.split(dot); num = integer + wrapInTag(fraction, wrap); }
if (front) { return currency + num; } else { return num + currency; }};
/** * Pretty print a percentage * @param numerator The numerator of the percentage / The value * @param denominator The denominator of the percentage / The max value * @param decimals The number of digits after the decimal point (default 0) * @returns The pretty printed percentage */export const prettyPercent = (numerator = 0, denominator = 1, decimals = 0): string => { const percent = (numerator / denominator * 100) || 0; return `${percent.toFixed(decimals)}%`;};
/** * Extract a number from a string (or number) * @param n The string/number to extract the number from * @returns The extracted number */export const parseNumber = (n: number | string): number => { if (typeof n === "string") { n = parseFloat(n.replace(/[^\d\.]+/g, "")) / (n.slice(-1) === "%" ? 100 : 1); } if (n <= Infinity) { return n; } else { return -1; }};
// glyphs
const fromTo = (x: number, y: number): number[] => new Array(y - x + 1).fill(0) // Array // .apply(0, { length: y - x + 1 }) .map((_e, i) => i + x);
/** * Provide quick access to different typographic glyphs without the need commit * them to memory or look at a reference table. * @returns a map of glyphs */export const glyphs = (): Record<string, string> => Object.fromEntries( [ fromTo(161, 255), fromTo(338, 402), fromTo(8211, 8230), [8240, 8364, 8482], ] .flat() .map((code) => [code, String.fromCharCode(code)]), );
/** * Get the code point of a certain character * @param c the character * @returns the code point of the character eg: &#33; */export const glyph = (c: string): string => enclose("&#", c.charCodeAt(0).toString(), ";");
// language support
/** * Set cardinal and ordinal numbers and non-caps words for different languages asappropriate. Please note that only partial support for French, German, Italian,Spanish and Swedish is currently implemented. PRs are welcome. * @param object The language dictionary * @param lang The language code used to reference this language dictionary * @returns The language dictionary */export const setLanguage = (object: Partial<Language>, lang: string) => dictionary[lang] = { ...dictionary.EN, ...object };

// Aliases/** Alias for `hyphenCase` */export const dasherize = hyphenCase;/** Alias for `hyphenCase` */export const dashify = hyphenCase;/** Alias for `snakeCase` */export const slugify = snakeCase;/** Alias for `snakeCase` */export const underscore = snakeCase;/** Alias for `quantify` */export const numerate = quantify;/** Alias for `quantify` */export const count = quantify;/** Alias for `capitalizeAll` */export const titleCase = capitalizeAll;