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# v2002-07-18 [rivy]# JavaScript/TypeScript# CodeClimate configuration; ref:
# spell-checker:ignore (names) EditorConfig MarkdownLint ShellCheck StyleLint (people) Roy Ivy III * rivy
version: '2' # required to adjust maintainability checkschecks: argument-count: config: threshold: 4 complex-logic: config: threshold: 4 file-lines: config: threshold: 250 method-complexity: config: threshold: 20 ## default: 5 method-count: config: threshold: 20 method-lines: config: threshold: 40 ## default: 25 nested-control-flow: config: threshold: 4 return-statements: config: threshold: 4 # similar-code: # config: # threshold: # has language-specific defaults; an override will affect all languages # identical-code: # config: # threshold: # has language-specific defaults; an override will affect all languages.
plugins: duplication: enabled: true exclude_patterns: - 'eg/' - 'dist/' - 'vendor/' editorconfig: enabled: true # ref: # * disabled; `eslint-plugin-import` fails and `eslint-plugin-functional` is not supported # eslint: # enabled: true # ref: , # * disabled; not configurable per-file/occurrence # markdownlint: # enabled: true shellcheck: enabled: true stylelint: enabled: true