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Determine XDG Base Directory paths (OS/platform portable)
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{ "name": "xdg-portable", "version": "9.3.0", "description": "Determine XDG Base Directory paths (OS/platform portable)", "license": "MIT", "repository": "rivy/js.xdg-portable", "author": { "name": "Roy Ivy III", "email": "" }, "engines": { "node": ">= 4.0" }, "files": [ "cjs", "dist/cjs", "dist/types", "CHANGELOG.mkd", "LICENSE", "", "package.json" ], "type": "commonjs", "main": "./dist/cjs/mod.cjs.js", "module": "./dist/cjs/esm-wrapper/mod.esm.js", "types": "./dist/types/mod.d.ts", "exports": { ".": { "import": "./dist/cjs/esm-wrapper/mod.esm.js", "require": "./dist/cjs/mod.cjs.js", "types": "./dist/types/mod.d.ts", "default": "./dist/cjs/mod.cjs.js" }, "./package.json": "./package.json", "./cjs": { "require": "./dist/cjs/mod.cjs.js", "types": "./dist/cjs/mod.cjs.d.ts" } }, "keywords": [ "base", "cache", "common", "config", "cross-platform", "data", "directory", "environment", "linux", "mac", "macos", "node4", "node6", "node-v4", "node-v6", "osx", "path", "paths", "portable", "runtime", "state", "unix", "windows", "xdg" ], "scripts": { "# build # build/compile package": "", "build": "run-s --silent \"build:*\"", "build:cjs": "exec-if-updated --source package.json --source tsconfig.json --source \"tsconfig/**\" --source \"rollup.*.config.js\" --source \"src/**\" --target build/.targets/build-cjs.succeeded \"run-s -n rebuild:cjs\"", "build:esm": "exec-if-updated --source package.json --source tsconfig.json --source \"tsconfig/**\" --source \"rollup.*.config.js\" --source \"src/**\" --target build/.targets/build-esm.succeeded \"run-s -n rebuild:esm\"", "build:umd": "exec-if-updated --source package.json --source tsconfig.json --source \"tsconfig/**\" --source \"rollup.*.config.js\" --source \"src/**\" --target build/.targets/build-umd.succeeded \"run-s -n rebuild:umd\"", "build:testbed": "exec-if-updated --source package.json --source tsconfig.json --source \"tsconfig/**\" --source \"rollup.*.config.js\" --source \"src/**\" --target build/.targets/build-testbed.succeeded \"run-s -n rebuild:testbed\"", "build:types": "exec-if-updated --source package.json --source tsconfig.json --source \"tsconfig/**\" --source \"rollup.*.config.js\" --source \"src/**\" --target build/.targets/build-types.succeeded \"run-s -n rebuild:types\"", "# clean # remove build artifacts": "", "clean": "rimraf build dist", "# coverage # calculate and display (or send) code coverage [alias: 'cov']": "", "coverage": "run-s --silent +:max-node-8 && shx echo \"[coverage] WARN Code coverage skipped [for NodeJS < v10]\" 1>&2 || run-s \"+:coverage\"", "cov": "run-s coverage", "cov:html": "nyc report --reporter=html", "cov:send": "nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | codecov --disable=gcov --pipe", "cov:text": "nyc report", "cov:view": "run-s cov:html && cd coverage && open-cli index.html", "dist": "run-s update", "# fix # fix package issues (automated/non-interactive)": "", "fix": "run-s fix:*", "# fix:lint # fix ESLint issues": "", "fix:lint": "eslint . --fix", "# fix:style # fix Prettier formatting issues": "", "fix:style": "prettier . --write", "# help # display help": "", "help": "run-s --silent _:help", "# lint # check for package code 'lint'": "", "lint": "run-s --silent +:max-node-8 && shx echo \"[lint] WARN Lint checks skipped [for NodeJS < v10]\" 1>&2 || run-p --print-name \"lint:*\"", "# lint:commits # check for commit flaws (using `commitlint` and `cspell`)": "", "lint:commits": "run-s --silent _:v_tag:missing || run-p --silent \"*\"", "# lint:editorconfig # check for EditorConfig format flaws (using `editorconfig-checker`)": "", "lint:editorconfig": "editorconfig-checker -disable-max-line-length -exclude \"(build|dist|vendor)/.*\"", "# lint:lint # check for code 'lint' (using `eslint`)": "", "lint:lint": "eslint .", "# lint:markdown # check for markdown errors (using `remark`)": "", "lint:markdown": "remark --quiet .", "# lint:spell # check for spelling errors (using `cspell`)": "", "lint:spell": "cspell {eg,examples,src,test}/**/* CHANGELOG{,.md,.mkd} README{,.md,.mkd} --no-summary --config \".vscode/cspell.json\"", "# lint:style # check for format imperfections (using `prettier`)": "", "lint:style": "prettier . --list-different", "# realclean # remove all generated files": "", "realclean": "run-s clean && rimraf coverage .nyc_output", "# rebuild # clean and (re-)build project": "", "rebuild": "run-s clean build", "rebuild:cjs": "shx rm -fr build/cjs && tsc -p tsconfig/tsconfig.cjs.json && shx cp -r src/esm-wrapper build/cjs/src && shx mkdir -p build/.targets && shx touch build/.targets/build-cjs.succeeded", "rebuild:esm": "shx rm -fr build/esm && tsc -p tsconfig/tsconfig.esm.json && shx cp src/esm-wrapper/package.json build/esm/src && shx mkdir -p build/.targets && shx touch build/.targets/build-esm.succeeded", "rebuild:umd": "shx rm -fr build/umd && tsc -p tsconfig/tsconfig.umd.json && shx mkdir -p build/.targets && shx touch build/.targets/build-umd.succeeded", "rebuild:testbed": "shx rm -fr build/testbed && tsc -p tsconfig/tsconfig.testbed.json && shx mkdir -p build/.targets && shx touch build/.targets/build-testbed.succeeded", "rebuild:types": "shx rm -fr build/types && tsc -p tsconfig/tsconfig.types.json && shx mkdir -p build/.targets && shx touch build/.targets/build-types.succeeded", "# retest # clean and (re-)test project": "", "retest": "run-s clean test", "# reset:hard # remove *all* generated files and reinstall dependencies": "", "reset:hard": "git clean -dfx && git reset --hard && npm install", "# show:deps # show package dependencies": "", "show:deps": "run-s --silent _:show:deps:prod _:show:deps:dev || shx true", "# test # test package": "", "test": "run-s --silent lint update:dist && run-p test:*", "# test:code # test package code": "", "test:code": "run-s --silent +:max-node-8 && ava || ( run-s --silent +:min-node-10 && nyc --silent ava )", "# test:types # test for type declaration errors (using `tsd`)": "", "test:types": "run-s --silent +:max-node-8 && shx echo \"[test:types] WARN Type testing skipped [for NodeJS < v10]\" 1>&2 || tsd", "# update # update/prepare for distribution [alias: 'dist']": "", "update": "run-s update:changelog update:dist", "# update:changelog # update CHANGELOG (using `git changelog ...`)": "", "update:changelog": "run-s --silent _:update:changelog && git diff --quiet --exit-code CHANGELOG.mkd || shx echo \"[update] info CHANGELOG updated\"", "# update:dist # update distribution content": "", "update:dist": "run-s --silent build && exec-if-updated --source \"build/**\" --target \"dist/**\" --target dist/.targets/update-dist.succeeded \"run-s --silent _:update:dist:rebuild\"", "## +:... == sub-scripts (may run 'visibly', but not user-facing)": "", "+:coverage": "run-s build test:code && is-ci && run-s cov:send || run-s cov:view", "+:max-node-8": "is-node-not-modern 10", "+:min-node-10": "is-node-modern 10", "## _:... == sub-scripts ('hidden'; generally should be run 'silently' using `run-s/run-p --silent ...`": "", "_:exists:git-changelog": "node -e \"if (!require('command-exists').sync('git-changelog')){process.exit(1);};\" || ( shx echo \"WARN `git-changelog` missing (try `go get -u`)\" & exit 1 )", "_:help": "< package.json node -e \"s = {p:'',e:'npm'}; if (new String(process.env.npm_execpath).match(/yarn.js$/)) { s = {p:'\\n',e:'yarn'}; }; console.log('%susage: \\`%s run TARGET\\` or \\`npx run-s TARGET [TARGET..]\\`\\n\\nTARGETs:\\n', s.p, s.e); re = /^.*?\\x22(?:\\W+\\s*)([^#\\x22]+)\\s+#+\\s+([^#\\x22]+?)(\\s+#+)?\\x22.*$/; require('readline').createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, terminal: false }).on('line', function(line){ if (match = re.exec(line)) { console.log('%s %s', match[1].padEnd(19), match[2]); } });\"", "_:lint:commits.all:spell": "node -e \"result=require('child_process').spawnSync('git log --color=never | cspell stdin --no-summary --config \".vscode/cspell.json\"',{shell:true,encoding:'utf-8'}); if (result.status != 0) {console.error('[cspell] ERR! Unknown words in commit(s)\\n'+result.stdout); process.exit(1);} else {console.log(result.stdout);};\"", "": "node -e \"v=require('./package.json').version; result=require('child_process').spawnSync('commitlint --config .commitlint.config.js --from v'+v,{shell:true,encoding:'utf-8'}); if (result.status != 0) {console.error('[commitlint] ERR! Flawed commit(s) found\\n'+result.stdout+'\\n'+result.stderr); process.exit(1);} else {console.log(result.stdout);};\"", "": "node -e \"v=require('./package.json').version; result=require('child_process').spawnSync('git log v'+v+'.. --color=never | cspell stdin --no-summary --config \".vscode/cspell.json\"',{shell:true,encoding:'utf-8'}); if (result.status != 0) {console.error('[cspell] ERR! Unknown words in commit(s)\\n'+result.stdout); process.exit(1);} else {console.log(result.stdout);};\"", "_:show:deps:dev": "npm --silent ls --only development || shx true", "_:show:deps:prod": "npm --silent ls --only production || shx true", "_:vcs-clean": "git diff --quiet", "_:vcs-clean-err": "run-s --silent _:vcs-clean || ( shx echo \"[vcs] ERR! Uncommitted changes\" 1>&2 & exit 1 )", "_:vcs-strictly-clean": "git status --porcelain | node -e \"process.stdin.on('data',function(_){process.exit(1);});\"", "_:vcs-strictly-clean-err": "run-s --silent _:vcs-strictly-clean || ( shx echo \"[vcs] ERR! Uncommitted changes and/or untracked files\" 1>&2 & exit 1 )", "_:v_tag:exists": "node -e \"v=require('./package.json').version; result=require('child_process').spawnSync('git rev-list refs/tags/v'+v,{shell:true,encoding:'utf-8'}); if (result.status != 0) {console.error('[lint] WARN Missing commit tag v'+v); process.exit(1);}\"", "_:v_tag:missing": "run-s --silent _:v_tag:exists && exit 1 || exit 0", "_:update:changelog": "run-s --silent _:exists:git-changelog && git changelog > CHANGELOG.mkd || shx echo \"[update] WARN CHANGELOG not updated\" 1>&2", "": "shx rm -fr dist/cjs dist/esm && shx mkdir -p dist/cjs dist/esm && shx cp -r build/cjs/src/* dist/cjs && shx cp -r build/esm/src/* dist/esm", "_:update:dist.normalizeEOL": "eolConverter lf dist/**/*.{cjs,js,mjs,ts,json}", "_:update:dist.pack": "node -e \"delete process.env.NPM_CONFIG_DRY_RUN; name=require('./package.json').name; result=require('child_process').spawnSync('npm pack && shx mkdir -p dist && shx mv '+name+'-*.tgz dist/'+name+'.tgz',{shell:true,encoding:'utf-8'}); if (result.status != 0) {console.error('[update] ERR! Unable to package (into *.tgz) for distribution\\n'+result.stdout); process.exit(1);} else {console.log(result.stdout);};\"", "_:update:dist.types": "shx mkdir -p dist && shx rm -fr dist/types && rollup --config .rollup.config.types.js && shx mkdir -p dist/cjs && shx cp dist/types/*.cjs.d.ts dist/cjs", "_:update:dist:rebuild": "shx rm -fr dist && run-s --silent _:update:dist.types _:update:dist.normalizeEOL _:update:dist.pack && shx mkdir -p dist/.targets && shx touch dist/.targets/update-dist.succeeded", "_:version:spell:changelog_update": "run-s --silent _:exists:git-changelog && git changelog -u | cspell stdin --config \".vscode/cspell.json\" || shx echo \"[lint] WARN CHANGELOG update `cspell` exception\" 1>&2", "_:version:update:changelog": "run-s --silent _:exists:git-changelog && node -e \"v=require('./package.json').version; result=require('child_process').spawnSync('git changelog --next-tag-now --next-tag v'+v,{shell:true,encoding:'utf-8'}); if (result.status != 0) {console.error('ERR! '+result.stderr); process.exit(1);} else {require('fs').writeFileSync('CHANGELOG.mkd',result.stdout);};\" || shx echo \"[version] WARN CHANGELOG not updated\" 1>&2", "## npm lifecycle scripts ##": "", "prepublishOnly": "npm run clean && npm run test --test-dist && run-s --silent update _:vcs-strictly-clean-err", "## npm-version scripts ##": "", "preversion": "run-s --silent _:version:spell:changelog_update && npm run test --test-dist", "version": "run-s --silent _:version:update:changelog && run-s lint:spell && run-s --silent update:dist && git add CHANGELOG.mkd dist" }, "dependencies": { "os-paths": "^6.2.0" }, "devDependencies:#": "* for testing, Node-v6 requires ava < v2 and nyc < v15", "devDependencies": { "@ava/typescript": "^1.1.1", "@commitlint/cli": "^11.0.0", "@commitlint/config-conventional": "^11.0.0", "@istanbuljs/nyc-config-typescript": "^1.0.1", "@rollup/plugin-replace": "^2.3.4", "@types/node": "^14.14.20", "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^4.12.0", "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^4.12.0", "ava": "^3.15.0", "codecov": "^3.5.0", "command-exists": "^1.2.9", "coveralls": "^3.0.5", "cross-spawn": "^7.0.3", "cspell": "^4.2.7", "editorconfig-checker": "^3.3.0", "eol-converter-cli": "^1.0.8", "eslint": "^7.17.0", "eslint-config-prettier": "^7.1.0", "eslint-plugin-eslint-comments": "^3.2.0", "eslint-plugin-functional": "^3.2.1", "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.22.0", "eslint-plugin-security": "^1.4.0", "eslint-plugin-security-node": "^1.0.14", "exec-if-updated": "git://", "is-ci": "^2.0.0", "is-node-modern": "^1.0.0", "npm-run-all": "^4.1.5", "nyc": "^15.1.0", "open-cli": "^6.0.1", "prettier": "^2.1.1", "remark-cli": "^9.0.0", "remark-footnotes": "^3.0.0", "remark-preset-lint-consistent": "^4.0.0", "remark-preset-lint-markdown-style-guide": "^4.0.0", "remark-preset-lint-recommended": "^5.0.0", "remark-retext": "^4.0.0", "retext-english": "^3.0.4", "retext-passive": "^3.0.0", "retext-repeated-words": "^3.0.0", "retext-sentence-spacing": "^4.0.0", "retext-syntax-urls": "^2.0.0", "rimraf": "^3.0.2", "rollup": "^2.36.1", "rollup-plugin-dts": "^2.0.1", "rollup-plugin-typescript2": "^0.29.0", "shx": "^0.3.3", "ts-node": "^9.0.0", "tsd": "^0.14.0", "typescript": "^4.1.3", "unified": "^9.2.0" }, "optionalDependencies": {}, "ava": { "files": [ "!**/*.test-d.ts" ], "timeout": "60s", "typescript": { "rewritePaths": { "src/": "build/testbed/src/" } } }, "nyc": { "extends": "@istanbuljs/nyc-config-typescript", "exclude": [ "eg/**", "test/**", "**/*.spec.js", "**/*.test.js", "**/*.spec.ts", "**/*.test.ts" ], "reporter": [ "html", "text" ], "lines": "100", "branches": "96", "statements": "100" }, "tsd": { "directory": "test" }}