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State machines and statecharts for the modern web.
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interface SchedulerOptions { deferEvents: boolean;}
const defaultOptions: SchedulerOptions = { deferEvents: false};
export class Scheduler { private processingEvent: boolean = false; private queue: Array<() => void> = []; private initialized = false;
// deferred feature private options: SchedulerOptions;
constructor(options?: Partial<SchedulerOptions>) { this.options = { ...defaultOptions, ...options }; }
public initialize(callback?: () => void): void { this.initialized = true;
if (callback) { if (!this.options.deferEvents) { this.schedule(callback); return; }
this.process(callback); }
this.flushEvents(); }
public schedule(task: () => void): void { if (!this.initialized || this.processingEvent) { this.queue.push(task); return; }
if (this.queue.length !== 0) { throw new Error( 'Event queue should be empty when it is not processing events' ); }
this.process(task); this.flushEvents(); }
public clear(): void { this.queue = []; }
private flushEvents() { let nextCallback: (() => void) | undefined = this.queue.shift(); while (nextCallback) { this.process(nextCallback); nextCallback = this.queue.shift(); } }
private process(callback: () => void) { this.processingEvent = true; try { callback(); } catch (e) { // there is no use to keep the future events // as the situation is not anymore the same this.clear(); throw e; } finally { this.processingEvent = false; } }}