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State machines and statecharts for the modern web.
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import { Machine, interpret, assign, send, sendParent, createMachine} from '../src';
interface CounterContext { count: number; foo: string; maybe?: string;}
const counterMachine = Machine<CounterContext>({ initial: 'counting', context: { count: 0, foo: 'bar' }, states: { counting: { on: { INC: [ { target: 'counting', actions: assign((ctx) => ({ count: ctx.count + 1 })) } ], DEC: [ { target: 'counting', actions: [ assign({ count: (ctx) => ctx.count - 1 }) ] } ], WIN_PROP: [ { target: 'counting', actions: [ assign({ count: () => 100, foo: () => 'win' }) ] } ], WIN_STATIC: [ { target: 'counting', actions: [ assign({ count: 100, foo: 'win' }) ] } ], WIN_MIX: [ { target: 'counting', actions: [ assign({ count: () => 100, foo: 'win' }) ] } ], WIN: [ { target: 'counting', actions: [ assign(() => ({ count: 100, foo: 'win' })) ] } ], SET_MAYBE: [ { actions: [ assign<CounterContext>({ maybe: 'defined' }) ] } ] } } }});
describe('assign', () => { it('applies the assignment to the external state (property assignment)', () => { const oneState = counterMachine.transition( counterMachine.initialState, 'DEC' );
expect(oneState.value).toEqual('counting'); expect(oneState.context).toEqual({ count: -1, foo: 'bar' });
const twoState = counterMachine.transition(oneState, 'DEC');
expect(twoState.value).toEqual('counting'); expect(twoState.context).toEqual({ count: -2, foo: 'bar' }); });
it('applies the assignment to the external state', () => { const oneState = counterMachine.transition( counterMachine.initialState, 'INC' );
expect(oneState.value).toEqual('counting'); expect(oneState.context).toEqual({ count: 1, foo: 'bar' });
const twoState = counterMachine.transition(oneState, 'INC');
expect(twoState.value).toEqual('counting'); expect(twoState.context).toEqual({ count: 2, foo: 'bar' }); });
it('applies the assignment to multiple properties (property assignment)', () => { const nextState = counterMachine.transition( counterMachine.initialState, 'WIN_PROP' );
expect(nextState.context).toEqual({ count: 100, foo: 'win' }); });
it('applies the assignment to multiple properties (static)', () => { const nextState = counterMachine.transition( counterMachine.initialState, 'WIN_STATIC' );
expect(nextState.context).toEqual({ count: 100, foo: 'win' }); });
it('applies the assignment to multiple properties (static + prop assignment)', () => { const nextState = counterMachine.transition( counterMachine.initialState, 'WIN_MIX' );
expect(nextState.context).toEqual({ count: 100, foo: 'win' }); });
it('applies the assignment to multiple properties', () => { const nextState = counterMachine.transition( counterMachine.initialState, 'WIN' );
expect(nextState.context).toEqual({ count: 100, foo: 'win' }); });
it('applies the assignment to the explicit external state (property assignment)', () => { const oneState = counterMachine.transition( counterMachine.initialState, 'DEC', { count: 50, foo: 'bar' } );
expect(oneState.value).toEqual('counting'); expect(oneState.context).toEqual({ count: 49, foo: 'bar' });
const twoState = counterMachine.transition(oneState, 'DEC');
expect(twoState.value).toEqual('counting'); expect(twoState.context).toEqual({ count: 48, foo: 'bar' });
const threeState = counterMachine.transition(twoState, 'DEC', { count: 100, foo: 'bar' });
expect(threeState.value).toEqual('counting'); expect(threeState.context).toEqual({ count: 99, foo: 'bar' }); });
it('applies the assignment to the explicit external state', () => { const oneState = counterMachine.transition( counterMachine.initialState, 'INC', { count: 50, foo: 'bar' } );
expect(oneState.value).toEqual('counting'); expect(oneState.context).toEqual({ count: 51, foo: 'bar' });
const twoState = counterMachine.transition(oneState, 'INC');
expect(twoState.value).toEqual('counting'); expect(twoState.context).toEqual({ count: 52, foo: 'bar' });
const threeState = counterMachine.transition(twoState, 'INC', { count: 102, foo: 'bar' });
expect(threeState.value).toEqual('counting'); expect(threeState.context).toEqual({ count: 103, foo: 'bar' }); });
it('should maintain state after unhandled event', () => { const { initialState } = counterMachine;
const nextState = counterMachine.transition(initialState, 'FAKE_EVENT');
expect(nextState.context).toBeDefined(); expect(nextState.context).toEqual({ count: 0, foo: 'bar' }); });
it('sets undefined properties', () => { const { initialState } = counterMachine;
const nextState = counterMachine.transition(initialState, 'SET_MAYBE');
expect(nextState.context.maybe).toBeDefined(); expect(nextState.context).toEqual({ count: 0, foo: 'bar', maybe: 'defined' }); });
it('can assign from event', () => { const machine = createMachine< { count: number }, { type: 'INC'; value: number } >({ initial: 'active', context: { count: 0 }, states: { active: { on: { INC: { actions: assign({ count: (_, event) => event.value }) } } } } });
const nextState = machine.transition(undefined, { type: 'INC', value: 30 });
expect(nextState.context.count).toEqual(30); });});
describe('assign meta', () => { const machine = Machine<{ count: number }>({ id: 'assign', initial: 'start', context: { count: 0 }, states: { start: { entry: assign({ count: (_, __, { state }) => { return state === undefined ? 1 : -1; } }), meta: { test: 3 }, on: { NEXT: { target: 'two', actions: assign({ count: (_, __, { state }) => { return state ? state.meta['assign.start'].test : -1; } }) }, NEXT_FN: { target: 'two', actions: assign((_, __, { state }) => ({ count: state ? state.meta['assign.start'].test : -1 })) }, NEXT_ASSIGNER: { target: 'two', actions: assign((_, __, { action }) => ({ count: action.assignment ? 5 : -1 })) } } }, two: {} } });
it('should provide the state in regular transitions (prop assigner)', () => { const { initialState } = machine;
const nextState = machine.transition(initialState, 'NEXT');
expect(nextState.context).toEqual({ count: 3 }); });
it('should provide the state in regular transitions (assigner)', () => { const { initialState } = machine;
const nextState = machine.transition(initialState, 'NEXT_FN');
expect(nextState.context).toEqual({ count: 3 }); });
it('should provide the assign action', () => { const { initialState } = machine;
const nextState = machine.transition(initialState, 'NEXT_ASSIGNER');
expect(nextState.context).toEqual({ count: 5 }); });
it('should not provide the state from initial state', () => { const { initialState } = machine;
expect(initialState.context).toEqual({ count: 1 }); });
it('should provide meta._event to assigner', () => { interface Ctx { eventLog: Array<{ event: string; origin: string | undefined }>; }
const assignEventLog = assign<Ctx>((ctx, event, meta) => ({ eventLog: ctx.eventLog.concat({ event: event.type, origin: meta._event.origin }) }));
const childMachine = Machine({ initial: 'bar', states: { bar: {} }, on: { PING: { actions: [sendParent('PONG')] } } });
const parentMachine = Machine<Ctx>({ initial: 'foo', context: { eventLog: [] }, states: { foo: { invoke: { id: 'child', src: childMachine } } }, on: { PING_CHILD: { actions: [send('PING', { to: 'child' }), assignEventLog] }, '*': { actions: [assignEventLog] } } });
let state: any;
const service = interpret(parentMachine) .onTransition((s) => { state = s; }) .start();
service.send('PING_CHILD'); service.send('PING_CHILD');
expect(state.context).toEqual({ eventLog: [ { event: 'PING_CHILD', origin: undefined }, { event: 'PONG', origin: expect.stringMatching(/.+/) }, { event: 'PING_CHILD', origin: undefined }, { event: 'PONG', origin: expect.stringMatching(/.+/) } ] }); });});