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State machines and statecharts for the modern web.
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import { assign, ContextFrom, createMachine, EmittedFrom, EventFrom, interpret, MachineOptionsFrom, StateValueFrom} from '../src';import { createModel } from '../src/model';import { TypegenMeta } from '../src/typegenTypes';
describe('ContextFrom', () => { it('should return context of a machine', () => { const machine = createMachine({ schema: { context: {} as { counter: number } } });
type MachineContext = ContextFrom<typeof machine>;
const acceptMachineContext = (_event: MachineContext) => {};
acceptMachineContext({ counter: 100 }); acceptMachineContext({ counter: 100, // @ts-expect-error other: 'unknown' }); const obj = { completely: 'invalid' }; // @ts-expect-error acceptMachineContext(obj); });
it('should return context of a typegened machine', () => { const machine = createMachine({ tsTypes: {} as TypegenMeta, schema: { context: {} as { counter: number } } });
type MachineContext = ContextFrom<typeof machine>;
const acceptMachineContext = (_event: MachineContext) => {};
acceptMachineContext({ counter: 100 }); acceptMachineContext({ counter: 100, // @ts-expect-error other: 'unknown' }); const obj = { completely: 'invalid' }; // @ts-expect-error acceptMachineContext(obj); });});
describe('EventFrom', () => { it('should return events for a machine', () => { const machine = createMachine({ schema: { events: {} as | { type: 'UPDATE_NAME'; value: string } | { type: 'UPDATE_AGE'; value: number } | { type: 'ANOTHER_EVENT' } } });
type MachineEvent = EventFrom<typeof machine>;
const acceptMachineEvent = (_event: MachineEvent) => {};
acceptMachineEvent({ type: 'UPDATE_NAME', value: 'test' }); acceptMachineEvent({ type: 'UPDATE_AGE', value: 12 }); acceptMachineEvent({ type: 'ANOTHER_EVENT' }); acceptMachineEvent({ // @ts-expect-error type: 'UNKNOWN_EVENT' }); });
it('should return events for a typegened machine', () => { const machine = createMachine({ tsTypes: {} as TypegenMeta, schema: { events: {} as | { type: 'UPDATE_NAME'; value: string } | { type: 'UPDATE_AGE'; value: number } | { type: 'ANOTHER_EVENT' } } });
type MachineEvent = EventFrom<typeof machine>;
const acceptMachineEvent = (_event: MachineEvent) => {};
acceptMachineEvent({ type: 'UPDATE_NAME', value: 'test' }); acceptMachineEvent({ type: 'UPDATE_AGE', value: 12 }); acceptMachineEvent({ type: 'ANOTHER_EVENT' }); acceptMachineEvent({ // @ts-expect-error type: 'UNKNOWN_EVENT' }); });
it('should return events for an interpreter', () => { const machine = createMachine({ schema: { events: {} as | { type: 'UPDATE_NAME'; value: string } | { type: 'UPDATE_AGE'; value: number } | { type: 'ANOTHER_EVENT' } } });
const service = interpret(machine);
type InterpreterEvent = EventFrom<typeof service>;
const acceptInterpreterEvent = (_event: InterpreterEvent) => {};
acceptInterpreterEvent({ type: 'UPDATE_NAME', value: 'test' }); acceptInterpreterEvent({ type: 'UPDATE_AGE', value: 12 }); acceptInterpreterEvent({ type: 'ANOTHER_EVENT' }); acceptInterpreterEvent({ // @ts-expect-error type: 'UNKNOWN_EVENT' }); });
it('should return events for createModel', () => { const userModel = createModel( {}, { events: { updateName: (value: string) => ({ value }), updateAge: (value: number) => ({ value }), anotherEvent: () => ({}) } } );
type UserModelEvent = EventFrom<typeof userModel>;
const acceptUserModelEvent = (_event: UserModelEvent) => {};
acceptUserModelEvent({ type: 'updateName', value: 'test' }); acceptUserModelEvent({ type: 'updateAge', value: 12 }); acceptUserModelEvent({ type: 'anotherEvent' }); acceptUserModelEvent({ // @ts-expect-error type: 'eventThatDoesNotExist' }); });
it('should narrow events down to the specified types', () => { const userModel = createModel( {}, { events: { updateName: (value: string) => ({ value }), updateAge: (value: number) => ({ value }), anotherEvent: () => ({}) } } );
type UserModelEventSubset = EventFrom< typeof userModel, 'updateName' | 'updateAge' >;
const acceptUserModelEventSubset = ( _userModelEventSubset: UserModelEventSubset ) => {};
acceptUserModelEventSubset({ type: 'updateName', value: 'test' }); acceptUserModelEventSubset({ type: 'updateAge', value: 12 }); // @ts-expect-error acceptUserModelEventSubset({ type: 'anotherEvent' }); // @ts-expect-error acceptUserModelEventSubset({ type: 'eventThatDoesNotExist' }); });
it('should correctly extract events from events having union of strings as their `type`', () => { const machine = createMachine({ schema: { events: {} as { type: 'INC' | 'DEC' } } });
type MachineEvent = EventFrom<typeof machine, 'INC'>;
const acceptEvent = (_event: MachineEvent) => {};
acceptEvent({ type: 'INC' }); });});
describe('MachineOptionsFrom', () => { it('should return options for a typegen-less machine', () => { const machine = createMachine({ context: { count: 100 }, schema: { events: {} as { type: 'FOO' } | { type: 'BAR'; value: string } } });
const acceptMachineOptions = ( _options: MachineOptionsFrom<typeof machine> ) => {};
acceptMachineOptions({ actions: { foo: () => {} } }); acceptMachineOptions({ actions: { foo: assign(() => ({})) } }); acceptMachineOptions({ actions: { foo: assign((ctx) => { ((_accept: number) => {})(ctx.count); return {}; }) } }); acceptMachineOptions({ actions: { foo: assign((_ctx, ev) => { ((_accept: 'FOO' | 'BAR') => {})(ev.type); return {}; }) } }); // @ts-expect-error acceptMachineOptions(100); });
it('should return optional options for a typegen-based machine by default', () => { interface TypesMeta extends TypegenMeta { missingImplementations: { actions: 'myAction'; delays: never; guards: never; services: never; }; eventsCausingActions: { myAction: 'FOO'; }; } const machine = createMachine({ tsTypes: {} as TypesMeta, context: { count: 100 }, schema: { events: {} as { type: 'FOO' } | { type: 'BAR'; value: string } } });
const acceptMachineOptions = ( _options: MachineOptionsFrom<typeof machine> ) => {};
acceptMachineOptions({ actions: { // @ts-expect-error foo: () => {} } }); acceptMachineOptions({ actions: {} }); acceptMachineOptions({ actions: { myAction: assign((ctx, ev) => { ((_accept: number) => {})(ctx.count); ((_accept: 'FOO') => {})(ev.type); return {}; }) } }); // @ts-expect-error acceptMachineOptions(100); });
it('should return required options for a typegen-based machine with a flag', () => { interface TypesMeta extends TypegenMeta { missingImplementations: { actions: 'myAction'; delays: never; guards: never; services: never; }; eventsCausingActions: { myAction: 'FOO'; }; } const machine = createMachine({ tsTypes: {} as TypesMeta, context: { count: 100 }, schema: { events: {} as { type: 'FOO' } | { type: 'BAR'; value: string } } });
const acceptMachineOptions = ( _options: MachineOptionsFrom<typeof machine, true> ) => {};
acceptMachineOptions({ actions: { // @ts-expect-error foo: () => {} } }); acceptMachineOptions({ // @ts-expect-error actions: {} }); acceptMachineOptions({ actions: { myAction: assign((ctx, ev) => { ((_accept: number) => {})(ctx.count); ((_accept: 'FOO') => {})(ev.type); return {}; }) } }); // @ts-expect-error acceptMachineOptions(100); });});
describe('StateValueFrom', () => { it('should return possible state values from a typegened machine', () => { interface TypesMeta extends TypegenMeta { matchesStates: 'a' | 'b' | 'c'; }
const machine = createMachine({ tsTypes: {} as TypesMeta });
function matches(_value: StateValueFrom<typeof machine>) {}
matches('a'); matches('b'); // @ts-expect-error matches('unknown'); });
it('should return any from a typegenless machine', () => { const machine = createMachine({});
function matches(_value: StateValueFrom<typeof machine>) {}
matches('just anything'); });});
describe('EmittedFrom', () => { it('should return state type from a service that has concrete event type', () => { const service = interpret( createMachine({ schema: { events: {} as { type: 'FOO' } } }) );
function acceptState(_state: EmittedFrom<typeof service>) {}
acceptState(service.initialState); // @ts-expect-error acceptState("isn't any"); });
it('should return state from a service created based on a model without any concrete events', () => { const service = interpret( createModel( {}, { // this empty obj is important for this test case } ).createMachine({}) );
function acceptState(_state: EmittedFrom<typeof service>) {}
acceptState(service.initialState); // @ts-expect-error acceptState("isn't any"); });});