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XUMM Typescript / Javascript SDK - Interact with the XUMM Developer API the easy way
interface XummTypes.XummGetPayloadResponse
import { type XummTypes } from "";
const { XummGetPayloadResponse } = XummTypes;


application: { name: string; description: string; disabled: 0 | 1; uuidv4: string; icon_url: string; issued_user_token: string | null; }
payload: { tx_type: XummTransactionType | XrplTransactionType; tx_destination: string; tx_destination_tag: number | null; request_json: XummJsonTransaction; origintype: string | null; signmethod: string | null; created_at: string; expires_at: string; expires_in_seconds: number; computed?: Record<string, unknown>; }
response: { hex: string | null; txid: string | null; resolved_at: string | null; dispatched_nodetype: string | null; dispatched_to: string | null; dispatched_result: string | null; multisign_account: string | null; account: string | null; approved_with?: XummTransactionApprovalType; }
custom_meta: XummCustomMeta