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JavaScript parser and stringifier for YAML
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import { LineCounter, parseDocument } from 'yaml'
test('Parse error, no newlines', () => { const lineCounter = new LineCounter() const doc = parseDocument('foo: bar: baz', { lineCounter }) expect(doc.errors).toMatchObject([{ pos: [5, 6] }]) expect(lineCounter.lineStarts).toMatchObject([0]) expect(lineCounter.linePos(5)).toMatchObject({ line: 1, col: 6 })})
test('Parse error with newlines', () => { const lineCounter = new LineCounter() const doc = parseDocument('foo:\n bar: - baz\n', { lineCounter }) expect(doc.errors).toMatchObject([{ pos: [14, 17] }]) expect(lineCounter.lineStarts).toMatchObject([0, 5, 18]) expect(lineCounter.linePos(14)).toMatchObject({ line: 2, col: 10 }) expect(lineCounter.linePos(17)).toMatchObject({ line: 2, col: 13 })})
test('block scalar', () => { const lineCounter = new LineCounter() parseDocument('foo: |\n a\n b\n c\nbar:\n baz\n', { lineCounter }) expect(lineCounter.lineStarts).toMatchObject([0, 7, 10, 13, 16, 21, 26]) for (const { offset, line, col } of [ { offset: 0, line: 1, col: 1 }, { offset: 10, line: 3, col: 1 }, { offset: 11, line: 3, col: 2 }, { offset: 12, line: 3, col: 3 }, { offset: 13, line: 4, col: 1 }, { offset: 14, line: 4, col: 2 }, { offset: 15, line: 4, col: 3 }, { offset: 16, line: 5, col: 1 }, { offset: 17, line: 5, col: 2 }, { offset: 18, line: 5, col: 3 } ]) { expect(lineCounter.linePos(offset)).toMatchObject({ line, col }) }})
test('flow scalar', () => { const lineCounter = new LineCounter() const doc = parseDocument(`?\n "a\n b"\n: '\n c\n \n\n d'\n`, { lineCounter }) expect(doc.toJS()).toMatchObject({ 'a b': ' c\n\nd' }) expect(lineCounter.lineStarts).toMatchObject([ 0, 2, 6, 10, 14, 17, 19, 20, 24 ])})