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yargs the modern, pirate-themed successor to optimist.
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// a fairly complex CLI defined using the yargs 3.0 API:var argv = require('yargs/yargs')(process.argv.slice(2)) .usage('Usage: $0 <cmd> [options]') // usage string of application. .command('install', 'install a package (name@version)') // describe commands available. .command('publish', 'publish the package inside the current working directory') .option('f', { // document options. array: true, // even single values will be wrapped in []. description: 'an array of files', default: 'test.js', alias: 'file' }) .alias('f', 'fil') .option('h', { alias: 'help', description: 'display help message' }) .string(['user', 'pass']) .implies('user', 'pass') // if 'user' is set 'pass' must be set. .help('help') .demand('q') // fail if 'q' not provided. .version('1.0.1', 'version', 'display version information') // the version string. .alias('version', 'v') // show examples of application in action. .example('npm install npm@latest -g', 'install the latest version of npm') // final message to display when successful. .epilog('for more information visit') // disable showing help on failures, provide a final message // to display for errors. .showHelpOnFail(false, 'whoops, something went wrong! run with --help') .argv;
// the parsed data is stored in argv.console.log(argv);