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yargs the modern, pirate-themed successor to optimist.
'use strict';/* global describe, it, beforeEach *//* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
const checkUsage = require('./helpers/utils.cjs').checkOutput;const expect = require('chai').expect;const english = require('../locales/en.json');let yargs = require('../index.cjs');
describe('validation tests', () => { beforeEach(() => { yargs.getInternalMethods().reset(); });
describe('check', () => { it('fails if error is thrown in check callback', done => { yargs .command( '$0', 'default command desc', yargs => yargs .option('name', { describe: 'name desc', type: 'string', alias: 'n', }) .check(argv => { const {name} = argv; if (typeof name !== 'string' || !name.length) { throw new Error('Option "name" must be a non-empty string'); } return true; }), () => {; } ) .fail(() => { return done(); }) .parse('--name'); });
it('does not fail if error is not thrown in check callback, and true is returned', () => { yargs .command( '$0', 'default command desc', yargs => yargs .option('name', { describe: 'version desc', type: 'string', alias: 'n', }) .check(argv => { const {name} = argv; if (typeof name !== 'string' || !name.length) { throw new Error('Option "name" must be a non-empty string'); } return true; }), argv => argv ) .fail(() => {; }) .parse('--name Itachi'); });
it('callback has access to options', () => { yargs .command( '$0', 'default command desc', yargs => yargs .option('name', { describe: 'name desc', type: 'string', alias: 'n', }) .check((_, options) => { if ( typeof options !== 'object' || !, 'string') || !options.string.includes('name') ) { throw new Error( 'Check callback should have access to options' ); } return true; }), argv => argv ) .fail(() => {; }) .parse('--name Itachi'); }); });
describe('implies', () => { const implicationsFailedPattern = new RegExp( english['Implications failed:'] );
it("fails if '_' populated, and implied argument not set", done => { yargs(['cat']) .implies({ 1: 'foo', // 1 arg in _ means --foo is required }) .fail(msg => { msg.should.match(implicationsFailedPattern); return done(); }) .parse(); });
it("fails if key implies values in '_', but '_' is not populated", done => { yargs(['--foo']) .boolean('foo') .implies({ foo: 1, // --foo means 1 arg in _ is required }) .fail(msg => { msg.should.match(implicationsFailedPattern); return done(); }) .parse(); });
it('fails if either implied argument is not set and displays only failed', done => { yargs(['-f', '-b']) .implies('f', ['b', 'c']) .fail(msg1 => { yargs(['-f', '-c']) .implies('f', ['b', 'c']) .fail(msg2 => { msg1.should.match(/f -> c/); msg1.should.not.match(/f -> b/); msg2.should.match(/f -> b/); msg2.should.not.match(/f -> c/); return done(); }) .parse(); }) .parse(); });
it("fails if --no-foo's implied argument is not set", done => { yargs([]) .implies({ '--no-bar': 'foo', // when --bar is not given, --foo is required }) .fail(msg => { msg.should.match(implicationsFailedPattern); return done(); }) .parse(); });
it('fails if a key is set, along with a key that it implies should not be set', done => { yargs(['--bar', '--foo']) .implies({ bar: '--no-foo', // --bar means --foo cannot be given }) .fail(msg => { msg.should.match(implicationsFailedPattern); return done(); }) .parse(); });
it('fails if implied key (with "no" in the name) is not set', () => { let failCalled = false; yargs('--bar') .implies({ bar: 'noFoo', // --bar means --noFoo (or --no-foo with boolean-negation disabled) is required // note that this has nothing to do with --foo }) .fail(msg => { failCalled = true; msg.should.match(implicationsFailedPattern); }) .parse(); failCalled.should.equal(true); });
it("doesn't fail if implied key exists with value 0", () => { yargs('--foo --bar 0') .implies('foo', 'bar') .fail(() => {; }) .parse(); });
it("doesn't fail if implied key exists with value false", () => { yargs('--foo --bar false') .implies('foo', 'bar') .fail(() => {; }) .parse(); });
it('doesn\'t fail if implied key (with "no" in the name) is set', () => { const argv = yargs('--bar --noFoo') .implies({ bar: 'noFoo', // --bar means --noFoo (or --no-foo with boolean-negation disabled) is required // note that this has nothing to do with --foo }) .fail(() => {; }) .parse(); expect(; expect(argv.noFoo).to.equal(true); expect(; });
it('fails if implied key (with "no" in the name) is given when it should not', () => { let failCalled = false; yargs('--bar --noFoo') .implies({ bar: '--no-noFoo', // --bar means --noFoo (or --no-foo with boolean-negation disabled) cannot be given // note that this has nothing to do with --foo }) .fail(msg => { failCalled = true; msg.should.match(implicationsFailedPattern); }) .parse(); failCalled.should.equal(true); });
it('doesn\'t fail if implied key (with "no" in the name) that should not be given is not set', () => { const argv = yargs('--bar') .implies({ bar: '--no-noFoo', // --bar means --noFoo (or --no-foo with boolean-negation disabled) cannot be given // note that this has nothing to do with --foo }) .fail(() => {; }) .parse(); expect(; expect(argv.noFoo).to.equal(undefined); expect(; });
it('allows key to be specified with option shorthand', done => { yargs('--bar') .option('bar', { implies: 'foo', }) .fail(msg => { msg.should.match(implicationsFailedPattern); return done(); }) .parse(); }); });
describe('conflicts', () => { it('fails if both arguments are supplied', done => { yargs(['-f', '-b']) .conflicts('f', 'b') .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('Arguments f and b are mutually exclusive'); return done(); }) .parse(); });
it('fails if argument is supplied along with either conflicting argument', done => { yargs(['-f', '-b']) .conflicts('f', ['b', 'c']) .fail(msg1 => { yargs(['-f', '-c']) .conflicts('f', ['b', 'c']) .fail(msg2 => { msg1.should.equal('Arguments f and b are mutually exclusive'); msg2.should.equal('Arguments f and c are mutually exclusive'); return done(); }) .parse(); }) .parse(); });
// Addresses: it('fails if conflicting arguments are provided, and strip-dashed is enabled', () => { yargs() .option('foo-foo', { description: 'a foo-foo', type: 'string', }) .option('bar-bar', { description: 'a bar-bar', type: 'string', }) .conflicts({'foo-foo': 'bar-bar'}) .parserConfiguration({'strip-dashed': true}) .parse('--foo-foo a --bar-bar b', (error, argv, output) => { expect(error).to.not.equal(null); error.message.should.match( /Arguments foo-foo and bar-bar are mutually exclusive/ ); }); });
it('should not fail if no conflicting arguments are provided', () => { yargs(['-b', '-c']) .conflicts('f', ['b', 'c']) .fail(msg => {; }) .parse(); });
it('should not fail if argument with conflict is provided, but not the argument it conflicts with', () => { yargs(['command', '-f', '-c']) .command('command') .option('f', { describe: 'a foo', }) .option('b', { describe: 'a bar', }) .conflicts('f', 'b') .fail(msg => {; }) .parse(); });
it('should not fail if conflicting argument is provided, without argument with conflict', () => { yargs(['command', '-b', '-c']) .command('command') .option('f', { describe: 'a foo', }) .option('b', { describe: 'a bar', }) .conflicts('f', 'b') .fail(msg => {; }) .parse(); });
it('allows an object to be provided defining conflicting option pairs', done => { yargs(['-t', '-s']) .conflicts({ c: 'a', s: 't', }) .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('Arguments s and t are mutually exclusive'); return done(); }) .parse(); });
it('takes into account aliases when applying conflicts logic', done => { yargs(['-t', '-c']) .conflicts({ c: 'a', s: 't', }) .alias('c', 's') .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('Arguments s and t are mutually exclusive'); return done(); }) .parse(); });
it('allows key to be specified with option shorthand', done => { yargs(['-f', '-b']) .option('f', { conflicts: 'b', }) .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('Arguments f and b are mutually exclusive'); return done(); }) .parse(); });
it('should fail if alias of conflicting argument is provided', done => { yargs(['-f', '--batman=99']) .conflicts('f', 'b') .alias('b', 'batman') .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('Arguments f and b are mutually exclusive'); return done(); }) .parse(); });
it('should fail if alias of argument with conflict is provided', done => { yargs(['--foo', '-b']) .conflicts('f', 'b') .alias('foo', 'f') .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('Arguments f and b are mutually exclusive'); return done(); }) .parse(); });
function loadLocale(locale) { delete require.cache[require.resolve('../')]; yargs = require('../'); process.env.LC_ALL = locale; }
it('should use appropriate translation', done => { loadLocale('pirate'); try { yargs(['-f', '-b']) .conflicts('f', 'b') .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal( 'Yon scurvy dogs f and b be as bad as rum and a prudish wench' ); return done(); }) .parse(); } finally { loadLocale('en_US.UTF-8'); } }); });
describe('demand', () => { it('fails with standard error message if msg is not defined', done => { yargs([]) .demand(1) .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal( 'Not enough non-option arguments: got 0, need at least 1' ); return done(); }) .parse();'no parsing failure'); });
// addresses: it('fails in strict mode when no commands defined but command is passed', done => { yargs .strict() .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('Unknown argument: foo'); done(); }) .parse('foo');'no parsing failure'); });
it('fails because of undefined command and not because of argument after --', done => { yargs .strict() .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('Unknown argument: foo'); done(); }) .parse('foo -- hello');'no parsing failure'); });
it('fails in strict mode with invalid command', done => { yargs(['koala']) .command('wombat', 'wombat burrows') .command('kangaroo', 'kangaroo handlers') .demand(1) .strict() .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('Unknown argument: koala'); return done(); }) .parse();'no parsing failure'); });
it('fails in strict mode with extra positionals', done => { yargs(['kangaroo', 'jumping', 'fast']) .command('kangaroo <status>', 'kangaroo handlers') .strict() .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('Unknown argument: fast'); return done(); }) .parse();'no parsing failure'); });
it('fails in strict mode with extra positionals for default command', done => { yargs(['jumping', 'fast']) .command('$0 <status>', 'kangaroo handlers') .strict() .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('Unknown argument: fast'); return done(); }) .parse();'no parsing failure'); });
it('does not fail in strict mode when no commands configured', () => { const argv = yargs('koala') .demand(1) .strict() .fail(msg => {; }) .parse(); argv._[0].should.equal('koala'); });
// addresses: it('should recognize context variables in strict mode', done => { yargs() .command('foo <y>') .strict() .parse('foo 99', {x: 33}, (err, argv, output) => { expect(err).to.equal(null); expect(output).to.equal(''); argv.y.should.equal(99); argv.x.should.equal(33); argv._.should.include('foo'); return done(); }); });
// addresses: it('should recognize context variables in strict mode, when running sub-commands', done => { yargs() .command('request', 'request command', yargs => { yargs.command('get', 'sub-command').option('y', { describe: 'y inner option', }); }) .strict() .parse('request get --y=22', {x: 33}, (err, argv, output) => { expect(err).to.equal(null); expect(output).to.equal(''); argv.y.should.equal(22); argv.x.should.equal(33); argv._.should.include('request'); argv._.should.include('get'); return done(); }); });
it('fails when a required argument is missing', done => { yargs('-w 10 marsupial') .demand(1, ['w', 'b']) .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('Missing required argument: b'); return done(); }) .parse(); });
it('fails when required arguments are present, but a command is missing', done => { yargs('-w 10 -m wombat') .demand(1, ['w', 'm']) .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal( 'Not enough non-option arguments: got 0, need at least 1' ); return done(); }) .parse(); });
it('fails without a message if msg is null', done => { yargs([]) .demand(1, null) .fail(msg => { expect(msg).to.equal(null); return done(); }) .parse(); });
// address regression in: it('custom failure message should be printed for both min and max constraints', done => { yargs(['foo']) .demand(0, 0, 'hey! give me a custom exit message') .fail(msg => { expect(msg).to.equal('hey! give me a custom exit message'); return done(); }) .parse(); });
it('interprets min relative to command', () => { let failureMsg; yargs('lint') .command('lint', 'Lint a file', yargs => { yargs.demand(1).fail(msg => { failureMsg = msg; }); }) .parse(); expect(failureMsg).to.equal( 'Not enough non-option arguments: got 0, need at least 1' ); });
it('interprets max relative to command', () => { let failureMsg; yargs('lint one.js two.js') .command('lint', 'Lint a file', yargs => { yargs.demand(0, 1).fail(msg => { failureMsg = msg; }); }) .parse(); expect(failureMsg).to.equal( 'Too many non-option arguments: got 2, maximum of 1' ); }); });
describe('requiresArg', () => { it('fails when a required argument value of type number is missing', done => { yargs() .option('w', {type: 'number', requiresArg: true}) .parse('-w', (err, argv, output) => { expect(err).to.not.equal(undefined); expect(err) 'message', 'Not enough arguments following: w' ); return done(); }); });
it('fails when a required argument value of type string is missing', done => { yargs() .option('w', {type: 'string', requiresArg: true}) .parse('-w', (err, argv, output) => { expect(err).to.not.equal(undefined); expect(err) 'message', 'Not enough arguments following: w' ); return done(); }); });
it('fails when a required argument value of type boolean is missing', done => { yargs() .option('w', {type: 'boolean', requiresArg: true}) .parse('-w', (err, argv, output) => { expect(err).to.not.equal(undefined); expect(err) 'message', 'Not enough arguments following: w' ); return done(); }); });
it('fails when a required argument value of type array is missing', done => { yargs() .option('w', {type: 'array', requiresArg: true}) .parse('-w', (err, argv, output) => { expect(err).to.not.equal(undefined); expect(err) 'message', 'Not enough arguments following: w' ); return done(); }); });
// see: it('does not fail if argument with required value is not provided', done => { yargs() .option('w', {type: 'number', requiresArg: true}) .command('woo') .parse('', (err, argv, output) => { expect(err).to.equal(null); return done(); }); });
it('does not fail if argument with required value is not provided to subcommand', done => { yargs() .option('w', {type: 'number', requiresArg: true}) .command('woo') .parse('woo', (err, argv, output) => { expect(err).to.equal(null); return done(); }); }); });
describe('choices', () => { it('fails with one invalid value', done => { yargs(['--state', 'denial']) .choices('state', ['happy', 'sad', 'hungry']) .fail(msg => { msg .split('\n') .should.deep.equal([ 'Invalid values:', ' Argument: state, Given: "denial", Choices: "happy", "sad", "hungry"', ]); return done(); }) .parse(); });
it('fails with one valid and one invalid value', done => { yargs(['--characters', 'susie', '--characters', 'linus']) .choices('characters', ['calvin', 'hobbes', 'susie', 'moe']) .fail(msg => { msg .split('\n') .should.deep.equal([ 'Invalid values:', ' Argument: characters, Given: "linus", Choices: "calvin", "hobbes", "susie", "moe"', ]); return done(); }) .parse(); });
it('fails with multiple invalid values for same argument', done => { yargs(['--category', 'comedy', '--category', 'drama']) .choices('category', ['animal', 'vegetable', 'mineral']) .fail(msg => { msg .split('\n') .should.deep.equal([ 'Invalid values:', ' Argument: category, Given: "comedy", "drama", Choices: "animal", "vegetable", "mineral"', ]); return done(); }) .parse(); });
it('fails with case-insensitive value', done => { yargs(['--env', 'DEV']) .choices('env', ['dev', 'prd']) .fail(msg => { msg .split('\n') .should.deep.equal([ 'Invalid values:', ' Argument: env, Given: "DEV", Choices: "dev", "prd"', ]); return done(); }) .parse(); });
it('fails with multiple invalid arguments', done => { yargs(['--system', 'osx', '--arch', '64']) .choices('system', ['linux', 'mac', 'windows']) .choices('arch', ['x86', 'x64', 'arm']) .fail(msg => { msg .split('\n') .should.deep.equal([ 'Invalid values:', ' Argument: system, Given: "osx", Choices: "linux", "mac", "windows"', ' Argument: arch, Given: 64, Choices: "x86", "x64", "arm"', ]); return done(); }) .parse(); });
// addresses: it('succeeds when demandOption is true and valid choice is provided', done => { yargs('one -a 10 marsupial') .command( 'one', 'level one', yargs => { yargs.options({ a: { demandOption: true, choices: [10, 20], }, }); }, argv => { argv._[0].should.equal('one'); argv.a.should.equal(10); return done(); } ) .fail(msg => {; }) .parse(); });
// addresses: it('fails when demandOption is true and choice is not provided', done => { yargs('one -a 10 marsupial') .command( 'one', 'level one', yargs => { yargs .options({ c: { choices: ['1', '2'], }, }) .demandOption('c'); }, argv => {; } ) .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('Missing required argument: c'); return done(); }) .parse(); });
// addresses: it('succeeds when demandOption is false and no choice is provided', () => { yargs('one') .command( 'one', 'level one', yargs => { yargs.options({ a: { demandOption: false, choices: [10, 20], }, }); }, argv => { argv._[0].should.equal('one'); } ) .fail(msg => {; }) .parse(); });
// addresses: it('succeeds when demandOption is not provided and no choice is provided', () => { yargs('one') .command( 'one', 'level one', yargs => { yargs.options({ a: { choices: [10, 20], }, }); }, argv => { argv._[0].should.equal('one'); } ) .fail(msg => {; }) .parse(); }); });
describe('config', () => { it('should raise an appropriate error if JSON file is not found', done => { yargs(['--settings', 'fake.json', '--foo', 'bar']) .alias('z', 'zoom') .config('settings') .fail(msg => { msg.should.eql('Invalid JSON config file: fake.json'); return done(); }) .parse(); });
// see: it('should not raise an exception if config file is set as default argument value', () => { let fail = false; yargs([]) .option('config', { default: 'foo.json', }) .config('config') .fail(() => { fail = true; }) .parse();
fail.should.equal(false); });
it('should be displayed in the help message', () => { const r = checkUsage(() => yargs(['--help']) .config('settings') .help('help') .version(false) .wrap(null) .parse() );'logs').with.length(1); r.logs .join('\n') .split(/\n+/) .should.deep.equal([ 'Options:', ' --settings Path to JSON config file', ' --help Show help [boolean]', ]); });
it('should be displayed in the help message with its default name', () => { const checkUsage = require('./helpers/utils.cjs').checkOutput; const r = checkUsage(() => yargs(['--help']) .config() .help('help') .version(false) .wrap(null) .parse() );'logs').with.length(1); r.logs .join('\n') .split(/\n+/) .should.deep.equal([ 'Options:', ' --config Path to JSON config file', ' --help Show help [boolean]', ]); });
it('should allow help message to be overridden', () => { const checkUsage = require('./helpers/utils.cjs').checkOutput; const r = checkUsage(() => yargs(['--help']) .config('settings', 'pork chop sandwiches') .help('help') .version(false) .wrap(null) .parse() );'logs').with.length(1); r.logs .join('\n') .split(/\n+/) .should.deep.equal([ 'Options:', ' --settings pork chop sandwiches', ' --help Show help [boolean]', ]); });
it('outputs an error returned by the parsing function', () => { const checkUsage = require('./helpers/utils.cjs').checkOutput; const r = checkUsage(() => yargs(['--settings=./package.json']) .config('settings', 'path to config file', configPath => Error('someone set us up the bomb') ) .help('help') .wrap(null) .parse() );
r.errors .join('\n') .split(/\n+/) .should.deep.equal([ 'Options:', ' --version Show version number [boolean]', ' --settings path to config file', ' --help Show help [boolean]', 'someone set us up the bomb', ]); });
it('outputs an error if thrown by the parsing function', () => { const checkUsage = require('./helpers/utils.cjs').checkOutput; const r = checkUsage(() => yargs(['--settings=./package.json']) .config('settings', 'path to config file', configPath => { throw Error('someone set us up the bomb'); }) .wrap(null) .parse() );
r.errors .join('\n') .split(/\n+/) .should.deep.equal([ 'Options:', ' --help Show help [boolean]', ' --version Show version number [boolean]', ' --settings path to config file', 'someone set us up the bomb', ]); }); });
describe('defaults', () => { // See it('should not fail when demanded options with defaults are missing', () => { yargs() .fail(msg => { throw new Error(msg); }) .option('some-option', { describe: 'some option', demand: true, default: 88, }) .strict() .parse([]); }); });
describe('strict mode', () => { it('does not fail when command with subcommands called', () => { yargs('one') .command( 'one', 'level one', yargs => yargs .command('twoA', 'level two A') .command('twoB', 'level two B') .strict() .fail(msg => {; }), argv => { argv._[0].should.equal('one'); } ) .parse(); });
it('does not fail for hidden options', () => { const args = yargs('--foo') .strict() .option('foo', {boolean: true, describe: false}) .fail(msg => {; }) .parse();; });
it('does not fail for hidden options but does for unknown arguments', () => { const args = yargs('--foo hey') .strict() .option('foo', {boolean: true, describe: false}) .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('Unknown argument: hey'); }) .parse(); });
it('does not fail if an alias is provided, rather than option itself', () => { const args = yargs('--cat') .strict() .option('foo', {boolean: true, describe: false}) .alias('foo', 'bar') .alias('bar', 'cat') .fail(msg => {; }) .parse();;;; });
it('does not fail when unrecognized option is passed after --', () => { const args = yargs('ahoy ben -- --arrr') .strict() .command('ahoy <matey>', 'piratical courtesy') .option('arrr', {boolean: true, describe: false}) .fail(msg => {; }) .parse(); args.matey.should.equal('ben'); args._.should.deep.equal(['ahoy', '--arrr']); });
it('does not fail when options are defined using array/boolean/count/number/string', () => { yargs .command({ command: 'cmd', desc: 'cmd desc', builder: yargs => yargs .option('opt1', { desc: 'opt1 desc', type: 'boolean', }) .option('opt2', { desc: 'opt2 desc', boolean: true, }) .array('opt3') .boolean('opt4') .count('opt5') .number('opt6') .string('opt7') .fail(() => {; }), handler: argv => { argv.opt1.should.equal(true); argv.opt2.should.equal(true); argv.opt3.should.deep.equal(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); argv.opt4.should.equal(true); argv.opt5.should.equal(1); argv.opt6.should.equal(3); argv.opt7.should.equal('cat'); }, }) .help() .strict() .parse( 'cmd --opt1 --opt2 --opt3 foo bar baz --opt4 --opt5 --opt6 3 --opt7 cat' ); }); });
describe('demandOption', () => { it('allows an array of options to be demanded', done => { yargs('-a 10 marsupial') .demandOption(['a', 'b']) .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('Missing required argument: b'); return done(); }) .parse(); });
it('allows demandOption in option shorthand', done => { yargs('-a 10 marsupial') .option('c', { demandOption: true, }) .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('Missing required argument: c'); return done(); }) .parse(); }); });
describe('demandCommand', () => { it('should return a custom failure message when too many non-hyphenated arguments are found after a demand count', () => { const r = checkUsage(() => yargs(['src', 'dest']) .usage( 'Usage: $0 [x] [y] [z] {OPTIONS} <src> <dest> [extra_files...]' ) .demandCommand( 0, 1, 'src and dest files are both required', 'too many arguments are provided' ) .wrap(null) .help(false) .version(false) .parse() );'result');'logs').with.length(0);'exit');'_').and.deep.equal(['src', 'dest']); r.errors .join('\n') .split(/\n+/) .should.deep.equal([ 'Usage: usage [x] [y] [z] {OPTIONS} <src> <dest> [extra_files...]', 'too many arguments are provided', ]); });
// see: it('allows a custom min message to be provided', done => { yargs('-a 10 marsupial') .demandCommand(2, 'totes got $0 totes expected $1') .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('totes got 1 totes expected 2'); return done(); }) .parse(); });
// see: it('allows a custom min and max message to be provided', done => { yargs('-a 10 marsupial mammal bro') .demandCommand( 1, 2, 'totes too few, got $0 totes expected $1', 'totes too many, got $0 totes expected $1' ) .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('totes too many, got 3 totes expected 2'); return done(); }) .parse(); });
it('defaults to demanding 1 command', done => { yargs('-a 10') .demandCommand() .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal( 'Not enough non-option arguments: got 0, need at least 1' ); return done(); }) .parse(); });
// See: it('treats positionals in "--" towards count requirement', () => { yargs('--cool man -- batman robin') .demandCommand(2) .fail(msg => { throw Error(msg); }) .parse(); }); });
describe('strictCommands', () => { it('succeeds in parse if command is known', () => { const parsed = yargs('foo -a 10') .strictCommands() .command('foo', 'foo command') .parse(); parsed.a.should.equal(10); parsed._.should.eql(['foo']); });
it('succeeds in parse if top level and inner command are known', () => { const parsed = yargs('foo bar --cool beans') .strictCommands() .command('foo', 'foo command', yargs => { yargs.command('bar'); }) .parse();'beans'); parsed._.should.eql(['foo', 'bar']); });
it('fails with error if command is unknown', done => { yargs('blerg -a 10') .strictCommands() .command('foo', 'foo command') .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('Unknown command: blerg'); return done(); }) .parse(); });
it('fails with error if inner command is unknown', done => { yargs('foo blarg --cool beans') .strictCommands() .command('foo', 'foo command', yargs => { yargs.command('bar'); }) .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('Unknown command: blarg'); return done(); }) .parse(); });
it('does not apply implicit strictCommands to inner commands', () => { const parse = yargs('foo blarg --cool beans') .demandCommand() .command('foo', 'foo command', yargs => { yargs.command('bar'); }) .parse();'beans'); parse._.should.eql(['foo', 'blarg']); });
it('allows strictCommands to be applied to inner commands', done => { yargs('foo blarg') .command('foo', 'foo command', yargs => { yargs.command('bar').strictCommands(); }) .fail(msg => { msg.should.equal('Unknown command: blarg'); return done(); }) .parse(); }); });
describe('strictOptions', () => { it('succeeds if option is known and command is unknown', done => { yargs() .command('foo', 'foo command') .option('a', { describe: 'a is for option', }) .strictOptions() .parse('bar -a 10', (err, argv) => { expect(err).to.equal(null); argv.a.should.equal(10); return done(); }); });
it('fails if option is unknown', done => { yargs() .strictOptions() .parse('bar -a 10', (err, argv) => { expect(err).to.match(/Unknown argument: a/); argv.a.should.equal(10); return done(); }); });
it('applies strict options when commands are invoked', () => { yargs() .strictOptions() .parse('foo --cool --awesome', err => { expect(err).to.match(/Unknown arguments: cool, awesome/); }); });
it('allows strict options to be turned off', () => { const y = yargs() .strictOptions() .command('foo', 'foo command', yargs => { yargs.strictOptions(false); }); y.parse('foo --cool --awesome', err => { expect(err).to.equal(null); }); y.parse('--cool --awesome', err => { expect(err).to.match(/Unknown arguments: cool, awesome/); }); }); });});