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A wrapper around YouTube's internal API — reverse engineering InnerTube
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import * as youtubei from "";



Represents a parsed response in an unknown state. Either a YTNode or a YTNode[] or null.

Provides access to various services and modules in the YouTube API.

Represents YouTube's player script. This is required to decipher signatures.

Represents an InnerTube session. This holds all the data needed to make requests to YouTube.



Builds a /account/accounts_list request payload.

Builds a /browse/edit_playlist request payload.

Builds a /browse request payload.

Builds a /channel/edit_description request payload.

Builds a /channel/edit_name request payload.

Builds a /comment/create_comment request payload.

Builds a /comment/perform_comment_action request payload.

Builds a /get_notification_menu request payload.

Builds a /kids/get_kids_blocklist_picker request payload.

Builds a /like/dislike endpoint payload.

Builds a /like/like endpoint payload.

Builds a /like/removelike endpoint payload.

Builds a /music/get_search_suggestions request payload.

Builds a /next request payload.

Builds a /notification/modify_channel_preference request payload.

Builds a /player request payload.

Builds a /playlist/create request payload.

Builds a /playlist/delete request payload.

Builds a /reel/reel_watch_sequence request payload.

Builds a /reel/reel_watch_sequence request payload.

Builds a /resolve_url request payload.

Builds a /search request payload.

Builds a /subscription/subscribe endpoint payload.

Builds a /subscription/unsubscribe endpoint payload.

Builds a /upload/createvideo request payload.

Selects the format that best matches the given options.

Given a classname and its resolved key info, create a new class

Given example data for a class, introspect, implement dependencies, and create a new class

Generate a typescript class based on the key info

Infer the type of a key given its value

Introspect an example of a class in order to determine its key info and dependencies

Checks if the given value is an array

Is this key ignored by the parser?

Check if the given value is a misc type.

Check if the given value is a renderer

Checks if the given value is an array of renderers

Merges two sets of key info, resolving any conflicts

Parse a value from a given key path using the given inference type

Generate statements to parse a given inference type

For a given inference type, get the typescript type declaration

Creates a trap to intercept property access and add utilities to an object.

Compresses a string using the LZW compression algorithm.

Decompresses data that was compressed using the LZW compression algorithm.

Parses an item or an array of items.

Parses an array of items.

Parses a single item.

Parses given InnerTube response.

Compares given objects. May not work correctly for objects with methods.

Generates a random string with the given length.

Generates an authentication token from a cookies' sid.

Returns a random user agent.

Finds a string between two delimiters.

Converts time (h:m:s) to seconds.


Type Aliases