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TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
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// @ts-ignore TS6133import { expect } from "";const test = Deno.test;
import { util } from "../helpers/util.ts";import * as z from "../index.ts";
const Test = z.object({ f1: z.number(), f2: z.string().optional(), f3: z.string().nullable(), f4: z.array(z.object({ t: z.union([z.string(), z.boolean()]) })),});type TestFlattenedErrors = z.inferFlattenedErrors< typeof Test, { message: string; code: number }>;type TestFormErrors = z.inferFlattenedErrors<typeof Test>;
test("default flattened errors type inference", () => { type TestTypeErrors = { formErrors: string[]; fieldErrors: { [P in keyof z.TypeOf<typeof Test>]?: string[] | undefined }; };
util.assertEqual<z.inferFlattenedErrors<typeof Test>, TestTypeErrors>(true); util.assertEqual< z.inferFlattenedErrors<typeof Test, { message: string }>, TestTypeErrors >(false);});
test("custom flattened errors type inference", () => { type ErrorType = { message: string; code: number }; type TestTypeErrors = { formErrors: ErrorType[]; fieldErrors: { [P in keyof z.TypeOf<typeof Test>]?: ErrorType[] | undefined; }; };
util.assertEqual<z.inferFlattenedErrors<typeof Test>, TestTypeErrors>(false); util.assertEqual< z.inferFlattenedErrors<typeof Test, { message: string; code: number }>, TestTypeErrors >(true); util.assertEqual< z.inferFlattenedErrors<typeof Test, { message: string }>, TestTypeErrors >(false);});
test("form errors type inference", () => { type TestTypeErrors = { formErrors: string[]; fieldErrors: { [P in keyof z.TypeOf<typeof Test>]?: string[] | undefined }; };
util.assertEqual<z.inferFlattenedErrors<typeof Test>, TestTypeErrors>(true);});
test(".flatten() type assertion", () => { const parsed = Test.safeParse({}) as z.SafeParseError<void>; const validFlattenedErrors: TestFlattenedErrors = parsed.error.flatten( () => ({ message: "", code: 0 }) ); // @ts-expect-error should fail assertion between `TestFlattenedErrors` and unmapped `flatten()`. const invalidFlattenedErrors: TestFlattenedErrors = parsed.error.flatten(); const validFormErrors: TestFormErrors = parsed.error.flatten(); // @ts-expect-error should fail assertion between `TestFormErrors` and mapped `flatten()`. const invalidFormErrors: TestFormErrors = parsed.error.flatten(() => ({ message: "string", code: 0, }));
[ validFlattenedErrors, invalidFlattenedErrors, validFormErrors, invalidFormErrors, ];});
test(".formErrors type assertion", () => { const parsed = Test.safeParse({}) as z.SafeParseError<void>; const validFormErrors: TestFormErrors = parsed.error.formErrors; // @ts-expect-error should fail assertion between `TestFlattenedErrors` and `.formErrors`. const invalidFlattenedErrors: TestFlattenedErrors = parsed.error.formErrors;
[validFormErrors, invalidFlattenedErrors];});
test("all errors", () => { const propertySchema = z.string(); const schema = z .object({ a: propertySchema, b: propertySchema, }) .refine( (val) => { return val.a === val.b; }, { message: "Must be equal" } );
try { schema.parse({ a: "asdf", b: "qwer", }); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof z.ZodError) { expect(error.flatten()).toEqual({ formErrors: ["Must be equal"], fieldErrors: {}, }); } }
try { schema.parse({ a: null, b: null, }); } catch (_error) { const error = _error as z.ZodError; expect(error.flatten()).toEqual({ formErrors: [], fieldErrors: { a: ["Expected string, received null"], b: ["Expected string, received null"], }, });
expect(error.flatten((iss) => iss.message.toUpperCase())).toEqual({ formErrors: [], fieldErrors: { a: ["EXPECTED STRING, RECEIVED NULL"], b: ["EXPECTED STRING, RECEIVED NULL"], }, }); // Test identity
expect(error.flatten((i: z.ZodIssue) => i)).toEqual({ formErrors: [], fieldErrors: { a: [ { code: "invalid_type", expected: "string", message: "Expected string, received null", path: ["a"], received: "null", }, ], b: [ { code: "invalid_type", expected: "string", message: "Expected string, received null", path: ["b"], received: "null", }, ], }, }); // Test mapping expect(error.flatten((i: z.ZodIssue) => i.message.length)).toEqual({ formErrors: [], fieldErrors: { a: ["Expected string, received null".length], b: ["Expected string, received null".length], }, }); }});