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TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
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// @ts-ignore TS6133import { expect } from "";const test = Deno.test;
import { util } from "../helpers/util.ts";import * as z from "../index.ts";
const args1 = z.tuple([z.string()]);const returns1 = z.number();const func1 = z.function(args1, returns1);
test("function parsing", () => { const parsed = func1.parse((arg: any) => arg.length); parsed("asdf");});
test("parsed function fail 1", () => { const parsed = func1.parse((x: string) => x); expect(() => parsed("asdf")).toThrow();});
test("parsed function fail 2", () => { const parsed = func1.parse((x: string) => x); expect(() => parsed(13 as any)).toThrow();});
test("function inference 1", () => { type func1 = z.TypeOf<typeof func1>; util.assertEqual<func1, (k: string) => number>(true);});
test("method parsing", () => { const methodObject = z.object({ property: z.number(), method: z.function().args(z.string()).returns(z.number()), }); const methodInstance = { property: 3, method: function (s: string) { return s.length +; }, }; const parsed = methodObject.parse(methodInstance); expect(parsed.method("length=8")).toBe(11); // 8 length + 3 property});
test("async method parsing", async () => { const methodObject = z.object({ property: z.number(), method: z.function().args(z.string()).returns(z.promise(z.number())), }); const methodInstance = { property: 3, method: async function (s: string) { return s.length +; }, }; const parsed = methodObject.parse(methodInstance); expect(await parsed.method("length=8")).toBe(11); // 8 length + 3 property});
test("args method", () => { const t1 = z.function(); type t1 = z.infer<typeof t1>; util.assertEqual<t1, (...args_1: unknown[]) => unknown>(true);
const t2 = t1.args(z.string()); type t2 = z.infer<typeof t2>; util.assertEqual<t2, (arg: string, ...args_1: unknown[]) => unknown>(true);
const t3 = t2.returns(z.boolean()); type t3 = z.infer<typeof t3>; util.assertEqual<t3, (arg: string, ...args_1: unknown[]) => boolean>(true);});
const args2 = z.tuple([ z.object({ f1: z.number(), f2: z.string().nullable(), f3: z.array(z.boolean().optional()).optional(), }),]);const returns2 = z.union([z.string(), z.number()]);
const func2 = z.function(args2, returns2);
test("function inference 2", () => { type func2 = z.TypeOf<typeof func2>; util.assertEqual< func2, (arg: { f1: number; f2: string | null; f3?: (boolean | undefined)[] | undefined; }) => string | number >(true);});
test("valid function run", () => { const validFunc2Instance = func2.validate((_x) => { return "adf" as any; });
const checker = () => { validFunc2Instance({ f1: 21, f2: "asdf", f3: [true, false], }); };
test("input validation error", () => { const invalidFuncInstance = func2.validate((_x) => { return "adf" as any; });
const checker = () => { invalidFuncInstance("Invalid_input" as any); };
test("output validation error", () => { const invalidFuncInstance = func2.validate((_x) => { return ["this", "is", "not", "valid", "output"] as any; });
const checker = () => { invalidFuncInstance({ f1: 21, f2: "asdf", f3: [true, false], }); };
test("special function error codes", () => { const checker = z .function(z.tuple([z.string()]), z.boolean()) .implement((arg) => { return arg.length as any; }); try { checker("12" as any); } catch (err) { const zerr = err as z.ZodError; const first = zerr.issues[0]; if (first.code !== z.ZodIssueCode.invalid_return_type) throw new Error();
expect(first.returnTypeError).toBeInstanceOf(z.ZodError); }
try { checker(12 as any); } catch (err) { const zerr = err as z.ZodError; const first = zerr.issues[0]; if (first.code !== z.ZodIssueCode.invalid_arguments) throw new Error(); expect(first.argumentsError).toBeInstanceOf(z.ZodError); }});
test("function with async refinements", async () => { const func = z .function() .args(z.string().refine(async (val) => val.length > 10)) .returns(z.promise(z.number().refine(async (val) => val > 10))) .implement(async (val) => { return val.length; }); const results = []; try { await func("asdfasdf"); results.push("success"); } catch (err) { results.push("fail"); } try { await func("asdflkjasdflkjsf"); results.push("success"); } catch (err) { results.push("fail"); }
expect(results).toEqual(["fail", "success"]);});
test("non async function with async refinements should fail", async () => { const func = z .function() .args(z.string().refine(async (val) => val.length > 10)) .returns(z.number().refine(async (val) => val > 10)) .implement((val) => { return val.length; });
const results = []; try { await func("asdasdfasdffasdf"); results.push("success"); } catch (err) { results.push("fail"); }
test("allow extra parameters", () => { const maxLength5 = z .function() .args(z.string()) .returns(z.boolean()) .implement((str, _arg, _qewr) => { return str.length <= 5; });
const filteredList = [ "apple", "orange", "pear", "banana", "strawberry", ].filter(maxLength5); expect(filteredList.length).toEqual(2);});
test("params and returnType getters", () => { const func = z.function().args(z.string()).returns(z.string());
func.parameters().items[0].parse("asdf"); func.returnType().parse("asdf");});
test("inference with transforms", () => { const funcSchema = z .function() .args(z.string().transform((val) => val.length)) .returns(z.object({ val: z.number() })); const myFunc = funcSchema.implement((val) => { return { val, extra: "stuff" }; }); myFunc("asdf");
util.assertEqual< typeof myFunc, (arg: string, ...args_1: unknown[]) => { val: number; extra: string } >(true);});
test("fallback to OuterTypeOfFunction", () => { const funcSchema = z .function() .args(z.string().transform((val) => val.length)) .returns(z.object({ arg: z.number() }).transform((val) => val.arg));
const myFunc = funcSchema.implement((val) => { return { arg: val, arg2: false }; });
util.assertEqual< typeof myFunc, (arg: string, ...args_1: unknown[]) => number >(true);});