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TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
Extremely Popular
import Benchmark from "benchmark";
import { z } from "../index.ts";
const emptySuite = new Benchmark.Suite("z.object: empty");const shortSuite = new Benchmark.Suite("z.object: short");const longSuite = new Benchmark.Suite("z.object: long");
const empty = z.object({});const short = z.object({ string: z.string(),});const long = z.object({ string: z.string(), number: z.number(), boolean: z.boolean(),});
emptySuite .add("valid", () => { empty.parse({}); }) .add("valid: extra keys", () => { empty.parse({ string: "string" }); }) .add("invalid: null", () => { try { empty.parse(null); } catch (err) {} }) .on("cycle", (e: Benchmark.Event) => { console.log(`${(emptySuite as any).name}: ${}`); });
shortSuite .add("valid", () => { short.parse({ string: "string" }); }) .add("valid: extra keys", () => { short.parse({ string: "string", number: 42 }); }) .add("invalid: null", () => { try { short.parse(null); } catch (err) {} }) .on("cycle", (e: Benchmark.Event) => { console.log(`${(shortSuite as any).name}: ${}`); });
longSuite .add("valid", () => { long.parse({ string: "string", number: 42, boolean: true }); }) .add("valid: extra keys", () => { long.parse({ string: "string", number: 42, boolean: true, list: [] }); }) .add("invalid: null", () => { try { long.parse(null); } catch (err) {} }) .on("cycle", (e: Benchmark.Event) => { console.log(`${(longSuite as any).name}: ${}`); });
export default { suites: [emptySuite, shortSuite, longSuite],};