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TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
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// @ts-ignore TS6133import { expect } from "";const test = Deno.test;
import { util } from "../helpers/util.ts";import * as z from "../index.ts";
const minTwo = z.string().array().min(2);const maxTwo = z.string().array().max(2);const justTwo = z.string().array().length(2);const intNum = z.string().array().nonempty();const nonEmptyMax = z.string().array().nonempty().max(2);
type t1 = z.infer<typeof nonEmptyMax>;const f1: util.AssertEqual<[string, ...string[]], t1> = true;f1;type t2 = z.infer<typeof minTwo>;const f2: util.AssertEqual<string[], t2> = true;f2;
test("passing validations", () => { minTwo.parse(["a", "a"]); minTwo.parse(["a", "a", "a"]); maxTwo.parse(["a", "a"]); maxTwo.parse(["a"]); justTwo.parse(["a", "a"]); intNum.parse(["a"]); nonEmptyMax.parse(["a"]);});
test("failing validations", () => { expect(() => minTwo.parse(["a"])).toThrow(); expect(() => maxTwo.parse(["a", "a", "a"])).toThrow(); expect(() => justTwo.parse(["a"])).toThrow(); expect(() => justTwo.parse(["a", "a", "a"])).toThrow(); expect(() => intNum.parse([])).toThrow(); expect(() => nonEmptyMax.parse([])).toThrow(); expect(() => nonEmptyMax.parse(["a", "a", "a"])).toThrow();});
test("parse empty array in nonempty", () => { expect(() => z .array(z.string()) .nonempty() .parse([] as any) ).toThrow();});
test("get element", () => { justTwo.element.parse("asdf"); expect(() => justTwo.element.parse(12)).toThrow();});
test("continue parsing despite array size error", () => { const schema = z.object({ people: z.string().array().min(2), });
const result = schema.safeParse({ people: [123], }); expect(result.success).toEqual(false); if (!result.success) { expect(result.error.issues.length).toEqual(2); }});