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TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
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// @ts-ignore TS6133import { expect } from "";const test = Deno.test;
import { util } from "../helpers/util.ts";import * as z from "../index.ts";
const Test = z.object({ f1: z.number(), f2: z.string().optional(), f3: z.string().nullable(), f4: z.array(z.object({ t: z.union([z.string(), z.boolean()]) })),});type Test = z.infer<typeof Test>;
test("object type inference", () => { type TestType = { f1: number; f2?: string | undefined; f3: string | null; f4: { t: string | boolean }[]; };
util.assertEqual<z.TypeOf<typeof Test>, TestType>(true);});
test("unknown throw", () => { const asdf: unknown = 35; expect(() => Test.parse(asdf)).toThrow();});
test("shape() should return schema of particular key", () => { const f1Schema = Test.shape.f1; const f2Schema = Test.shape.f2; const f3Schema = Test.shape.f3; const f4Schema = Test.shape.f4;
expect(f1Schema).toBeInstanceOf(z.ZodNumber); expect(f2Schema).toBeInstanceOf(z.ZodOptional); expect(f3Schema).toBeInstanceOf(z.ZodNullable); expect(f4Schema).toBeInstanceOf(z.ZodArray);});
test("correct parsing", () => { Test.parse({ f1: 12, f2: "string", f3: "string", f4: [ { t: "string", }, ], });
Test.parse({ f1: 12, f3: null, f4: [ { t: false, }, ], });});
test("incorrect #1", () => { expect(() => Test.parse({} as any)).toThrow();});
test("nonstrict by default", () => { z.object({ points: z.number() }).parse({ points: 2314, unknown: "asdf", });});
const data = { points: 2314, unknown: "asdf",};
test("strip by default", () => { const val = z.object({ points: z.number() }).parse(data); expect(val).toEqual({ points: 2314 });});
test("unknownkeys override", () => { const val = z .object({ points: z.number() }) .strict() .passthrough() .strip() .nonstrict() .parse(data);
test("passthrough unknown", () => { const val = z.object({ points: z.number() }).passthrough().parse(data);
test("strip unknown", () => { const val = z.object({ points: z.number() }).strip().parse(data);
expect(val).toEqual({ points: 2314 });});
test("strict", () => { const val = z.object({ points: z.number() }).strict().safeParse(data);
test("catchall inference", () => { const o1 = z .object({ first: z.string(), }) .catchall(z.number());
const d1 = o1.parse({ first: "asdf", num: 1243 }); util.assertEqual<number, (typeof d1)["asdf"]>(true); util.assertEqual<string, (typeof d1)["first"]>(true);});
test("catchall overrides strict", () => { const o1 = z .object({ first: z.string().optional() }) .strict() .catchall(z.number());
// should run fine // setting a catchall overrides the unknownKeys behavior o1.parse({ asdf: 1234, });
// should only run catchall validation // against unknown keys o1.parse({ first: "asdf", asdf: 1234, });});
test("catchall overrides strict", () => { const o1 = z .object({ first: z.string(), }) .strict() .catchall(z.number());
// should run fine // setting a catchall overrides the unknownKeys behavior o1.parse({ first: "asdf", asdf: 1234, });});
test("test that optional keys are unset", async () => { const SNamedEntity = z.object({ id: z.string(), set: z.string().optional(), unset: z.string().optional(), }); const result = await SNamedEntity.parse({ id: "asdf", set: undefined, }); // eslint-disable-next-line ban/ban expect(Object.keys(result)).toEqual(["id", "set"]);});
test("test catchall parsing", async () => { const result = z .object({ name: z.string() }) .catchall(z.number()) .parse({ name: "Foo", validExtraKey: 61 });
expect(result).toEqual({ name: "Foo", validExtraKey: 61 });
const result2 = z .object({ name: z.string() }) .catchall(z.number()) .safeParse({ name: "Foo", validExtraKey: 61, invalid: "asdf" });
test("test nonexistent keys", async () => { const Schema = z.union([ z.object({ a: z.string() }), z.object({ b: z.number() }), ]); const obj = { a: "A" }; const result = await; // Works with 1.11.10, breaks with 2.0.0-beta.21 expect(result.success).toBe(true);});
test("test async union", async () => { const Schema2 = z.union([ z.object({ ty: z.string(), }), z.object({ ty: z.number(), }), ]);
const obj = { ty: "A" }; const result = await; // Works with 1.11.10, breaks with 2.0.0-beta.21 expect(result.success).toEqual(true);});
test("test inferred merged type", async () => { const asdf = z.object({ a: z.string() }).merge(z.object({ a: z.number() })); type asdf = z.infer<typeof asdf>; util.assertEqual<asdf, { a: number }>(true);});
test("inferred merged object type with optional properties", async () => { const Merged = z .object({ a: z.string(), b: z.string().optional() }) .merge(z.object({ a: z.string().optional(), b: z.string() })); type Merged = z.infer<typeof Merged>; util.assertEqual<Merged, { a?: string; b: string }>(true); // todo // util.assertEqual<Merged, { a?: string; b: string }>(true);});
test("inferred unioned object type with optional properties", async () => { const Unioned = z.union([ z.object({ a: z.string(), b: z.string().optional() }), z.object({ a: z.string().optional(), b: z.string() }), ]); type Unioned = z.infer<typeof Unioned>; util.assertEqual< Unioned, { a: string; b?: string } | { a?: string; b: string } >(true);});
test("inferred enum type", async () => { const Enum = z.object({ a: z.string(), b: z.string().optional() }).keyof();
expect(Enum.Values).toEqual({ a: "a", b: "b", }); expect(Enum.enum).toEqual({ a: "a", b: "b", }); expect(Enum._def.values).toEqual(["a", "b"]); type Enum = z.infer<typeof Enum>; util.assertEqual<Enum, "a" | "b">(true);});
test("inferred partial object type with optional properties", async () => { const Partial = z .object({ a: z.string(), b: z.string().optional() }) .partial(); type Partial = z.infer<typeof Partial>; util.assertEqual<Partial, { a?: string; b?: string }>(true);});
test("inferred picked object type with optional properties", async () => { const Picked = z .object({ a: z.string(), b: z.string().optional() }) .pick({ b: true }); type Picked = z.infer<typeof Picked>; util.assertEqual<Picked, { b?: string }>(true);});
test("inferred type for unknown/any keys", () => { const myType = z.object({ anyOptional: z.any().optional(), anyRequired: z.any(), unknownOptional: z.unknown().optional(), unknownRequired: z.unknown(), }); type myType = z.infer<typeof myType>; util.assertEqual< myType, { anyOptional?: any; anyRequired?: any; unknownOptional?: unknown; unknownRequired?: unknown; } >(true);});
test("setKey", () => { const base = z.object({ name: z.string() }); const withNewKey = base.setKey("age", z.number());
type withNewKey = z.infer<typeof withNewKey>; util.assertEqual<withNewKey, { name: string; age: number }>(true); withNewKey.parse({ name: "asdf", age: 1234 });});
test("strictcreate", async () => { const strictObj = z.strictObject({ name: z.string(), });
const syncResult = strictObj.safeParse({ name: "asdf", unexpected: 13 }); expect(syncResult.success).toEqual(false);
const asyncResult = await{ name: "asdf", unexpected: 13 }); expect(asyncResult.success).toEqual(false);});
test("object with refine", async () => { const schema = z .object({ a: z.string().default("foo"), b: z.number(), }) .refine(() => true); expect(schema.parse({ b: 5 })).toEqual({ b: 5, a: "foo" }); const result = await schema.parseAsync({ b: 5 }); expect(result).toEqual({ b: 5, a: "foo" });});
test("intersection of object with date", async () => { const schema = z.object({ a:, }); expect(schema.and(schema).parse({ a: new Date(1637353595983) })).toEqual({ a: new Date(1637353595983), }); const result = await schema.parseAsync({ a: new Date(1637353595983) }); expect(result).toEqual({ a: new Date(1637353595983) });});
test("intersection of object with refine with date", async () => { const schema = z .object({ a:, }) .refine(() => true); expect(schema.and(schema).parse({ a: new Date(1637353595983) })).toEqual({ a: new Date(1637353595983), }); const result = await schema.parseAsync({ a: new Date(1637353595983) }); expect(result).toEqual({ a: new Date(1637353595983) });});
test("constructor key", () => { const person = z .object({ name: z.string(), }) .strict();
expect(() => person.parse({ name: "bob dylan", constructor: 61, }) ).toThrow();});
test("constructor key", () => { const Example = z.object({ prop: z.string(), opt: z.number().optional(), arr: z.string().array(), });
type Example = z.infer<typeof Example>; util.assertEqual<keyof Example, "prop" | "opt" | "arr">(true);});
test("unknownkeys merging", () => { // This one is "strict" const schemaA = z .object({ a: z.string(), }) .strict();
// This one is "strip" const schemaB = z .object({ b: z.string(), }) .catchall(z.string());
const mergedSchema = schemaA.merge(schemaB); type mergedSchema = typeof mergedSchema; util.assertEqual<mergedSchema["_def"]["unknownKeys"], "strip">(true); expect(mergedSchema._def.unknownKeys).toEqual("strip");
util.assertEqual<mergedSchema["_def"]["catchall"], z.ZodString>(true); expect(mergedSchema._def.catchall instanceof z.ZodString).toEqual(true);});
const personToExtend = z.object({ firstName: z.string(), lastName: z.string(),});
test("extend() should return schema with new key", () => { const PersonWithNickname = personToExtend.extend({ nickName: z.string() }); type PersonWithNickname = z.infer<typeof PersonWithNickname>;
const expected = { firstName: "f", nickName: "n", lastName: "l" }; const actual = PersonWithNickname.parse(expected);
expect(actual).toEqual(expected); util.assertEqual< keyof PersonWithNickname, "firstName" | "lastName" | "nickName" >(true); util.assertEqual< PersonWithNickname, { firstName: string; lastName: string; nickName: string } >(true);});
test("extend() should have power to override existing key", () => { const PersonWithNumberAsLastName = personToExtend.extend({ lastName: z.number(), }); type PersonWithNumberAsLastName = z.infer<typeof PersonWithNumberAsLastName>;
const expected = { firstName: "f", lastName: 42 }; const actual = PersonWithNumberAsLastName.parse(expected);
expect(actual).toEqual(expected); util.assertEqual< PersonWithNumberAsLastName, { firstName: string; lastName: number } >(true);});
test("passthrough index signature", () => { const a = z.object({ a: z.string() }); type a = z.infer<typeof a>; util.assertEqual<{ a: string }, a>(true); const b = a.passthrough(); type b = z.infer<typeof b>; util.assertEqual<{ a: string } & { [k: string]: unknown }, b>(true);});
test("xor", () => { type Without<T, U> = { [P in Exclude<keyof T, keyof U>]?: never }; type XOR<T, U> = T extends object ? U extends object ? (Without<T, U> & U) | (Without<U, T> & T) : U : T;
type A = { name: string; a: number }; type B = { name: string; b: number }; type C = XOR<A, B>; type Outer = { data: C }; const Outer: z.ZodType<Outer> = z.object({ data: z.union([ z.object({ name: z.string(), a: z.number() }), z.object({ name: z.string(), b: z.number() }), ]), });});