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The Deno Standard Library
The Standard Library has been moved to JSR. See the blog post for details.
import * as mod from "";

Utilities for working with URLs.

This module is browser compatible.

Get basename

basename returns the base name of a URL or URL string, optionally removing a suffix.

import { basename } from "";

basename(""); // "mod.ts"

basename(new URL("")); // "mod.ts"

basename(""); // "mod.ts"

basename(""); // "mod.ts"

basename(""); // ""

Get directory path

dirname returns the directory path of a URL or URL string.

import { dirname } from "";

dirname("").href; // ""

dirname("").href; // ""

Get file extension

extname returns the file extension of a given URL or string with leading period.

import { extname } from "";

extname(""); // ".ts"

extname(""); // ""

extname(""); // ".ts"

extname(""); // ""

Join URL paths

join joins a base URL or URL string, and a sequence of path segments together, then normalizes the resulting URL.

import { join } from "";

join("", "std", "path", "mod.ts").href;
// ""

join("", "//std", "path/", "/mod.ts").href;
// ""

Normalize URL

normalize normalizes the URL or URL string, resolving .. and . segments. Multiple sequential /s are resolved into a single /.

import { normalize } from "";

// ""

// ""


Returns the base name of a URL or URL string, optionally removing a suffix.

Returns the directory path of a URL or URL string.

Returns the file extension of a given URL or string with leading period.

Joins a base URL or URL string, and a sequence of path segments together, then normalizes the resulting URL.

Normalizes the URL or URL string, resolving .. and . segments. Multiple sequential /s are resolved into a single /.