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The Deno Standard Library
// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
/** * Utilities for working with * {@linkcode | URL}s. * * This module is browser compatible. * * ## Get basename * * {@linkcode basename} returns the base name of a URL or URL string, optionally * removing a suffix. * * ```ts * import { basename } from "$STD_VERSION/url/basename.ts"; * * basename(""); // "mod.ts" * * basename(new URL("")); // "mod.ts" * * basename(""); // "mod.ts" * * basename(""); // "mod.ts" * * basename(""); // "" * ``` * * ## Get directory path * * {@linkcode dirname} returns the directory path of a URL or URL string. * * ```ts * import { dirname } from "$STD_VERSION/url/dirname.ts"; * * dirname("").href; // "" * * dirname("").href; // "" * ``` * * ## Get file extension * * {@linkcode extname} returns the file extension of a given URL or string with * leading period. * * ```ts * import { extname } from "$STD_VERSION/url/extname.ts"; * * extname(""); // ".ts" * * extname(""); // "" * * extname(""); // ".ts" * * extname(""); // "" * ``` * * ## Join URL paths * * {@linkcode join} joins a base URL or URL string, and a sequence of path * segments together, then normalizes the resulting URL. * * ```ts * import { join } from "$STD_VERSION/url/join.ts"; * * join("", "std", "path", "mod.ts").href; * // "" * * join("", "//std", "path/", "/mod.ts").href; * // "" * ``` * * ## Normalize URL * * {@linkcode normalize} normalizes the URL or URL string, resolving `..` and * `.` segments. Multiple sequential `/`s are resolved into a single `/`. * * ```ts * import { normalize } from "$STD_VERSION/url/normalize.ts"; * * normalize("https:///").href; * // "" * * normalize("").href; * // "" * ``` * * @module */
export * from "./basename.ts";export * from "./dirname.ts";export * from "./extname.ts";export * from "./join.ts";export * from "./normalize.ts";