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The Deno Standard Library
// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
import { extname as posixExtname } from "../path/posix/extname.ts";import { strip } from "./_strip.ts";
/** * Returns the file extension of a given URL or string with leading period. * * The extension is sourced from the path portion of the URL. If there is no * extension, an empty string is returned. * * @param url The URL from which to extract the extension. * @returns The extension of the URL. * * @example Basic usage * ```ts * import { extname } from "$STD_VERSION/url/extname.ts"; * * extname(""); // ".ts" * * extname(""); // "" * * extname(""); // ".ts" * * extname(""); // "" * ``` */export function extname(url: string | URL): string { url = new URL(url); strip(url); return posixExtname(url.pathname);}