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Deno standard library
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The Standard Library has been moved to JSR. See the blog post for details.
// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// This code has been ported almost directly from Go's src/bytes/buffer_test.go// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. BSD license.// { assert, assertEquals, assertRejects, assertThrows,} from "../testing/asserts.ts";import { Buffer } from "./buffer.ts";import { writeAllSync } from "./util.ts";
const MAX_SIZE = 2 ** 32 - 2;// N controls how many iterations of certain checks are performed.const N = 100;let testBytes: Uint8Array | null;let testString: string | null;
const ignoreMaxSizeTests = true;
function init(): void { if (testBytes == null) { testBytes = new Uint8Array(N); for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) { testBytes[i] = "a".charCodeAt(0) + (i % 26); } const decoder = new TextDecoder(); testString = decoder.decode(testBytes); }}
function check(buf: Buffer, s: string): void { const bytes = buf.bytes(); assertEquals(buf.length, bytes.byteLength); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); const bytesStr = decoder.decode(bytes); assertEquals(bytesStr, s); assertEquals(buf.length, s.length);}
// Fill buf through n writes of byte slice fub.// The initial contents of buf corresponds to the string s;// the result is the final contents of buf returned as a string.async function fillBytes( buf: Buffer, s: string, n: number, fub: Uint8Array,): Promise<string> { check(buf, s); for (; n > 0; n--) { const m = await buf.write(fub); assertEquals(m, fub.byteLength); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); s += decoder.decode(fub); check(buf, s); } return s;}
// Empty buf through repeated reads into fub.// The initial contents of buf corresponds to the string s.async function empty( buf: Buffer, s: string, fub: Uint8Array,) { check(buf, s); while (true) { const r = await; if (r === null) { break; } s = s.slice(r); check(buf, s); } check(buf, "");}
function repeat(c: string, bytes: number): Uint8Array { assertEquals(c.length, 1); const ui8 = new Uint8Array(bytes); ui8.fill(c.charCodeAt(0)); return ui8;}
Deno.test("bufferNewBuffer", () => { init(); assert(testBytes); assert(testString); const buf = new Buffer(testBytes.buffer); check(buf, testString);});
Deno.test("bufferBasicOperations", async () => { assert(testBytes); assert(testString); const buf = new Buffer(); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { check(buf, "");
buf.reset(); check(buf, "");
buf.truncate(0); check(buf, "");
let n = await buf.write(testBytes.subarray(0, 1)); assertEquals(n, 1); check(buf, "a");
n = await buf.write(testBytes.subarray(1, 2)); assertEquals(n, 1); check(buf, "ab");
n = await buf.write(testBytes.subarray(2, 26)); assertEquals(n, 24); check(buf, testString.slice(0, 26));
buf.truncate(26); check(buf, testString.slice(0, 26));
buf.truncate(20); check(buf, testString.slice(0, 20));
await empty(buf, testString.slice(0, 20), new Uint8Array(5)); await empty(buf, "", new Uint8Array(100));
// TODO(bartlomieju): buf.writeByte() // TODO(bartlomieju): buf.readByte() }});
Deno.test("bufferReadEmptyAtEOF", async () => { // check that EOF of 'buf' is not reached (even though it's empty) if // results are written to buffer that has 0 length (ie. it can't store any data) const buf = new Buffer(); const zeroLengthTmp = new Uint8Array(0); const result = await; assertEquals(result, 0);});
Deno.test("bufferLargeByteWrites", async () => { init(); const buf = new Buffer(); const limit = 9; for (let i = 3; i < limit; i += 3) { const s = await fillBytes(buf, "", 5, testBytes!); await empty(buf, s, new Uint8Array(Math.floor(testString!.length / i))); } check(buf, "");});
Deno.test("bufferTooLargeByteWrites", async () => { init(); const tmp = new Uint8Array(72); const growLen = Number.MAX_VALUE; const xBytes = repeat("x", 0); const buf = new Buffer(xBytes.buffer); await;
assertThrows( () => { buf.grow(growLen); }, Error, "grown beyond the maximum size", );});
Deno.test({ name: "bufferGrowWriteMaxBuffer", ignore: ignoreMaxSizeTests, fn() { const bufSize = 16 * 1024; const capacities = [MAX_SIZE, MAX_SIZE - 1]; for (const capacity of capacities) { let written = 0; const buf = new Buffer(); const writes = Math.floor(capacity / bufSize); for (let i = 0; i < writes; i++) { written += buf.writeSync(repeat("x", bufSize)); }
if (written < capacity) { written += buf.writeSync(repeat("x", capacity - written)); }
assertEquals(written, capacity); } },});
Deno.test({ name: "bufferGrowReadCloseMaxBufferPlus1", ignore: ignoreMaxSizeTests, async fn() { const reader = new Buffer(new ArrayBuffer(MAX_SIZE + 1)); const buf = new Buffer();
await assertRejects( async () => { await buf.readFrom(reader); }, Error, "grown beyond the maximum size", ); },});
Deno.test({ name: "bufferGrowReadSyncCloseMaxBufferPlus1", ignore: ignoreMaxSizeTests, fn() { const reader = new Buffer(new ArrayBuffer(MAX_SIZE + 1)); const buf = new Buffer();
assertThrows( () => { buf.readFromSync(reader); }, Error, "grown beyond the maximum size", ); },});
Deno.test({ name: "bufferGrowReadSyncCloseToMaxBuffer", ignore: ignoreMaxSizeTests, fn() { const capacities = [MAX_SIZE, MAX_SIZE - 1]; for (const capacity of capacities) { const reader = new Buffer(new ArrayBuffer(capacity)); const buf = new Buffer(); buf.readFromSync(reader);
assertEquals(buf.length, capacity); } },});
Deno.test({ name: "bufferGrowReadCloseToMaxBuffer", ignore: ignoreMaxSizeTests, async fn() { const capacities = [MAX_SIZE, MAX_SIZE - 1]; for (const capacity of capacities) { const reader = new Buffer(new ArrayBuffer(capacity)); const buf = new Buffer(); await buf.readFrom(reader); assertEquals(buf.length, capacity); } },});
Deno.test({ name: "bufferReadCloseToMaxBufferWithInitialGrow", ignore: ignoreMaxSizeTests, async fn() { const capacities = [MAX_SIZE, MAX_SIZE - 1, MAX_SIZE - 512]; for (const capacity of capacities) { const reader = new Buffer(new ArrayBuffer(capacity)); const buf = new Buffer(); buf.grow(MAX_SIZE); await buf.readFrom(reader); assertEquals(buf.length, capacity); } },});
Deno.test("bufferLargeByteReads", async () => { init(); assert(testBytes); assert(testString); const buf = new Buffer(); for (let i = 3; i < 30; i += 3) { const n = Math.floor(testBytes.byteLength / i); const s = await fillBytes(buf, "", 5, testBytes.subarray(0, n)); await empty(buf, s, new Uint8Array(testString.length)); } check(buf, "");});
Deno.test("bufferCapWithPreallocatedSlice", () => { const buf = new Buffer(new ArrayBuffer(10)); assertEquals(buf.capacity, 10);});
Deno.test("bufferReadFrom", async () => { init(); assert(testBytes); assert(testString); const buf = new Buffer(); for (let i = 3; i < 30; i += 3) { const s = await fillBytes( buf, "", 5, testBytes.subarray(0, Math.floor(testBytes.byteLength / i)), ); const b = new Buffer(); await b.readFrom(buf); const fub = new Uint8Array(testString.length); await empty(b, s, fub); } assertRejects(async function () { await new Buffer().readFrom(null!); });});
Deno.test("bufferReadFromSync", async () => { init(); assert(testBytes); assert(testString); const buf = new Buffer(); for (let i = 3; i < 30; i += 3) { const s = await fillBytes( buf, "", 5, testBytes.subarray(0, Math.floor(testBytes.byteLength / i)), ); const b = new Buffer(); b.readFromSync(buf); const fub = new Uint8Array(testString.length); await empty(b, s, fub); } assertThrows(function () { new Buffer().readFromSync(null!); });});
Deno.test("bufferTestGrow", async () => { const tmp = new Uint8Array(72); for (const startLen of [0, 100, 1000, 10000]) { const xBytes = repeat("x", startLen); for (const growLen of [0, 100, 1000, 10000]) { const buf = new Buffer(xBytes.buffer); // If we read, this affects, which is good to test. const nread = (await ?? 0; buf.grow(growLen); const yBytes = repeat("y", growLen); await buf.write(yBytes); // Check that buffer has correct data. assertEquals( buf.bytes().subarray(0, startLen - nread), xBytes.subarray(nread), ); assertEquals( buf.bytes().subarray(startLen - nread, startLen - nread + growLen), yBytes, ); } }});
Deno.test("testBufferBytesArrayBufferLength", () => { // defaults to copy const args = [undefined, { copy: true }] as const; for (const arg of args) { const bufSize = 64 * 1024; const bytes = new TextEncoder().encode("a".repeat(bufSize)); const reader = new Buffer(); writeAllSync(reader, bytes);
const writer = new Buffer(); writer.readFromSync(reader); const actualBytes = writer.bytes(arg);
assertEquals(actualBytes.byteLength, bufSize); assert(actualBytes.buffer !== writer.bytes(arg).buffer); assertEquals(actualBytes.byteLength, actualBytes.buffer.byteLength); }});
Deno.test("testBufferBytesCopyFalse", () => { const bufSize = 64 * 1024; const bytes = new TextEncoder().encode("a".repeat(bufSize)); const reader = new Buffer(); writeAllSync(reader, bytes);
const writer = new Buffer(); writer.readFromSync(reader); const actualBytes = writer.bytes({ copy: false });
assertEquals(actualBytes.byteLength, bufSize); assertEquals(actualBytes.buffer, writer.bytes({ copy: false }).buffer); assert(actualBytes.buffer.byteLength > actualBytes.byteLength);});
Deno.test("testBufferBytesCopyFalseGrowExactBytes", () => { const bufSize = 64 * 1024; const bytes = new TextEncoder().encode("a".repeat(bufSize)); const reader = new Buffer(); writeAllSync(reader, bytes);
const writer = new Buffer(); writer.grow(bufSize); writer.readFromSync(reader); const actualBytes = writer.bytes({ copy: false });
assertEquals(actualBytes.byteLength, bufSize); assertEquals(actualBytes.buffer.byteLength, actualBytes.byteLength);});