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Deno standard library
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-all// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import * as base64 from "../../encoding/base64.ts";
const home = Deno.env.get("HOME");const root = new URL(".", import.meta.url).pathname;
if (new URL(import.meta.url).protocol === "file:") { // Run in the same directory as this script is located. Deno.chdir(root);} else { console.error("build.ts can only be run locally (from a file: URL)."); Deno.exit(1);}
// 1. Build WASM from Rust.const cargoStatus = await{ cmd: [ "cargo", "build", "--release", "--target", "wasm32-unknown-unknown", ], env: { // eliminate some potential sources of non-determinism SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH: "1600000000", TZ: "UTC", LC_ALL: "C", RUSTFLAGS: `--remap-path-prefix=${root}=. --remap-path-prefix=${home}=~`, },}).status();
if (!cargoStatus.success) { console.error(`Failed to build wasm: ${cargoStatus.code}`); Deno.exit(1);}
// 2. Generated JavaScript bindings for WASM.const bindgenStatus = await{ cmd: [ "wasm-bindgen", "./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/deno_hash.wasm", "--target", "deno", "--weak-refs", "--out-dir", "./out/", ],}).status();
if (!bindgenStatus.success) { console.error(`Failed to generated wasm bindings: ${bindgenStatus.code}`); Deno.exit(1);}
const generatedScript = await Deno.readTextFile("./out/deno_hash.js");const generatedWasm = await Deno.readFile("./out/deno_hash_bg.wasm");
// Replace the lines loading the WASM from an external file with our inlined// copy, to avoid the need for net or read permissions.const inlinedScript = `\ // deno-lint-ignore-file import * as base64 from "../../encoding/base64.ts"; ${ generatedScript.replace( /^const file =.*?;\nconst wasmFile =.*?;\nconst wasmModule =.*?;\n/sm, ` const wasmModule = new WebAssembly.Module(base64.decode("${ base64.encode(generatedWasm).replace(/.{78}/g, "$&\\\n") }"));`, )}
// only exposed for testing export const _wasm = wasm;`;
await Deno.writeFile("wasm.js", new TextEncoder().encode(inlinedScript));
// 4. Format generated code.const fmtStatus = await{ cmd: [ "deno", "fmt", "wasm.js", ],}).status();
if (!fmtStatus.success) { console.error(`Failed to format generated code: ${fmtStatus.code}`); Deno.exit(1);}