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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { assert, assertNotStrictEquals, assertStrictEquals,} from "../testing/asserts.ts";import { spawn } from "./child_process.ts";import { Deferred, deferred } from "../async/deferred.ts";import { isWindows } from "../_util/os.ts";
function withTimeout(timeoutInMS: number): Deferred<void> { const promise = deferred<void>(); const timer = setTimeout(() => { promise.reject("Timeout"); }, timeoutInMS); promise.then(() => { clearTimeout(timer); }); return promise;}
// TODO(uki00a): Once Node.js's `parallel/test-child-process-spawn-error.js` works, this test case should be removed.Deno.test("[node/child_process spawn] The 'error' event is emitted when no binary is found", async () => { const promise = withTimeout(1000); const childProcess = spawn("no-such-cmd"); childProcess.on("error", (_err) => { // TODO Assert an error message. promise.resolve(); }); await promise;});
Deno.test("[node/child_process spawn] The 'exit' event is emitted with an exit code after the child process ends", async () => { const promise = withTimeout(3000); const childProcess = spawn(Deno.execPath(), ["--help"], { env: { NO_COLOR: "true" }, }); try { let exitCode = null; childProcess.on("exit", (code) => { promise.resolve(); exitCode = code; }); await promise; assertStrictEquals(exitCode, 0); assertStrictEquals(childProcess.exitCode, exitCode); } finally { childProcess.kill(); }});
Deno.test({ name: "[node/child_process spawn] Verify that stdin and stdout work", fn: async () => { const promise = withTimeout(3000); const childProcess = spawn(Deno.execPath(), ["fmt", "-"], { env: { NO_COLOR: "true" }, stdio: ["pipe", "pipe"], }); try { assert(childProcess.stdin, "stdin should be defined"); assert(childProcess.stdout, "stdout should be defined"); let data = ""; childProcess.stdout.on("data", (chunk) => { data += chunk; }); childProcess.stdin.write(" console.log('hello')", "utf-8"); childProcess.stdin.end(); childProcess.on("close", () => { promise.resolve(); }); await promise; assertStrictEquals(data, `console.log("hello");\n`); } finally { childProcess.kill(); } },});
/* Start of ported part */// Copyright Joyent and Node contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Ported from Node 15.5.1
// TODO(uki00a): Remove this case once Node's `parallel/test-child-process-spawn-event.js` works.Deno.test("[child_process spawn] 'spawn' event", async () => { const timeout = withTimeout(3000); const subprocess = spawn("echo", ["ok"]);
let didSpawn = false; subprocess.on("spawn", function () { didSpawn = true; });
function mustNotBeCalled() { timeout.reject(new Error("function should not have been called")); }
const promises = [] as Promise<void>[]; function mustBeCalledAfterSpawn() { const promise = deferred<void>(); promises.push(promise); return () => { if (didSpawn) { promise.resolve(); } else { promise.reject( new Error("function should be called after the 'spawn' event"), ); } }; }
subprocess.on("error", mustNotBeCalled); subprocess.stdout!.on("data", mustBeCalledAfterSpawn()); subprocess.stdout!.on("end", mustBeCalledAfterSpawn()); subprocess.stdout!.on("close", mustBeCalledAfterSpawn()); subprocess.stderr!.on("data", mustNotBeCalled); subprocess.stderr!.on("end", mustBeCalledAfterSpawn()); subprocess.stderr!.on("close", mustBeCalledAfterSpawn()); subprocess.on("exit", mustBeCalledAfterSpawn()); subprocess.on("close", mustBeCalledAfterSpawn());
try { await Promise.race([Promise.all(promises), timeout]); timeout.resolve(); } finally { subprocess.kill(); }});
// TODO(uki00a): Remove this case once Node's `parallel/test-child-process-spawn-shell.js` works.Deno.test("[child_process spawn] Verify that a shell is executed", async () => { const promise = withTimeout(3000); const doesNotExist = spawn("does-not-exist", { shell: true }); try { assertNotStrictEquals(doesNotExist.spawnfile, "does-not-exist"); doesNotExist.on("error", () => { promise.reject("The 'error' event must not be emitted."); }); doesNotExist.on("exit", (code, signal) => { assertStrictEquals(signal, null);
if (isWindows) { assertStrictEquals(code, 1); // Exit code of cmd.exe } else { assertStrictEquals(code, 127); // Exit code of /bin/sh }); }
promise.resolve(); }); await promise; } finally { doesNotExist.kill(); }});
// TODO(uki00a): Remove this case once Node's `parallel/test-child-process-spawn-shell.js` works.Deno.test({ ignore: isWindows, name: "[node/child_process spawn] Verify that passing arguments works", async fn() { const promise = withTimeout(3000); const echo = spawn("echo", ["foo"], { shell: true, }); let echoOutput = "";
try { assertStrictEquals( echo.spawnargs[echo.spawnargs.length - 1].replace(/"/g, ""), "echo foo", ); assert(echo.stdout); echo.stdout.on("data", (data) => { echoOutput += data; }); echo.on("close", () => { assertStrictEquals(echoOutput.trim(), "foo"); promise.resolve(); }); await promise; } finally { echo.kill(); } },});
// TODO(uki00a): Remove this case once Node's `parallel/test-child-process-spawn-shell.js` works.Deno.test({ ignore: isWindows, name: "[node/child_process spawn] Verity that shell features can be used", async fn() { const promise = withTimeout(3000); const cmd = "echo bar | cat"; const command = spawn(cmd, { shell: true, }); try { let commandOutput = "";
assert(command.stdout); command.stdout.on("data", (data) => { commandOutput += data; });
command.on("close", () => { assertStrictEquals(commandOutput.trim(), "bar"); promise.resolve(); });
await promise; } finally { command.kill(); } },});
// TODO(uki00a): Remove this case once Node's `parallel/test-child-process-spawn-shell.js` works.Deno.test({ ignore: isWindows, name: "[node/child_process spawn] Verity that environment is properly inherited", async fn() { const promise = withTimeout(3000); const env = spawn( `"${Deno.execPath()}" eval -p "Deno.env.toObject().BAZ"`, { env: { BAZ: "buzz", NO_COLOR: "true" }, shell: true, }, ); try { let envOutput = "";
assert(env.stdout); env.on("error", (err) => promise.reject(err)); env.stdout.on("data", (data) => { envOutput += data; }); env.on("close", () => { assertStrictEquals(envOutput.trim(), "buzz"); promise.resolve(); }); await promise; } finally { env.kill(); } },});/* End of ported part */