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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { _parseAddrFromStr, ConnInfo, listenAndServe, listenAndServeTls, serve, Server,} from "./server.ts";import { mockConn as createMockConn } from "./_mock_conn.ts";import { dirname, fromFileUrl, join, resolve } from "../path/mod.ts";import { readAll, writeAll } from "../streams/conversion.ts";import { deferred, delay } from "../async/mod.ts";import { assert, assertEquals, assertThrows, assertThrowsAsync, unreachable,} from "../testing/asserts.ts";
const moduleDir = dirname(fromFileUrl(import.meta.url));const testdataDir = resolve(moduleDir, "testdata");
type AcceptCallSideEffect = ( { acceptCallCount }: { acceptCallCount: number },) => void | Promise<void>;
class MockListener implements Deno.Listener { conn: Deno.Conn; #closed = false; #rejectionError?: Error; #rejectionCount: number; #acceptCallSideEffect: AcceptCallSideEffect; acceptCallTimes: number[] = []; acceptCallIntervals: number[] = []; acceptCallCount = 0;
constructor( { conn, rejectionError, rejectionCount = Infinity, acceptCallSideEffect = () => {}, }: { conn: Deno.Conn; rejectionError?: Error; rejectionCount?: number; acceptCallSideEffect?: AcceptCallSideEffect; }, ) { this.conn = conn; this.#rejectionError = rejectionError; this.#rejectionCount = rejectionCount; this.#acceptCallSideEffect = acceptCallSideEffect; }
get addr(): Deno.Addr { return this.conn.localAddr; }
get rid(): number { return 4505; }
#shouldReject(): boolean { return typeof this.#rejectionError !== "undefined" && this.acceptCallCount <= this.#rejectionCount; }
async accept(): Promise<Deno.Conn> { if (this.#closed) { throw new Deno.errors.BadResource("MockListener has closed"); }
const now =; this.acceptCallIntervals.push(now - ( ?? now)); this.acceptCallTimes.push(now); this.acceptCallCount++; this.#acceptCallSideEffect({ acceptCallCount: this.acceptCallCount });
await delay(0);
return this.#shouldReject() ? Promise.reject(this.#rejectionError) : Promise.resolve(this.conn); }
close(): void { this.#closed = true; }
async *[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<Deno.Conn> { while (true) { if (this.#closed) { break; }
const now =; this.acceptCallIntervals.push(now - ( ?? now)); this.acceptCallTimes.push(now); this.acceptCallCount++; this.#acceptCallSideEffect({ acceptCallCount: this.acceptCallCount });
await delay(0);
if (this.#shouldReject()) { throw this.#rejectionError; }
yield this.conn; } }}
Deno.test("_parseAddrFromStr should throw an error if the address string is not a valid hostname", () => { assertThrows( () => _parseAddrFromStr("/:/"), TypeError, "Invalid address", );});
Deno.test("_parseAddrFromStr should throw an error if the address string contains a username and password", () => { assertThrows( () => _parseAddrFromStr("username@password:"), TypeError, "Invalid address", );});
Deno.test("_parseAddrFromStr should throw an error if the address string contains a path", () => { assertThrows( () => _parseAddrFromStr(""), TypeError, "Invalid address", );});
Deno.test("_parseAddrFromStr should throw an error if the address string contains query string parameters", () => { assertThrows( () => _parseAddrFromStr(""), TypeError, "Invalid address", );});
Deno.test("_parseAddrFromStr should throw an error if the address string contains a hash parameter", () => { assertThrows( () => _parseAddrFromStr(":"), TypeError, "Invalid address", );});
Deno.test("_parseAddrFromStr should parse port only address strings", () => { const addr = _parseAddrFromStr(":4505"); assertEquals(addr.port, 4505); assertEquals(addr.hostname, "");});
Deno.test("_parseAddrFromStr should parse host only address strings using the default HTTP port", () => { const addr = _parseAddrFromStr(""); assertEquals(addr.port, 80); assertEquals(addr.hostname, "");});
Deno.test("_parseAddrFromStr should parse host only address strings with a provided default port", () => { const addr = _parseAddrFromStr("", 4505); assertEquals(addr.port, 4505); assertEquals(addr.hostname, "");});
Deno.test("_parseAddrFromStr should parse host + port address strings", () => { const addr = _parseAddrFromStr(""); assertEquals(addr.port, 4505); assertEquals(addr.hostname, "");});
Deno.test("_parseAddrFromStr should be able to parse IPV6 address strings", () => { const addr = _parseAddrFromStr("[::1]:4505"); assertEquals(addr.port, 4505); assertEquals(addr.hostname, "[::1]");});
Deno.test("Server.addrs should expose the addresses the server is listening on", async () => { const listenerOneOptions = { hostname: "", port: 4505, }; const listenerTwoOptions = { hostname: "", port: 8080, }; const listenerOne = Deno.listen(listenerOneOptions); const listenerTwo = Deno.listen(listenerTwoOptions);
const addrHostname = ""; const addrPort = 3000; const addr = `${addrHostname}:${addrPort}`; const handler = () => new Response();
const server = new Server({ addr, handler }); const servePromiseOne = server.serve(listenerOne); const servePromiseTwo = server.serve(listenerTwo); const servePromiseThree = server.listenAndServe();
try { assertEquals(server.addrs.length, 3); assertEquals(server.addrs[0].transport, "tcp"); assertEquals( (server.addrs[0] as Deno.NetAddr).hostname, listenerOneOptions.hostname, ); assertEquals( (server.addrs[0] as Deno.NetAddr).port, listenerOneOptions.port, ); assertEquals(server.addrs[1].transport, "tcp"); assertEquals( (server.addrs[1] as Deno.NetAddr).hostname, listenerTwoOptions.hostname, ); assertEquals( (server.addrs[1] as Deno.NetAddr).port, listenerTwoOptions.port, ); assertEquals(server.addrs[2].transport, "tcp"); assertEquals((server.addrs[2] as Deno.NetAddr).hostname, addrHostname); assertEquals((server.addrs[2] as Deno.NetAddr).port, addrPort); } finally { server.close(); await servePromiseOne; await servePromiseTwo; await servePromiseThree; }});
Deno.test("Server.closed should expose whether it is closed", () => { const handler = () => new Response(); const server = new Server({ handler }); try { assertEquals(server.closed, false); } finally { server.close(); assertEquals(server.closed, true); }});
Deno.test("Server.close should throw an error if the server is already closed", () => { const handler = () => new Response(); const server = new Server({ handler }); server.close();
assertThrows( () => server.close(), Deno.errors.Http, "Server closed", );});
Deno.test("Server.serve should throw an error if the server is already closed", async () => { const handler = () => new Response(); const server = new Server({ handler }); server.close();
const listenOptions = { hostname: "localhost", port: 4505, }; const listener = Deno.listen(listenOptions);
await assertThrowsAsync( () => server.serve(listener), Deno.errors.Http, "Server closed", );
try { listener.close(); } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof Deno.errors.BadResource)) { throw error; } }});
Deno.test("Server.listenAndServe should throw an error if the server is already closed", async () => { const handler = () => new Response(); const server = new Server({ handler }); server.close();
await assertThrowsAsync( () => server.listenAndServe(), Deno.errors.Http, "Server closed", );});
Deno.test("Server.listenAndServeTls should throw an error if the server is already closed", async () => { const handler = () => new Response(); const server = new Server({ handler }); server.close();
const certFile = join(testdataDir, "tls/localhost.crt"); const keyFile = join(testdataDir, "tls/localhost.key");
await assertThrowsAsync( () => server.listenAndServeTls(certFile, keyFile), Deno.errors.Http, "Server closed", );});
Deno.test("serve should not throw if abort when the server is already closed", async () => { const listenOptions = { hostname: "localhost", port: 4505, }; const listener = Deno.listen(listenOptions); const handler = () => new Response(); const abortController = new AbortController();
const servePromise = serve(listener, handler, { signal: abortController.signal, });
try { abortController.abort(); } finally { await servePromise; }});
Deno.test("listenAndServe should not throw if abort when the server is already closed", async () => { const addr = "localhost:4505"; const handler = () => new Response(); const abortController = new AbortController();
const servePromise = listenAndServe(addr, handler, { signal: abortController.signal, });
try { abortController.abort(); } finally { await servePromise; }});
Deno.test("listenAndServeTls should not throw if abort when the server is already closed", async () => { const addr = "localhost:4505"; const certFile = join(testdataDir, "tls/localhost.crt"); const keyFile = join(testdataDir, "tls/localhost.key"); const handler = () => new Response(); const abortController = new AbortController();
const servePromise = listenAndServeTls(addr, certFile, keyFile, handler, { signal: abortController.signal, });
try { abortController.abort(); } finally { await servePromise; }});
Deno.test(`Server.serve should handle requests`, async () => { const listenOptions = { hostname: "localhost", port: 4505, }; const listener = Deno.listen(listenOptions);
const url = `http://${listenOptions.hostname}:${listenOptions.port}`; const status = 418; const method = "GET"; const body = `${method}: ${url} - Hello Deno on HTTP!`;
const handler = () => new Response(body, { status });
const server = new Server({ handler }); const servePromise = server.serve(listener);
try { const response = await fetch(url, { method }); assertEquals(await response.text(), body); assertEquals(response.status, status); } finally { server.close(); await servePromise; }});
Deno.test(`Server.listenAndServe should handle requests`, async () => { const addr = "localhost:4505"; const url = `http://${addr}`; const status = 418; const method = "POST"; const body = `${method}: ${url} - Hello Deno on HTTP!`;
const handler = () => new Response(body, { status });
const server = new Server({ addr, handler }); const servePromise = server.listenAndServe();
try { const response = await fetch(url, { method }); assertEquals(await response.text(), body); assertEquals(response.status, status); } finally { server.close(); await servePromise; }});
Deno.test({ // PermissionDenied: Permission denied (os error 13) // Will pass if run as root user. ignore: true, name: `Server.listenAndServe should handle requests on the default HTTP port`, fn: async () => { const addr = "localhost"; const url = `http://${addr}`; const status = 418; const method = "PATCH"; const body = `${method}: ${url} - Hello Deno on HTTP!`;
const handler = () => new Response(body, { status });
const server = new Server({ addr, handler }); const servePromise = server.listenAndServe();
try { const response = await fetch(url, { method }); assertEquals(await response.text(), body); assertEquals(response.status, status); } finally { server.close(); await servePromise; } },});
Deno.test(`Server.listenAndServeTls should handle requests`, async () => { const hostname = "localhost"; const port = 4505; const addr = `${hostname}:${port}`; const certFile = join(testdataDir, "tls/localhost.crt"); const keyFile = join(testdataDir, "tls/localhost.key"); const url = `http://${addr}`; const status = 418; const method = "DELETE"; const body = `${method}: ${url} - Hello Deno on HTTPS!`;
const handler = () => new Response(body, { status });
const server = new Server({ addr, handler }); const servePromise = server.listenAndServeTls(certFile, keyFile);
try { // Invalid certificate, connection should throw on first read or write // but should not crash the server. const badConn = await Deno.connectTls({ hostname, port, // missing certFile });
await assertThrowsAsync( () => Uint8Array(1)), Deno.errors.InvalidData, "invalid certificate: UnknownIssuer", "Read with missing certFile didn't throw an InvalidData error when it should have.", );
// Valid request after invalid const conn = await Deno.connectTls({ hostname, port, certFile: join(testdataDir, "tls/RootCA.pem"), });
await writeAll( conn, new TextEncoder().encode( `${method.toUpperCase()} / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n`, ), );
const response = new TextDecoder().decode(await readAll(conn));
assert( response.includes(`HTTP/1.0 ${status}`), "Status code not correct", ); assert( response.includes(body), "Response body not correct", ); } finally { server.close(); await servePromise; }});
Deno.test({ // PermissionDenied: Permission denied (os error 13) // Will pass if run as root user. ignore: true, name: `Server.listenAndServeTls should handle requests on the default HTTPS port`, fn: async () => { const hostname = "localhost"; const port = 443; const addr = hostname; const certFile = join(testdataDir, "tls/localhost.crt"); const keyFile = join(testdataDir, "tls/localhost.key"); const url = `http://${addr}`; const status = 418; const method = "PUT"; const body = `${method}: ${url} - Hello Deno on HTTPS!`;
const handler = () => new Response(body, { status });
const server = new Server({ addr, handler }); const servePromise = server.listenAndServeTls(certFile, keyFile);
try { // Invalid certificate, connection should throw on first read or write // but should not crash the server. const badConn = await Deno.connectTls({ hostname, port, // missing certFile });
await assertThrowsAsync( () => Uint8Array(1)), Deno.errors.InvalidData, "invalid certificate: UnknownIssuer", "Read with missing certFile didn't throw an InvalidData error when it should have.", );
// Valid request after invalid const conn = await Deno.connectTls({ hostname, port, certFile: join(testdataDir, "tls/RootCA.pem"), });
await writeAll( conn, new TextEncoder().encode( `${method.toUpperCase()} / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n`, ), );
const response = new TextDecoder().decode(await readAll(conn));
assert( response.includes(`HTTP/1.0 ${status}`), "Status code not correct", ); assert( response.includes(body), "Response body not correct", ); } finally { server.close(); await servePromise; } },});
Deno.test(`serve should handle requests`, async () => { const listenOptions = { hostname: "localhost", port: 4505, }; const listener = Deno.listen(listenOptions);
const url = `http://${listenOptions.hostname}:${listenOptions.port}`; const status = 418; const method = "GET"; const body = `${method}: ${url} - Hello Deno on HTTP!`;
const handler = () => new Response(body, { status }); const abortController = new AbortController();
const servePromise = serve(listener, handler, { signal: abortController.signal, });
try { const response = await fetch(url, { method }); assertEquals(await response.text(), body); assertEquals(response.status, status); } finally { abortController.abort(); await servePromise; }});
Deno.test(`listenAndServe should handle requests`, async () => { const addr = "localhost:4505"; const url = `http://${addr}`; const status = 418; const method = "POST"; const body = `${method}: ${url} - Hello Deno on HTTP!`;
const handler = () => new Response(body, { status }); const abortController = new AbortController();
const servePromise = listenAndServe(addr, handler, { signal: abortController.signal, });
try { const response = await fetch(url, { method }); assertEquals(await response.text(), body); assertEquals(response.status, status); } finally { abortController.abort(); await servePromise; }});
Deno.test(`listenAndServe should handle websocket requests`, async () => { const addr = "localhost:4505"; const url = `ws://${addr}`; const message = `${url} - Hello Deno on WebSocket!`;
const abortController = new AbortController();
const servePromise = listenAndServe(addr, (request) => { const { socket, response } = Deno.upgradeWebSocket(request); // Return the received message as it is socket.onmessage = (event) => socket.send(; return response; }, abortController);
const ws = new WebSocket(url); try { ws.onopen = () => ws.send(message); const response = await new Promise((resolve) => { ws.onmessage = (event) => resolve(; }); assertEquals(response, message); } finally { ws.close(); abortController.abort(); await servePromise; }});
Deno.test(`Server.listenAndServeTls should handle requests`, async () => { const hostname = "localhost"; const port = 4505; const addr = `${hostname}:${port}`; const certFile = join(testdataDir, "tls/localhost.crt"); const keyFile = join(testdataDir, "tls/localhost.key"); const url = `http://${addr}`; const status = 418; const method = "PATCH"; const body = `${method}: ${url} - Hello Deno on HTTPS!`;
const handler = () => new Response(body, { status }); const abortController = new AbortController();
const servePromise = listenAndServeTls(addr, certFile, keyFile, handler, { signal: abortController.signal, });
try { // Invalid certificate, connection should throw on first read or write // but should not crash the server. const badConn = await Deno.connectTls({ hostname, port, // missing certFile });
await assertThrowsAsync( () => Uint8Array(1)), Deno.errors.InvalidData, "invalid certificate: UnknownIssuer", "Read with missing certFile didn't throw an InvalidData error when it should have.", );
// Valid request after invalid const conn = await Deno.connectTls({ hostname, port, certFile: join(testdataDir, "tls/RootCA.pem"), });
await writeAll( conn, new TextEncoder().encode( `${method.toUpperCase()} / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n`, ), );
const response = new TextDecoder().decode(await readAll(conn));
assert( response.includes(`HTTP/1.0 ${status}`), "Status code not correct", ); assert( response.includes(body), "Response body not correct", ); } finally { abortController.abort(); await servePromise; }});
Deno.test("Server should not reject when the listener is closed (though the server will continually try and fail to accept connections on the listener until it is closed)", async () => { const listener = Deno.listen({ port: 4505 }); const handler = () => new Response(); const server = new Server({ handler }); listener.close();
let servePromise;
try { servePromise = server.serve(listener); await delay(10); } finally { server.close(); await servePromise; }});
Deno.test("Server should not reject when there is a tls handshake with tcp corruption", async () => { const conn = createMockConn(); const rejectionError = new Deno.errors.InvalidData( "test-tcp-corruption-error", ); const listener = new MockListener({ conn, rejectionError }); const handler = () => new Response(); const server = new Server({ handler });
let servePromise;
try { servePromise = server.serve(listener); await delay(10); } finally { server.close(); await servePromise; }});
Deno.test("Server should not reject when the tls session is aborted", async () => { const conn = createMockConn(); const rejectionError = new Deno.errors.ConnectionReset( "test-tls-session-aborted-error", ); const listener = new MockListener({ conn, rejectionError }); const handler = () => new Response(); const server = new Server({ handler });
let servePromise;
try { servePromise = server.serve(listener); await delay(10); } finally { server.close(); await servePromise; }});
Deno.test("Server should not reject when the socket is closed", async () => { const conn = createMockConn(); const rejectionError = new Deno.errors.NotConnected( "test-socket-closed-error", ); const listener = new MockListener({ conn, rejectionError }); const handler = () => new Response(); const server = new Server({ handler });
let servePromise;
try { servePromise = server.serve(listener); await delay(10); } finally { server.close(); await servePromise; }});
Deno.test("Server should implement a backoff delay when accepting a connection throws an expected error and reset the backoff when successfully accepting a connection again", async () => { // acceptDelay(n) = 5 * 2^n for n=0...7 capped at 1000 afterwards. const expectedBackoffDelays = [5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1000, 1000]; const rejectionCount = expectedBackoffDelays.length;
let resolver: (value: unknown) => void;
// Construct a promise we know will only resolve after listener.accept() has // been called enough times to assert on our expected backoff delays, i.e. // the number of rejections + 1 success. const expectedBackoffDelaysCompletedPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { resolver = resolve; });
const acceptCallSideEffect = ( { acceptCallCount }: { acceptCallCount: number }, ) => { if (acceptCallCount > rejectionCount + 1) { resolver(undefined); } };
const conn = createMockConn(); const rejectionError = new Deno.errors.NotConnected( "test-socket-closed-error", );
const listener = new MockListener({ conn, rejectionError, rejectionCount, acceptCallSideEffect, });
const handler = () => new Response(); const server = new Server({ handler }); const servePromise = server.serve(listener);
// Wait for all the expected failures / backoff periods to have completed. await expectedBackoffDelaysCompletedPromise;
server.close(); await servePromise;
listener.acceptCallIntervals.shift(); console.log("\n Accept call intervals vs expected backoff intervals:"); console.table( col, i, ) => [col, expectedBackoffDelays[i] ?? "<1000, reset"]), );
// Assert that the time between the accept calls is greater than or equal to // the expected backoff delay. for (let i = 0; i < rejectionCount; i++) { assertEquals( listener.acceptCallIntervals[i] >= expectedBackoffDelays[i], true, ); }
// Assert that the backoff delay has been reset following successfully // accepting a connection, i.e. it doesn't remain at 1000ms. assertEquals(listener.acceptCallIntervals[rejectionCount] < 1000, true);});
Deno.test("Server should reject if the listener throws an unexpected error accepting a connection", async () => { const conn = createMockConn(); const rejectionError = new Error("test-unexpected-error"); const listener = new MockListener({ conn, rejectionError }); const handler = () => new Response(); const server = new Server({ handler }); await assertThrowsAsync( () => server.serve(listener), Error, rejectionError.message, );});
Deno.test("Server should not reject when the connection is closed before the message is complete", async () => { const listenOptions = { hostname: "localhost", port: 4505, }; const listener = Deno.listen(listenOptions);
const onRequest = deferred(); const postRespondWith = deferred();
const handler = async () => { onRequest.resolve();
await delay(0);
try { return new Response("test-response"); } finally { postRespondWith.resolve(); } };
const server = new Server({ handler }); const servePromise = server.serve(listener);
const conn = await Deno.connect(listenOptions);
await writeAll( conn, new TextEncoder().encode( `GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n`, ), );
await onRequest; conn.close();
await postRespondWith; server.close();
await servePromise;});
Deno.test("Server should not reject when the handler throws", async () => { const listenOptions = { hostname: "localhost", port: 4505, }; const listener = Deno.listen(listenOptions);
const postRespondWith = deferred();
const handler = () => { try { throw new Error("test-error"); } finally { postRespondWith.resolve(); } };
const server = new Server({ handler }); const servePromise = server.serve(listener);
const conn = await Deno.connect(listenOptions);
await writeAll( conn, new TextEncoder().encode( `GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n`, ), );
await postRespondWith; conn.close(); server.close(); await servePromise;});
Deno.test("Server should be able to parse IPV6 addresses", async () => { const addr = "[::1]:4505"; const url = `http://${addr}`; const method = "GET"; const status = 418; const body = `${method}: ${url} - Hello Deno on HTTP!`;
const handler = () => new Response(body, { status }); const abortController = new AbortController();
const servePromise = listenAndServe(addr, handler, { signal: abortController.signal, });
try { const response = await fetch(url, { method }); assertEquals(await response.text(), body); assertEquals(response.status, status); } finally { abortController.abort(); await servePromise; }});
Deno.test("Server.serve can be called multiple times", async () => { const listenerOneOptions = { hostname: "localhost", port: 4505, }; const listenerTwoOptions = { hostname: "localhost", port: 8080, }; const listenerOne = Deno.listen(listenerOneOptions); const listenerTwo = Deno.listen(listenerTwoOptions);
const handler = (_request: Request, connInfo: ConnInfo) => { if ((connInfo.localAddr as Deno.NetAddr).port === listenerOneOptions.port) { return new Response("Hello listener one!"); } else if ( (connInfo.localAddr as Deno.NetAddr).port === listenerTwoOptions.port ) { return new Response("Hello listener two!"); }
unreachable(); };
const server = new Server({ handler }); const servePromiseOne = server.serve(listenerOne); const servePromiseTwo = server.serve(listenerTwo);
try { const responseOne = await fetch( `http://${listenerOneOptions.hostname}:${listenerOneOptions.port}`, ); assertEquals(await responseOne.text(), "Hello listener one!");
const responseTwo = await fetch( `http://${listenerTwoOptions.hostname}:${listenerTwoOptions.port}`, ); assertEquals(await responseTwo.text(), "Hello listener two!"); } finally { server.close(); await servePromiseOne; await servePromiseTwo; }});
Deno.test("Server.listenAndServe should throw if called multiple times", async () => { const handler = () => unreachable();
const server = new Server({ addr: ":4505", handler }); const servePromise = server.listenAndServe();
try { assertThrowsAsync(() => server.listenAndServe(), Deno.errors.AddrInUse); } finally { server.close(); await servePromise; }});
Deno.test("Server.listenAndServeTls should throw if called multiple times", async () => { const handler = () => unreachable();
const certFile = join(testdataDir, "tls/localhost.crt"); const keyFile = join(testdataDir, "tls/localhost.key");
const server = new Server({ addr: ":4505", handler }); const servePromise = server.listenAndServeTls(certFile, keyFile);
try { assertThrowsAsync( () => server.listenAndServeTls(certFile, keyFile), Deno.errors.AddrInUse, ); } finally { server.close(); await servePromise; }});
Deno.test("Handler is called with the request instance and connection information", async () => { const hostname = ""; const port = 4505; const addr = `${hostname}:${port}`;
let receivedRequest: Request; let receivedConnInfo: ConnInfo;
const handler = (request: Request, connInfo: ConnInfo) => { receivedRequest = request; receivedConnInfo = connInfo;
return new Response("Hello Deno!"); };
const server = new Server({ addr, handler }); const servePromise = server.listenAndServe();
const url = `http://${addr}/`;
try { const response = await fetch(url); await response.text();
assertEquals(receivedRequest!.url, url); assertEquals(receivedConnInfo!.localAddr.transport, "tcp"); assertEquals( (receivedConnInfo!.localAddr as Deno.NetAddr).hostname, hostname, ); assertEquals((receivedConnInfo!.localAddr as Deno.NetAddr).port, port); assertEquals(receivedConnInfo!.remoteAddr.transport, "tcp"); assertEquals( (receivedConnInfo!.remoteAddr as Deno.NetAddr).hostname, hostname, ); } finally { server.close(); await servePromise; }});