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Deno standard library
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import { gunzip } from "";import { Untar } from "../../archive/tar.ts";import { walk } from "../../fs/walk.ts";import { basename, dirname, fromFileUrl, join, resolve,} from "../../path/mod.ts";import { ensureFile } from "../../fs/ensure_file.ts";import { config, ignoreList } from "./common.ts";import { Buffer } from "../../io/buffer.ts";import { copy, readAll, writeAll } from "../../streams/conversion.ts";import { downloadFile } from "../../_util/download_file.ts";
/** * This script will download and extract the test files specified in the * configuration file * * It will delete any previous tests unless they are specified on the `ignore` * section of the configuration file * * Usage: `deno run --allow-read --allow-net --allow-write setup.ts` */
const NODE_URL = "";const NODE_FILE = "node-vNODE_VERSION";const NODE_ARCHIVE_FILE = `${NODE_FILE}.tar.gz`;const NATIVE_NODE_TESTS_FOLDER = "/test";
/** URL for the download */const url = `${NODE_URL}/${NODE_ARCHIVE_FILE}`.replaceAll( "NODE_VERSION", config.nodeVersion,);/** Local archive's url location */const archivePath = join( config.versionsFolder, NODE_ARCHIVE_FILE.replaceAll("NODE_VERSION", config.nodeVersion),);/** Local decompressed source's location */const decompressedSourcePath = join( config.versionsFolder, NODE_FILE.replaceAll("NODE_VERSION", config.nodeVersion),);
function checkConfigTestFilesOrder(testFileLists: Array<string[]>) { for (const testFileList of testFileLists) { const sortedTestList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(testFileList)); sortedTestList.sort(); if (JSON.stringify(testFileList) !== JSON.stringify(sortedTestList)) { throw new Error( `File names in \`config.json\` are not correct order.`, ); } }}
checkConfigTestFilesOrder([ ...Object.keys(config.ignore).map((suite) => config.ignore[suite]), ...Object.keys(config.tests).map((suite) => config.tests[suite]),]);
async function clearTests() { console.log("Cleaning up previous tests");
const files = walk( fromFileUrl(new URL(config.suitesFolder, import.meta.url)), { includeDirs: false, skip: ignoreList, }, );
for await (const file of files) { await Deno.remove(file.path); }}
async function decompressTests(archivePath: string) { console.log(`Decompressing ${basename(archivePath)}...`);
const compressedFile = await new URL(archivePath, import.meta.url), { read: true }, );
const buffer = new Buffer(gunzip(await readAll(compressedFile))); Deno.close(compressedFile.rid);
const tar = new Untar(buffer); const outFolder = dirname(fromFileUrl(new URL(archivePath, import.meta.url))); const testsFolder = `${NODE_FILE}${NATIVE_NODE_TESTS_FOLDER}`.replace( "NODE_VERSION", config.nodeVersion, );
for await (const entry of tar) { if (entry.type !== "file") continue; if (!entry.fileName.startsWith(testsFolder)) continue; const path = join(outFolder, entry.fileName); await ensureFile(path); const file = await, { create: true, truncate: true, write: true, }); await copy(entry, file); file.close(); }}
/** * This will iterate over test list defined in the configuration file and test the * passed file against it. If a match were to be found, it will return the test * suite specified for that file */function getRequestedFileSuite(file: string): string | undefined { for (const suite in config.tests) { for (const regex of config.tests[suite]) { if (new RegExp("^" + regex).test(file)) { return suite; } } }}
async function copyTests(filePath: string): Promise<void> { console.log("Copying test files..."); const path = join( fromFileUrl(new URL(filePath, import.meta.url)), NATIVE_NODE_TESTS_FOLDER, ); const suitesFolder = fromFileUrl( new URL(config.suitesFolder, import.meta.url), ); for await (const entry of walk(path, { skip: ignoreList })) { const suite = getRequestedFileSuite(; if (!suite) continue;
const destPath = resolve( suitesFolder, suite, basename(, ); await ensureFile(destPath); const destFile = await, { create: true, truncate: true, write: true, }); const srcFile = await join(path, suite,, { read: true }, ); // This will allow CI to pass without checking linting and formatting // on the test suite files, removing the need to maintain that as well await writeAll( destFile, new TextEncoder().encode( "// deno-fmt-ignore-file\n// deno-lint-ignore-file\n" + "\n// Copyright Joyent and Node contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license.\n" + `// Taken from Node ${config.nodeVersion}\n` + '// This file is automatically generated by "node/_tools/setup.ts". Do not modify this file manually\n\n', ), ); await copy(srcFile, destFile); srcFile.close(); destFile.close(); }}
let shouldDownload = false;try { Deno.lstatSync(new URL(archivePath, import.meta.url)); while (true) { const r = (prompt(`File "${archivePath}" found, use file? Y/N:`) ?? "") .trim() .toUpperCase(); if (r === "Y") { break; } else if (r === "N") { shouldDownload = true; break; } else { console.log(`Unexpected: "${r}"`); } }} catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)) { throw e; } shouldDownload = true;}
if (shouldDownload) { console.log(`Downloading ${url} in path "${archivePath}" ...`); await downloadFile(url, new URL(archivePath, import.meta.url)); console.log(`Downloaded: ${url} into ${archivePath}`);}
let shouldDecompress = false;try { const p = new URL(decompressedSourcePath, import.meta.url); Deno.lstatSync(p); while (true) { const r = (prompt( `Decompressed file "${decompressedSourcePath}" found, use file? Y/N:`, ) ?? "").trim() .toUpperCase(); if (r === "Y") { break; } else if (r === "N") { shouldDecompress = true; break; } else { console.log(`Unexpected: "${r}"`); } }} catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)) { throw e; } shouldDecompress = true;}
if (shouldDecompress) { await decompressTests(archivePath);}
await clearTests();await copyTests(decompressedSourcePath);