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Deno standard library
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import { join } from "../../path/mod.ts";
/** * The test suite matches the folders inside the `test` folder inside the * node repo * * Each test suite contains a list of files (which can be paths * or a regex to match) that will be pulled from the node repo */type TestSuites = Record<string, string[]>;
interface Config { nodeVersion: string; /** Ignored files won't regenerated by the update script */ ignore: TestSuites; /** * The files that will be run by the test suite * * The files to be generated with the update script must be listed here as well, * but they won't be regenerated if they are listed in the `ignore` configuration */ tests: TestSuites; suitesFolder: string; versionsFolder: string;}
export const config: Config = JSON.parse( await Deno.readTextFile(new URL("./config.json", import.meta.url)),);
export const ignoreList = Object.entries(config.ignore).reduce( (total: RegExp[], [suite, paths]) => { paths.forEach((path) => total.push(new RegExp(join(suite, path)))); return total; }, [],);
export const testList = Object.entries(config.tests).reduce( (total: RegExp[], [suite, paths]) => { paths.forEach((path) => total.push(new RegExp(join(suite, path)))); return total; }, [],);