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// Copyright Node.js contributors. All rights reserved. MIT License.import finished from "./end_of_stream.ts";import Readable from "./readable.ts";import Transform from "./transform.ts";import Writable from "./writable.ts";import { mustCall } from "../_utils.ts";import { assert, fail } from "../../testing/asserts.ts";import { deferred, delay } from "../../async/mod.ts";
Deno.test("Finished appends to Readable correctly", async () => { const rs = new Readable({ read() {}, });
const [finishedExecution, finishedCb] = mustCall((err) => { assert(!err); });
finished(rs, finishedCb);
rs.push(null); rs.resume();
await finishedExecution;});
Deno.test("Finished appends to Writable correctly", async () => { const ws = new Writable({ write(_data, _enc, cb) { cb(); }, });
const [finishedExecution, finishedCb] = mustCall((err) => { assert(!err); });
finished(ws, finishedCb);
await finishedExecution;});
// FIXME(bartlomieju):Deno.test({ name: "Finished appends to Transform correctly", ignore: true, fn: async () => { const tr = new Transform({ transform(_data, _enc, cb) { cb(); }, });
let finish = false; let ended = false;
tr.on("end", () => { ended = true; });
tr.on("finish", () => { finish = true; });
const [finishedExecution, finishedCb] = mustCall((err) => { assert(!err); assert(finish); assert(ended); });
finished(tr, finishedCb);
tr.end(); tr.resume();
await finishedExecution; },});
Deno.test("The function returned by Finished clears the listeners", async () => { const finishedExecution = deferred();
const ws = new Writable({ write(_data, _env, cb) { cb(); }, });
const removeListener = finished(ws, () => { finishedExecution.reject(); }); removeListener(); ws.end();
await Promise.race([ delay(100), finishedExecution, ]) .catch(() => fail("Finished was executed"));});